Black Butler
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 1, 2014
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
Honestly the movie was great. I admire the sets and story. Even though it is too far from the manga and anime, I still enjoyed it. The actor that portrayed Sebastian was good... no let me rephrase that.. He's great. Though is appearance is nothing like Sebastian (except for the suits), I can clearly see Sebastian in him.

My only complain would be the "young master". Not even considering that 'he's' a girl, The young master I know is not a wimp, not a cry baby and DEFINITELY NOT SOMEONE WHO WILL CHOOSE TO END HIS OWN LIFE.


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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 14, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
The perfect fusion of fantasy and contemporary, with strong script-writing that allows for well-paced plot progression and stable character growth and characterisation. All the positives are backed up by a cast of hyper-competent actors who seem to be perfect matches for their roles, and a soundtrack composed by god herself. Definitely the drama I would recommend to first-time watchers.

More than just a romance, the story also focuses on the importance of family, the one that you have through blood and birth, but also the one that you make for yourself. Perhaps my favourite parts of the drama were outside of the amazingly written romance portions, fantasy segments and action parts, but the small in-betweens where a family that consisted of a lonely Goblin, his greedy nephew, a Grim Reaper, and a teenage girl got to behave as a family, and eat meals together, tease each other and share advice.

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The Spring Day of My Life
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 28, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
It was a very emotionally deep drama. So prepare yourself. The actors were great. You can really feel their pain. The story was beautiful but I like watching light-hearted dramas, that's why I gave it a 7. I won't watch it again because it is just emotionally too heavy.
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Architecture 101
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 10, 2016
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
Story - nothing special

Acting/Cast - The adults are okay, but the younger girl is pretty lacking in acting

Music - Can't remember it, can't be too good and can't be too bad then, right?

Rewatch Value - I won't rewatch it unless too freaking desperate as in having only a movie available to watch.

Overall - it made me feel basically nothing but I love the ending though :)
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Madame Antoine
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 16, 2016
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0
This started out with a BANG. The firs episode was awesome because of the strong female
lead that butts heads with this cool-hearted psychologist. I was really looking forward to a good strategic fight between these two... but then it changed.

Very soon she fitted more the usual too nice and almost naive female lead. I was dissappointed.
But I kept going on because the mood of this drama in general was nice and there were some funny moments. But it got worse... She needed almost the entire show to realize something she should have
realized in episode 2 or 3 and the romantic behaviour between these two became totally erratic, unlogical, unrealistic and many more things. It was really weird.

The last two episodes I had myself to force to watch, that was sad.

I really like the actors, though and the setting and everything else (but the plot).

It is nice for in-between and not a huge disaster or sth like that, but I had much higher expectations after the first episode.

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The King: Eternal Monarch
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

The math isn't mathing... except for Woo Do Hwan that man's math mathes everyday

So I'm not going to lie, I really enjoyed the setup and even the middle of this show. It's entertaining, fast paced and has just the sort of tropes I like. The issue I have with it it's the story's resolution and most of the characters.

While there are no hateable characters. I found most of them to be pretty average. ML is okay I guess. He's a little bit flat in his delivery, but I think that's because he's this royal person who has to be stoic... but still, because he had some childish behaviors at times I didn't think he was completely stoic so it was odd. I found it hard to connect with him most of the time because of his lack of expression.

FL started out great, but ends up becoming a bit too dramatic. She honestly just cries for no reason at times, every time ML showed up she cried. Girl, this man hasn't been hurt once and ALWAYS came back for you, what made you think he was going to stay away? This dynamic just became tiring. If they had given us reason to worry about ML I would have bought FL's worry, but hoenstly? He's never in any sort of real danger. We know it, they know it... so the crying FL became unnecessary and just annoying because it kept happening after a certain point in the drama and it took a lot of screentime.

On top of that, the love story went from zero to a hundred. Maybe I'm more used to slow burn, but in one episode FL is annoyed at ML or at least she acts rudely towards him. (Understandable btw- the guy seemed crazy) And the next one she's confesing her LOVE? I understand if after proving he's not lying she decides to give him a chance but instead she confesed love? That escalated quickly.

However the love story is not awful, they do have chemistry on screen and the characters are okayish most of the time. All in all the love story has its cute moments at times, but it was more draggy than lovable. The leads are not entirely unlikeable , in fact I think I like them more when they are separated. They are much more interesting characters apart than together.

I really liked ML when he had to deal with the treason part of the plot and the FL when she had to do cop stuff - also the cop team is nice. I think my favourite was the "ganster" cop who was actually so soft and liked macaroons. What a jem.

