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Sunny Again Tomorrow korean drama review
Sunny Again Tomorrow
8 people found this review helpful
by hardpliers
Nov 8, 2018
121 of 121 episodes seen
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This was actually the first longer drama that I've decided to watch. The trailer for this made it seem like it's going to be a goofy romcom, which I absolutely adore. However, this show turned out to be like one of those soap operas with many unnecessary dramatic scenes. To put it shortly, this drama was about a super dysfunctional rich family + other character side stories, which looked more appealing than the main storyline to be honest. The focus on the main couple was very minimal, and that was actually the romance that I was looking forward to the most. Honestly, one of the other reasons why I wanted to start watching this was mainly because of the lead couple and the actors that played their roles. They were spectacular in other dramas, but I just couldn't feel the chemistry between them in this drama. Overall, this, in my opinion, was a bit too stretched out for a family drama, but if you enjoy shows with elements like backstabbing, lying and being dramatic 24/7, I'd recommend this. Heck, even for a person like me, who doesn't normally go for stuff like this, it was quite enjoyable.
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