It's not an open ending.

It just shows you, Chang Ge didn't become a pregnant little house wife, barefoot at the stove, cooking lamb dinner.
She's still same old Chang Ge,
A'sun is Tegin again.
Sun likes to send his eagle to keep track of is woman, as she likes trouble.
He's close enough to go help her out, should she actually need it.

She's dressed in travel clothing, and she's looking towards the horizon, adventure waiting? sheep? the Eagle Division camp?
He calls her a wild horse, so he lets her roam, because he loves her.

I mean.

I know all we get is a shot of A'sun spying on Chang Ge, with an eagle, all in the Grasslands.
But you have to look at their clothing for clues, location and what they promised each other.
He's in one comic panel frame,
She's just in the panel below him.
It's a comic frame POV.
The eagle is flying between the two panels of the comic book scene.

His clothing means; Tegin, Ashile Sun.
He only wears this as official Tegin.

Her clothing means, she's off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!?

There's adventure on the horizon, and she's not ready to be a mother yet.
So, let's wreck the Grasslands, like she once did Chang'an?

One thing is for sure,
Life is never, ever boring.

She also gets to see Sun bathing, as naked as the Gods created him,  in that pond,
lucky cow..

"She also gets to Sun bathing, as naked as the God created him, in that pond"- Everything was fine until this sentence arrived.

Had me crack up bad xD

 Johanna Linnea Karlsson:
lucky cow..

I felt that to the depth of my soul. Possibly the first time I am actually envious of a fictional character

Great way to close; thanks. I do hope they release deleted scenes somewhere eventually. Maybe even an alternative ending instead of the cartoon. 

Lol, why would people tag it as an Open Ending? It's a very obvious Happy Ending, and of course our couple gets to be together, they promised each other, and besides, Changge still needs to fulfill Sun's 3rd requirement!! ;) ;)


Lol, why would people tag it as an Open Ending? It's a very obvious Happy Ending, and of course our couple gets to be together, they promised each other, and besides, Changge still needs to fulfill Sun's 3rd requirement!! ;) ;)

true! His 3rd requirement might be to marry him 🤭


true! His 3rd requirement might be to marry him 🤭

It was too sexy to say in the show.
he implies babies.

so, FL and ML it will have separated ways in the final episode, even they are still loving each together........ ??

 arni gamexeon:

so, FL and ML it will have separated ways in the final episode, even they are still loving each together........ ??

How did you draw that conclusion.


true! His 3rd requirement might be to marry him ?

They have a common law marriage, parents are dead, so they won't marry like traditional people of Tang.
He implies he wants to put babies in her, he's not being very innocent about this.

 Johanna Linnea Karlsson:

How did you draw that conclusion.

because, both of them, in the final episode , there is no scene at all about that they have living together forever, even they are married or not married in the ending from storyine of this tv series........

 arni gamexeon:

because, both of them, in the final episode , there is no scene at all about that they have living together forever, even they are married or not married in the ending from storyine of this tv series........ 

Did you miss the spirit tablet interactions?
He proposes to the only one who matters, her mother.
Chang Ge then finds it, and she tells her mother
'I see, he's already been here'
She makes the toasts;
'For your daughter getting married'
'For A'sun'

'I'm going to go rescue the man I love, you would support me, wouldn't you?'

They agree, sitting on the tree branch, they can never be traditionally married, because their parents are dead, but the vows they've taken, to each other, are enough.
His third wish, by his eyes sweeping over her, is babies, but he says 'we have time'.
She tells him she read his proposal letter, he freezes in shock, he asks her what she thinks, and she says as long as they're together, that's all that matters, and he agrees, relieved she will have him.

These things aren't in the final scene, but earlier, they already have a common law marriage.
Everyone who knows them, acknowledge A'sun as her spouse, even her Shifu, calls him his in-law. Which means, Master is related to A'sun through marriage of his disciple.

In the final episode they actually are together, just after Chang Ge turns into her comic self, right below it, is Chang Ge and A'sun together, in a panel.