The rest of the characters are okay. But there's a shit ton of them and I gotta be honest I lost track of whose mother suffering for her son I was watching at some points. Just how many crying moms are there in this drama? There was also a pregnant lady who got replaced by her counterpart in one world and that plot line went nowhere. There's just so many side plot things that go nowhere. Everything gets fixed somehow in the end by pure magic.

Honestly the saving grace this drama has and the reason for this rating to be above 6 is Woo Do Hwan. This man can act and he carried every scene he was in. He is a joy to watch on screen as both his roles and his characters are the most fun. I wish Jo Youngand Jo Eun-Sup were the protagonists instead... I flipping love these boys a lot. Their stories seemed to have the most heart in my opinion, and the most personal stakes. Young's undying loyalty and also respect for his friend the king and his duty as a personal guard... or Eun-Sup's love for his family and his relationship with his little siblings and Na-ri. Give me this drama instead. I loved how by the end Young became a bit more open towards people while Eun-Sup became a bit more professional. These two actually learnt from each other and became friends... and then--- those memories got erased. Lmao.

Ok here's where it gets tricky.

The writer tried to make this really convoluted plot involving one of the trickiest tools to pull off because it can create a lot of plot holes --- time travel. Now I'm all in when it comes to time travel, when it's handled well it creates majestic, adrenaline inducing stories that just leave you in awe and feeling extremely satisfied. When it is not well handled however, it creates time paradoxes and obvious plot holes.... this one, I am afraid, falls in the second category.

You had me until ML went back to fullfill his destiny and save himself as that was the start of the show. Brilliant. Saw it coming yes, but loved that things came full circle. THEN you lost me when he did it AGAIN to kill antagonist before he run off to the other world. Sir, are you aware that creates a huge paradox that means ML wouldn't have gone back in time in the first place to safe himself if he never had gotten the half flute thing? Are we just going to ignore that? Ok sure. Oh what is that? We're also conveniently have the two leads remember everything despite the huge sacrifice this impossible deed just did? Of course, no consequences. And also lets make most of these characters we care about forget about everything we just watched.

Heavy long sigh.

Look I'm all in for happily every afters, but they need to feel earned. This one just felt like plot armor for the sake of the love story. Simply put, the writer wrote herself into a corner and used time travel magic to fix everything, deliberately erasing everything from the reality we just watched but from ML's and FL's memories... also Young's at least he gets to keep his memories.

Towards the end things got unnecessarily complicated. The drama is not terrible, but it's very infuriating. There is some brilliant acting from Woo Do Hwan and some really good moments, but nothing that can make me rate this one higher than a 7.

TLDR; Watch it with low expectations and suspend your disbelief. Throw logic out the window and you'll get a tropy enjoyable time.

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Stand by Me
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 27, 2022
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

This is a Re-watch Review

I re-watched and understood the movie in July of 2022. I did like the storyline but loved the visuals, especially the underground-type vault. The First time I watched this was Sept 20, 2021. Mickey played one crazy Duke Qiu Zi Liang and was very believable. I just love Cheng Yi... I loved him in The Promise of Chang’an, Love and Redemption, The Lost Tomb 2, Noble Aspirations II, and Noble Aspirations. Can hardly wait for Noble Aspirations III. China Entertainment is stopping and banning a lot of Chinese Dramas. I will feel really sad if they stop Noble Aspirations III. I wasn't crazy about the ending, I cried.

This was very long, I mean long. I took a point off the storyline because I felt bad for the actress Zhang Yu Xi (now I know where they got the name Yu'er)who died, was injured, and got kicked out of the palace so many times. Poor Cheng Yi dying throughout the whole storyline. The way they performed, they did it so well. A lot of martial art is the best for me. Did Cheng Yi lose weight for this drama, he looked really thin. This drama was more of a mystery of who did it which made it interesting. A lot of killing which I did not care for especially of children. The visuals, music, and costumes were okay. Of course like I always say the story couldn't be complete without all the other actors and actresses so I applaud them.

NOTE: Youtube has this Drama which is a similar story but not quite under the same name "The Mortal Samsara", a Chinese Drama starring Zhang Yu Xi. Don't get it confused with the new Fantasy drama The Mortal SamSara- Xianxia Fantasy Drama starring Yangzi

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Never Say Goodbye
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 19, 2024
47 of 47 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Best spy drama ever

Wow wow really wow what an amazing suspense drama . I didn't even imagine that this story will make me love this
Every scene every twist is amazing how the ml destroy mafia gang is absolutely amazing.
Ml friendship with rao sheng is like they become brothers but later when Rao sheng find out his real identity that scenes is worth watching.
Chemistry between the leads is ok bcz there relationship is something else it's a big twist and secret, and that's cool
I really like the fact that ml is always ahead of his enemies and truly mastermind
You guys should watch this amazing masterpiece

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Solomon's Perjury
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 8, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10



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True Beauty
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 24, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

sweet cringe, but very touching

DNF November 2022

The first couple of episodes were fine (despite being cringe), but I skipped so much in episodes 8 and 9 that I decided to not finish the drama because I felt like I was getting impatient and annoyed with the characters. It’s cute and deeper than I thought but not good enough to keep my attention (or dedication to continue watching).

