Drama story focuses more on struggle between good and evil inside characters and their relationships, primarily between the Kurosawa brothers.
Dostoyevsky's crucial questions that he asked in his other novels too, were also the main theme here. Does human have the right to take another's life? If someone think so, what are the consequences?
First thing that you notice when you start watching Karamazov no Kyodai is that it is dark, both in story and cinematography. But don't give up on this drama because of that even if this is out of your comfort zone.
It is not a light watch and if you are not used to that I don't recommend marathoning it.
But I think that once in awhile we all need a deep drama, movie or a book to make us question things we haven't questioned before.
Music and cinematography are linked in various ways. Rolling Stones song Paint It Black (yes, you will hear that song too) is most obvious link. It's upbeat rhythm and dark lyrics are much like contrast between other similar songs played and the dark atmosphere and suspense that make your heart beat faster in anticipation of what is coming. And then there is a loud sound (like door opening or closing), music stops and silence. Your heart skips a beat... At least it was like that for me.
There were only two or three instances when I thought that something was off with the sound. It was when they overlapped surrounding music for example piano Ryo was playing and soundtrack music. But I've noticed that other dramas do that too. So maybe it's a trend thing. Either way I didn't like it.
But overall this is the first drama I watched that used the music so well to enhance atmosphere. Where music isn't barley-heard companion that tries not to ruin the mood but an entity that pulls you for your sleeve if you dare to look away.
I left cast and acting at the end because I think it's outstanding. All the characters are believable and nobody overacted. From corrupted Kurosawa Bunzo played by Yoshida Kotaro, sweet Ryo (Hayashi Kento), rebellious Mitsuru (Saito Takumi), torn and complex Isao (Ichihara Hayato) and all the supporting characters (that I'm lazy to name) not one of them disappointed. Their acting pulls you in and make you glued to the screen anticipating their reactions and words. But one of them still manage to arise on the top and amaze me even more.
It may be because the character is so layered and intriguing that Ichihara Hayato's acting leaves you speechless. But also if he weren't amazing actor he wouldn't have been able to pull it off. I'm really not sure how to rate his performance because I haven't experience before that someone's acting could pull me in so much.
If he doesn't get award for this role then those awards aren't merit for talent and effort.
So all in all this drama has 11 episodes and each of them is 36 minutes long so it won't take too much of your time therefor give it a chance.
If you don't like that it is dark, heavy and psychological, regardless give it a chance.
Why? - you ask.
Because you will see something different that will maybe inspire you to read a book or you will hate it but you'll know why you hate it.
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Premise was intriguing, cast was excellent and first two episodes were a good start.
Most of that potential was left unused.
When we hear that story starts with a man who used devious means to reach his current high status, and then in an accident lost all his memories but his knowledge of the law, regaining his conscience and facing his past wrongs that he doesn't remember, we usually assume that there are lots of psychological and emotional elements in the story. And while there are some it's not the amount we were promised in the summary. Still many of us would have been satisfied even with the legal part of the drama being in the highlight if we were given good explanations about lots of technical terms and complicated law cases. As it is I often felt like they were speaking some unknown alien language.
Drama was cut off by two episodes and it is really obvious at the end. Many things were left unresolved.
Still I liked this drama. My rating would have gone below 5.5 if I haven't.
Kim Myung Min is an amazing actor. He delivered his part very well.
Oh Jung Se is the actor I saw for the first time in this drama and I'm looking forward to see more from him.
Park Min Young wasn't a weak link, she did good. Her character was likable and not overly naive or damsel in distress like in some of her other dramas.
There are almost no eye-candy here but there are ear-candies. We have three actors with amazing voices in the same drama: Kim Myung Min, Jin Yi Han and Kim Sang Joong.
This had a potential to be one of the best for this year, and because of that potential I feel a bit betrayed. If complicated cases where explained better and human element was more present this would have been very interesting drama to watch this year.
I would recommend this drama to people who understand business and law, to all of you who like to watch dramas with those themes, also Kim Myung Min's fans and people who like to listen to some great voices.
If you are only looking for a romance skip this one. Romance here is in traces and not enough explored though that may be because the drama was cut short by two episodes. On the other hand too much romance would have ruined this drama.