This couple isn't very verbose.
Things aren't just communicated through words, but actions.
This drama assumes you caught A'sun's proposal, he gave his reasons to marry her, his vows to both Chang Ge and her mother.
Chang Ge puts up the same display, calling herself to be A'sun's wife, to her mother.
The drama assumes you catch these things, and understand the significance of it.
These are two people who don't easily speak love, but here they are, being at their most honest, in front of her mother.

sorry, u still dont explained about why there is no scene at all in final episode, that the FL and ML are still loving and living together forever, that panel comic its very weird, doesnt make sense at all....... why the ML still using his general uniform and FL are using commoner suit.....

her last wish in front of both generals from tang dynasty, she never mention to still going living together forever with the ML..........

my point of view, both of them is going to separated way with unknown reason, even they are still in love of each other.......

 arni gamexeon:

sorry, u still dont explained about why there is no scene at all in final episode, that the FL and ML are still loving and living together forever, that panel comic its very weird, doesnt make sense at all....... why the ML still using his general uniform and FL are using commoner suit.....

her last wish in front of both generals from tang dynasty, she never mention to still going living together forever with the ML..........

my point of view, both of them is going to separated way with unknown reason, even they are still in love of each other.......

Yes, she does mention going off with A'sun, to the two generals.
She tells Li Jing, to tell the emperor to erase them from the history books,to be as if they never existed, because they want to be able to go away, and never to be bothered by the wrong kind of people again.
Her Shifu says he took a second disciple, he then looks right at A'sun, because we know you won't have time to truly master this swordmanship anymore.
Shifu isn't calling A'sun his disciple-in-law for nothing.

The Eagles were assembled again to defeat Khatun, and A'sun promised his dad, he would take care of him always. Him as Tegin means he is running the Khaganate or the Eagles, for his dad, who is bed ridden.
She's in her wanderlust clothes, she's either exploring the grasslands, patrolling or looking for adventure, because he said they had time for children later on.
A'sun's Eagle is right there with her.
He literally sends the Eagle to look for her, you watch him do this.

You're ignoring everything done and said in the final episodes of this drama, because you can't see them holding hands, walking into the sunset as the final scene.
The final scene shows her independence, she was always independent, to the point where A'sun had to use up a wish, to ask her to please allow him to be the man who protects her.

Leyan and Haodu is your normal couple, with their normal couple things, doing everything by the book, because she has to.
They made up Leyan to give us the typical female lead, because our lead is so unusual and non-conformist. Some people really need Leyan, not only as a contrast, but for a straight forward romance that we already know well.

A'sun and Chang Ge are free, they are not bound by society or by the throne, she comes and goes as she wishes, he specifically told her 'I know you're a wild horse, I will never try to hold you down or stop you', so he doesn't, she run free as much as she likes, because the third wish of children, doesn't have to be fulfilled yet, because they HAVE TIME.
No more wars, means EVERYONE gets to have the time, to take the time, to do whatever it is they want to do.

She's not in Tang,not only because of the fact that she's stood in grasslands and wearing clothing not nice enough for Tang, but because she already turned her uncle down.
He offered her a new identity, A'sun as well, but she said No.

That's not to say she doesn't visit her mother, in Tang, quite often, or that she doesn't trade there, because naturally she would.
She just doesn't live tied together to A'sun, and he doesn't live tied together to her either.
It's the same exact way as they've been the whole drama.
They love each other now, they are each other's spouse, but they aren't attached at the hip, they never changed, that's why they will work as a couple, because they understand each others needs.

I understand that you're a visual processor, but you have all the evidence already.
They aren't gonna ride off into the sunset, because that's not their kind of happy ever after.

She just doesn't live tied together to A'sun, and he doesn't live tied together to her either.
It's the same exact way as they've been the whole drama.
They love each other now, they are each other's spouse, but they aren't attached at the hip, they never changed, that's why they will work as a couple, because they understand each others needs. 

**** You are here only trying to obscure and / or disguise the fact, that the male lead and female lead at the end of the story, cannot be united as a pair of lovers in general, regardless of ethnicity, married or not, there should be a scene of the final story, they are have lived together forever ...

that's everything you tell, the point is both of them, although they still love each other, but have separated at the end of the story ... there is no happy end ...