I want to make a list of actors who were born on the same day that I.

You can check on the main page on the day of your birthday lmao


You can check on the main page on the day of your birthday lmao

It's going to take a while lol

Just make sure to come back everyday!


It's going to take a while lol

ikr i only have a month to go :)))

lol there needs to be site like this forother nationalities as this seems to have only british and american

used my bday as an example


but that's a cool idea to add.


ikr i only have a month to go :)))

My birthday will only be at the end of august....

Yeah, I think that's the only way to see it though. Or perhaps try googling things like "Korean (or other nationality) actors born in ____"  And then you can search their names on here to compile a list.