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I must warn you beforehand this drama starts slowly.
It takes a lot of episodes for the summary in description to unravel. And somewhere in the middle you'll start seeing things you waited for since the beginning. But the slow start was necessary. It allowed us to see the characters in their usual surrounding and when the crisis starts we see the change in their character imposed by the situation they find themselves in and as the peek of the turmoil passes we see them grow and develop. And that's one of the great things about this drama.
Story is full of various questions about life, love and marriage. Some answers were left to the watchers others are hinted.
There are also funny moments. Side couple was crazy and hilarious at times and the couple that we all root for is so adorable together.
I've read few comments describing An Zhen as a saint. I didn't get that impression. She is good but she is far from perfect. The whole essence of this drama is her character development and growth and not only hers but others' also. It would send a very bad message is she was the kind who holds grudges and hate. One of the main point of this drama is that; if we could forgive or at least give up our hate and anger we can move on and be happy. I believe that is true.
Acting is good. Music was very nice. There are a few songs that I really like.
I don't know if I'll re-watch it or not. It's too soon to tell.
If you are unsatisfied with the ending watch the sequel, movie called The Fierce Wife Final Episode. :)
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This review may contain spoilers
This is the third time I'm writing this review. Somehow it got deleted again. I'll be brief.
What I liked about this drama:
1. retainers trio (they had lot of potential)
2. You keep guessing till the end who killed the princess.
3. Actors playing villains were amazing unfortunately they characters weren't.
4. Sad song (I think it's called Hurt)
What I didn't like:
1. Villains were one dimensional character without any depth.
2. Han Ji Min's character was very boring and her acting didn't improve the character
3. Retainers trio potential wasn't used. Their character weren't developed and were used more like extras and in comedy elements than helping progress the plot.
4. Main leads were stupid.
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Its predecessor Lovers in Paris was 11th in 50 top rated Korean dramas. Ratings for this one were good but not as amazing as for the first drama in this series.
This time Kim Eun Sook reversed the roles and rich guy, poor girl screenplay transformed into poor guy, president’s daughter script.
It is refreshing that it’s free from all the usual clichés (which on the other hand Lovers in Paris was full of). There is no vengeful ex (or self-proclaimed) girlfriend/fiancée, family secrets, parents that hinder their children happiness (at least not for two main characters) with excuse that they know what is best for them. In this aspect this drama is good but unfortunately it fell short in other aspects.
The biggest fault in my opinion is love triangle. I felt annoyed with their interactions and squabbles. Chemistry between main leads wasn’t strong enough to make me turn the blind eye on this matter.
And this, love triangle, turned quite lovely Yun Jae-Hee (played by amazing Jeon Do Yeon) into depressing woman. I also found second male lead boring and although the first lead wasn’t spectacular he was better.
One of the highlights in this drama are supporting characters and their stories. None of them seamed flat and they all had something interesting about them. My favorite side characters are Yun Jae-Hee’s bodyguard played by Ha Jeong Woo and Yun Jae-Hee’s younger brother, who also had the best side story. Jang Geun Suk was so adorable as lonely, slightly rebellious teenager and son of a president. His love story was so cute that I couldn’t wait to see the pair on screen again.
Ending wrapped up everything nicely. Nothing was left unexplained and confusing which is, you must admit, a rare occurrence.
Music wasn’t memorable but it also didn’t distract me from watching.
I don’t think I’ll rewatch it because I didn't like that love triangle and I’m not really a re-watcher.
Overall this drama was okay and if you have time to spend you can try it. Especially if you want to take a rest from rich man, poor woman drama formula.
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I cannot say I loved it because of bitter-sweet ending that I hate the most, but it's certainly a great drama.
Don't get me wrong, ending was good, that's just me whining that it didn't ended the way I expected. But that is irrelevant.
Lee Min Ki was great as Byung Hee, even though it was just a guest role. Other actors despite being young did excellent and portrayed their characters very well.
Story is well done though I notice some minor holes in it in the later part, but that's understandable and almost unnoticeable.
Episodes are about 45 minutes long. Which is actually very good, I don't like too long episodes. Not once did I feel boredom or skip parts of the story.
