I am currently doing research for a story and am trying to find some series/movies/documentaries about firefighters. Please help! 

Already created a topic in the rec forum for Asian recommendations, but non Asian ones are more than welcome as well!! ^-^
Feel free to give me Asian recommendations as well here: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/recommendation-forum/33798-firefighter-related-drama-s-movies

Doesn't have to be spoken in English, as long as there are English or Dutch subs. :) Dutch spoken stuff is welcome as well obviously lol. Disaster movies which include firefighters somewhere in the story are fine as well! The sky is the limit! Sorta... :p 

What I already found on TV/in my local library: 

  • Fireproof
  • Station 19
  • Alfa Papa Tango
  • Chicago Fire
  • The Towering Inferno
  • World Trade Center
  • Some 9/11 documentaries:
    • 11/9
    • 102 Minutes That Changed America

Along with the Gods & Naked Fireman

You should check these two out. the lead/major character in both of them are firefighters.

Seonsaeng Community Manager

What about The Tower (2012)?

Ladder 49 is good too, but it's American.


What about The Tower (2012)?

Ladder 49 is good too, but it's American.

I've seen both a long time ago and got The Tower again from the library but didn't list it cause it's Asian lol. 

My library's supposed to have Ladder 49 as well but apparently there's some kind of issue with it (they just moved to a new building last week...) so sadly it's currently "unavailable". Don't have it on TV either. T.T 


Along with the Gods & Naked Fireman

You should check these two out. the lead/major character in both of them are firefighters.

Got both of those written down already, but didn't list them here cause they're Asian. Thanks anyway~ ^-^

Netflix has a docuseries titled Fire Chasers
and maybe also check out 2017 film Only the Brave.

the others I know are mostly asians. And I think these is the non-asia section, So i will probably not list them down


Netflix has a docuseries titled Fire Chasers
and maybe also check out 2017 film Only the Brave.

the others I know are mostly asians. And I think these is the non-asia section, So i will probably not list them down

My dad doesn't want to get netflix cause "We'll watch even more tv then!" (My sister and I barely watch tv lol so what he actually means "I'll watch even more tv then" XD). But I think I found it online. It only has 4 episodes right? 

Only the Brave - noted ✓

I actually made a topic in the asian rec section as well so feel free to drop them there. ^-^