FINISHED July 2023

For some reason the show just kept me thinking, so I finally decided to finish the last 7 episodes. I am happy that I decided to do so because there were a lot of fun and sad moments that touched my heart. At first, I wasn't the biggest fan of Seo Jun as I found him a little toxic but as the show went on, I could see his charms. My number one choice was always Su Ho though. To me, he and Joo Gyung just always fit perfectly. I hate the writer for ruining Soo Jin's character like that over a boy, I couldn't be mad at her; I was more frustrated with the script writers to be honest. The ending was super cute and fun, overall, the show is a sweet treat that can be a little cringy but is definitely a little deeper that you would think!

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Boku, Unmei no Hito desu
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 3, 2017
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
[pemula] Awalnya agak ngebosenin untuk ditonton, tapi begitu mulai ketemu inti ceritanya baru mulai naik serunya.

Agak sulit untuk nyebutin kekurangan dari drama ini, selain suka dengan storynya yang seger, acting dari para castnya juga wajib diacungin jempol. Setiap mimik muka dibawa dengan ekspresif. Setiap episodenya juga diwarnai dengan bumbu konflik yang baru dan ga itu itu doang, Komedinya yang sangat hidup bikin drama satu ini jadi menarik, Belum lagi ada beberapa plot twist yang tidak mudah ditebak. Konfliknyapun cukup nusuk dan bisa ngebawa baper saya ketika nonton ini

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No Mercy
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 27, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Lee SiYoung

Lee SiYoung is fantastic
She should have had less mercy though, but great fantastic she’s 10/10
Lee SiYoung is fantastic
She should have had less mercy though, but great fantastic she’s 10/10
Lee SiYoung is fantastic
She should have had less mercy though, but great fantastic she’s 10/10
Lee SiYoung is fantastic
She should have had less mercy though, but great fantastic she’s 10/10
Lee SiYoung is fantastic
She should have had less mercy though, but great fantastic she’s 10/10
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Word of Honor
0 people found this review helpful
by Ninsss
May 12, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 5.0


Not really a BL fan, but acting wise it was superb, from main leads to side characters. I’ll have to admit I skipped a lot of parts, and mainly focused on Zhou Ye, it was so tragic on her end :(

Have a soft spot for Gong Jun since I really liked him on Begin Again, but I was really here for my baby girl Zhou Ye, I can’t wait for her upcoming series (Legend of the Female General) with Ryan Cheng.

Aside from her pure, clear, vibrant beauty, she’s really talented not annoying, I barely have biases on female actrssses but so far, South Korea: Bae Suzy, Japan: Suzu Hirose, China: Zhou Ye those are my 3 baby girls so far!

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La Pluie
0 people found this review helpful
May 13, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

Women? In my BL? It's more likely than you think

The family dynamics are the making of this. Tai and Thian being so attached and facing similar personal issues gave us really lovely contrasts in their characters and growth. Tai's parents demonstrating their way of being soulmates, and how being both forever linked by fate but also deserving of a life that isn't solely tied to that aspect of their lives, was so beautiful and important.

The friendship dynamics are properly considered as well, which is a much better way to make space for character growth. Each lead had meaningful connections with other people and love in their life that wasn't just romantic love. Including women! I'd love a Nara and Dream spinoff.

And, possibly controversially, I really liked Lomfon. He was young, and lonely, and had no idea what to do with big feelings and philosophical questions, which is kind of what your early 20s are about. So hoping for a second season to follow Lom and Thian.

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Fireworks of My Heart
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 30, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Great watch!

I really enjoyed this series a lot. Every person acted well and there was very few predictable portions. I predicted that Song Yan was going to have to save someone in the fl family in order for them to not be upset about their relationship. But I didn't predict that the brother wouldn't fall for the FL's lookalike. I was sure he would be stupid and I am glad that he wasn't. I was disappointed that the FL picked the reason for arguing with the ml. It was the most random reason that was obviously pulled out of a hat and made no sense. It was mine only beef with the show as a whole.

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