Music is perfect. I liked almost everything with few exceptions. Jaywalking (the song) have a very catchy rhythm. I didn't like it much at first but it's kinda stuck in my head now.
I'm not sure if I'll watch it again, probably because of the ending but who knows.
In short if you are not looking for a hard core romance drama, and like rock music and friendship then this is definitely for you.
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I didn't want to do the drama marathon again but I did it. The reason is of course this drama. It pulls you in with most ordinary things that you had found boring in other shows.
I wanted to give it 10/10 but I'm trying to restrain myself and be objective so that I don't seam easily impressed or a crazy fan (which perhaps I've already become).
Cast was amazing. All of them! Their acting even better.
Kim Sun Ah is my favorite Korean actress. Characters that she plays are always so vivid and interesting. Role of Shin Mi Rae is not an exception. She transforms from loud and weird (in a fun way) low-ranking government official to assertive and respected figure.
I haven't watched Cha Seung Won before but after this I plan to. He plays Jo Gook a flawed main character but yet very interesting. I felt sorry for him every time he went to see BB. Cha Seung Won played his part so well that 3/4 of the drama I wondered whether he'll betray her out of his own will even though you can clearly see that he is in love with her. And you keep wondering, can she change him?
Other supporting characters were also great. Their stories were fun and interesting. I cheered for Lee Jeong Do and Min Joo Hwa (even though she is a bad girl). Girlfriend from hell Go Go Hae played by Yoon Se Ah (btw. she is very beautiful) also scored few good points at the end.
And one of my favorites from supporting cast is... (drum roll)... Lee Joon Hyuk who plays Ha Soo In. Now I'm going to cry if something happens to him in City Hunter. I've became a fan girl. He is so cute! Like a lost puppy. Kyaaaaa! No, that's not me that's some other crazy fan girl screaming.
But let's get back to the subject of this review.
Story didn't have any unexplainable misunderstanding. You probably seen it before in other drama. Suddenly main characters drift apart without solid enough reason and make a big deal about it. Thankfully there is no such thing here. Almost all plots are logical. And there are not many plot-holes in the story.
The only thing that that I may reprimand writers is that they didn't show enough about Jo Gook everyday moments with his family and when I say that I mean with his mother and child and also their interactions with Shin Mi Rae. Thankfully Jo Gook mother isn't Korean mother-in-low from hell hellbent on making his son's life miserable even though she may seam at first like that.
I wonder if mentioning that Shin Mi Rae ex-boyfriend looks like Hyun Bin is a reference to Kim Sam Soon?
Music was great! I loved it! I've seen translated lyrics and they match the drama perfectly.
Will I rewatch it? Maybe.
Are you still reading my review? Go ahead and watch it! You really should! Even if you don't like political dramas. This one is great!I tried not to make a drama marathon with this one but I failed because I couldn't wait to see what happens next.
You are still here? Why? I told you to go watch it. Okay, I'm ending this review now.
The End. Fin. Das Ende...
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Hairstyles are terrible but you may get used to it and they change it near the end.
All in all lighthearted, young adult drama filled with music (that I didn't like very much, not my genre I guess) and some comedy, quite different from the original.
Personally I liked it more than the original Full House and I recommended it to anyone who likes rom-coms.
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So when I started watching this one I expected similar storyline. I was pleasantly surprised that in lots of aspects it was different. There was no unrealistic misunderstanding, psycho ex-girlfriend from hell or annoying, meddlesome in-laws that try to separate main couple. Don't get me wrong the story isn't unique and there are lots of other cliches, but it was nice to see variation from the usual plot line.
Unfortunately this different plot concept had backfired a bit at the expanse of romance. Relationship between main couple develops very well through the episodes but romantic aspect of their relationship is lacking. Nevertheless I still enjoyed interactions between two of them.
Si Won's character Min Woo, changes and matures as the story progress. That's fun to see, especially his interactions with Ye Eun. That little girl is so adorable.
I'm not sure if I'll rewatch it but overall it was very nice, light, romantic comedy drama that doesn't have frustrating moments when you want to strangle one of the characters for misunderstanding, lying about their feelings or plotting some evil scheme.
All in all I recommend it.
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