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Can I ask on posting schedules whether we should post the normal schedule or VIP (which is my accelerated)? On Sweet First Love the VIP schedule was used and I don't think that is true for most people even though I am a WeTV VIP.  What is the general rule we should follow?  I wanted to ask BEFORE I changed the schedule..

xxmai Volunteer Staff

Can I ask on posting schedules whether we should post the normal schedule or VIP (which is my accelerated)? On Sweet First Love the VIP schedule was used and I don't think that is true for most people even though I am a WeTV VIP.  What is the general rule we should follow?  I wanted to ask BEFORE I changed the schedule..

You should've opened a separate topic for this question, as this is not the topic to ask this, but to answer your question, the schedule should follow the first schedule of when the series aired, which in most cases happens to the the VIP version. If you follow the other regular airing schedule, then the people who already watched the show with their VIP subscription can't mark the series completed and have to wait for the regular schedule to finish before they can mark it done, and that can be months later.
I hope that clears up the misunderstanding. ^^