
The idea that a private website should allow them to is just as childish, as is the idea that everyone should be interested in reading their thoughts. But that's why we have this suggestion board that lets us vote, isn't it?  Because it's not about my personal preferences, OR YOURS. 

sure, but you provided extremely bad way of solving a tiny issue, which you could solve literally by just blocking said users and not seeing their comments again. Most long comments are not just reviews posted as comments, but longer chats and analysis of specific aspects of the show. So what you want to do is limit everyone's expression because on a few users (in the scale of the whole website) who posts their comments even tho in your opinion these should be posted as reviews. 

You're just repeating the same bs opinion posted plenty of times above.  If you don't have anything new to add, move on, and have a great day.


You're just repeating the same bs opinion posted plenty of times above.  If you don't have anything new to add, move on, and have a great day.

ah yes, because you provided so many good reasons to have limit on comments' length. All i see is "I don't want to read it, so everyone on the website should not be able to write them" ?


sure, but you provided extremely bad way of solving a tiny issue, which you could solve literally by just blocking said users and not seeing their comments again. Most long comments are not just reviews posted as comments, but longer chats and analysis of specific aspects of the show. So what you want to do is limit everyone's expression because on a few users (in the scale of the whole website) who posts their comments even tho in your opinion these should be posted as reviews. 

I'd totally agree with this sentiment if there weren't a limit on the number of users you could block and if the functionality of blocking were improved.

Also, whether the long comments are or aren't reviews, I don't think the comments section is the right place for them. Limiting the word count on comments doesn't really limit everyone's expression because they can still leave these long comments elsewhere - e.g. the reviews, discussions, feeds, or even the forums right? I also think good analysis and thoughtful responses get buried in the comment section, especially on popular and currently airing shows.

If we're talking about limiting people's expression, I think the comments section already does that. If you have an unpopular opinion and share it in the comments section you can get bombarded with attacks. It's the most accessible place to talk about a show but it's also the most prone to abuse. I've even reported users for name-calling and attacking each other only to come back weeks later and find the comments still there. I personally avoid participating in the comments section because of these reasons, but I'd be astonished if there was anyone who cared that my expression was being limited or other users like me.

Honestly, I'm not in favor of limiting the word count for comments. I think introducing a "see more" feature, as suggested by burhaa aadmi, would be a sufficient solution. Improving the block function and allowing users to delete replies to their comments would also contribute to solving this problem and many others, at least from my limited perspective.

There is no rule that says comment section is not there for people to write long comments, some people have this way of expressing themselves and I don't see one objective reason for there to be a word limit except for few users saying they don't want to read these comments. But no one forces them to read them. 

And it's not quite fair to compare a website limiting ways of people expressing themselves to users arguing in comment section as if these are comparable. 

The see more option would be great. That's not what OP suggested. I was replying strictly to their opinion that there should be word limit because they are not interested in reading long comments. 

I didn't say there was such a rule, did I? And again, I don't really see how limiting the word count of the comments section limits the expression of these users. They can still share their thoughts, reactions, and analysis of the shows on MDL can't they?

There might not be an objective reason for limiting the word count, but counterarguments provided in this thread aren't objective either. I don't think this is surprising considering the no one here can prove what effect introducing OP's suggestion will have on the site.

I get that there's a difference between users who voluntarily restrict themselves and users being subjected to site-wide imposed restrictions, but I don't think it's unfair to point out that whether we impose restrictions on the comments section or not some users "freedom of expression" is being limited.

Frankly, I chose to reply to you instead of OP because I thought it'd be more productive. I felt safer putting my 2 cents out there that way.

I strongly disagree. I'm one of those people who occasionally writes really long comments, but it's typically because of a specific element or moment in a drama that I have thoughts/feelings about but that wouldn't be necessary to talk about in a review. Or maybe the drama has made me pontificate on a particular theme, and I might touch on it in a review, but it would be way too much to put all of my thoughts in a review, since I still want my reviews to touch on the drama as a whole. (And my drama reviews already can run kind of long at times. (I have a lot of feelings, lol.)) Or maybe I disagree with other commenters thoughts about a drama or a particular element of a drama, and I want to share my perspective. There really are lots of legitimate reasons for someone to write a long comment, many of which are harmless and not about ego or getting into arguments.

 burhaa aadmi:

This post hiighlights the need for suggestions to have a specific downvote option, so that bad ideas don't get carried simply because there is no mechanisim for counting those against.  A more practical (and less controlling) option would be a "hide/expand" button. Used on many, many web forums, it shows only the first paragraph or 2 of a comment, and readers then can choose to press the "expand/reveal" button to see the rest if they wish to. 

I agree with this. I can certainly understand how super long comments (mine included, lol) can get annoying. But I think a hide/expand option is a much better idea.