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Ashes of Love chinese drama review
Ashes of Love
44 people found this review helpful
by MysteryMel-Bookish
Sep 25, 2018
63 of 63 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 6.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
Story: interesting yet classical divine gods having spats over women and power. With standard evil women -mothers
Actors: female lead stayed doofus - silly so long she became tiresome. So little character development. Seems she is typecast for silly doofus roles. Seriously aggravating. Two male leads, great casting and delivery.
Overall: the length of the silly JM blissfully bobbing through was a major distraction. The meat of the story gets fleshed out around eps54 -60, with the last couple eps as "really" writers, you want to stretch this more? For the life of me, trying to see why this drama is so highly rated. Okay at best - the main lead just wore thin. 40eps could handle this storyline.
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