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  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Germany
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  • Birthday: June 03
  • Roles: VIP
  • Join Date: February 11, 2012

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I am a 35 year old German girl, yes I still consider myself a girl. :D  My Chinese name is 凯琳 Kǎi lín.

I learned or am still learning (it's an ongoing process) Mandarin, Japanese and a little Korean,  and have been to China, Japan, South Korea,  Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia.

After going  from reading Manga to watching Anime, I stumbled across a real life adaptation of an Anime:  Princess Princess D (really dumb shit tbh... but Sato Takeru!!) and here I am approximately half a year of my life wasted away with drama watching. Well I don't consider it to be a waste really.

I enjoy watching mostly Japanese and Korean drama and have been watching more Chinese and Taiwanese, too (if they aren't too long). I think it's also useful for learning more about Asian culture and to keep the language cells in my brain active. I also started watching a few Thai drama, mostly comedy - I love their sense of humour - and BL.

I hate to not finish a drama I started, that is why I start watching several drama at the same time if I can't continue watching one for some reason. If I notice I still couldn't bring myself to continue watching after several weeks I put them on hold, knowing that I might never get back to them. I know it's stupid, but I feel I should still give them another chance before I discard for all of the drama that I finish I don't really give bad rating, because the fact that I still wanted to finish them, is proof to me that they can't be so bad.


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