I was wondering if anybody knows of a Korean drama the settings of which are before 1900 and most or at least half of the actions are happening in Europe, US or even middle east?

@Meg is that even possible? if it's korean and before 1900 then wouldn't it be the time when they didnt' (or COULDN'T) travel outside of asia??? The farthest they'd go was probably china, japan -- u know, Manchuria... :0
I was asking in case there is something like that, but I thought it'd be tough, I for one never heard of it.
Perhaps the word historical is wrong here too, because I meant costumed in the style before 1900 and takes places in particular locations, it doesn't have to be about a particular significant event in history and could be completely fictional. For example like King and I musical/movie, but the other way around somebody from Asia travels to say Europe. I think it's probably also tougher, because I specified that it has to be Korean, that's just because I prefer Kdramas. 
I think it's also a question of budget. They would need to rent a place which looks like old Europe (or other continent) and hire lots of foreigners actors. That's quite difficult.
There are still some dramas close to what you're looking for :
- Queen Seon Deok: When she's young, she travels with marchants. At some point, I think she is in middle East. But that's only for a few episodes.
- Tamra, the Island: The story is about a European man in old Korea.
It is quite tough. Here's an upcoming 2018 K-drama you should keep an eye on: http://mydramalist.com/23920-mr.-sunshin
Ok, thank you! I will definitely look out for it!
saimdang, spends time in europe in the 1800s