Sunny Happiness
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 29, 2016
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
This was a great drama... the lead couples chemistry was perfect. I admit there were some slow parts...but that being said there was so excessive truly evil witch Mother in law or 3rd party. Won't say more don't want to ruin it... but I liked it!
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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
0 people found this review helpful
by Nora
Apr 16, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This by far is the best drama I've seen!! I can't believe it has come to an end. Like what would I do with my life now when the only thing that kept me looking forward to the weekend has ended. It was so freaking cute and fun and just overall perfect! I had a problem with the whole homophobia thing that was going on but I think it's just because of their society is actually like this so putting this aside and the useless side characters/plot, everything else was great. Hyung Sik as a lead was like a dream coming true and he proved again that he is an amazing actor and he truly deserved it. Bo Young is just one of the cutest actresses ever "peanut" and her acting skills were just perfect. I felt really bad for Jisoo though especially with the last few episodes and he also proved once again that he truly deserves his own first lead role. The whole concept of the drama was just great showing that guys can be cute when they fall in love and girls can be cute yet strong and not dependent on any one. And an eternity of appreciation to the OSTs that are gonna be on repeat for upcoming month till I can find something remotely close to this even though I know there won't be. I'm just gonna miss them so much!!

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The Lover
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 28, 2018
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I have to admit I started watching it because of T & LJJ. But I ended up falling in love with every single character on the show. The storylines are all interesting because they're all dealing with different things. I thought I would be bored while waiting for the boys' scenes but I was wrong. It totally surpassed my expectations. That made me love this drama even more. The actors are amazing, their chemistry is so natural and real, it was like I was watching people in real life! The concept is soooo original and interesting because they all live in the same building and interact with each other but their struggles are different. I want to rewatch this drama as soon as I have time.
If you're like me (someone who adores bl dramas) then you'll enjoy this one, even the straight couples.
This is my strongest recommendation for a drama!

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Crash Landing on You
0 people found this review helpful
by FoxFae
Nov 25, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

This show will always stick with me

**Taken my review from my blog**

I thought a lot about doing this and thought... why not!? I watch so many shows lately, why not review them? So here it goes! 사랑의 불시착 (Crash Landing on You) is such a amazing show! I'm actually kinda sad at how much hate it gets, but I totally understand why. But, that's not my place. SoOoOoOoO anyway, this show is NOT finished yet, which is why I put 4/?. I actually thought there would only be like 10 episodes or so but .. netflix updated it last night, I'm guessing and it's showing more, so I won't put a number until I know for sure. Which also makes me wonder why I'm writing a review now instead of waiting until it's done... I'l tell you why! It's because I can't wait!!! Lol I just love this show so much already. I have binged watched this twice already since I have discovered it. I just love the story line and the chemistry between the characters. Don't get me wrong, when I watched episode one, I wasn't a fan. Oof! I was so disgusted with the main character and thought about stopping. But as episode one started wrapping up, I had stopped everything I was doing and was on the edge of my seat like "Oh snap. What's about to happen!?!" and that's all she wrote. I was done for. There wasn't ever a chance for me. Lol Usually I can watch a episode here and there and be fine. Not the cast for this! I HAD to finish every episode they had.
Ya'll... Oh my gosh I'm so dang ready for the new episode to drop in a few hours, I could scream. I know the shit is about to hit the fan and I just KNOW it will end with a cliffhanger and I will have to wait ANOTHER week for the next one. pwihewogiuhewoihgwoei I'm going to die. I need them all! I'm freaking out because I'm wondering, HOW CAN THIS POSSIBLY END?!!?
Yes, I'm screaming that because I mean .... how CAN that situation end? Not well... Will they defy all odds and come out okay in the end? I KNOW not to ever guess with these things. I tried that once, expecting a happy ending and ended up sobbing for nearly a week with my heart ripped out. So now, I'm to scared to even think it will end happy... but... for the sake of my sanity, I really hope it does! *sobs*
Can I just talk about some of the actors though? Kim Ju-Meok (Yoo Su-Bin) is honestly one of my favorite characters. He is just so dang pure and watches as many dramas as I do! Hahaha! Geum Eun-Dong (Tang Joon-Sang) is just soft. I want to put him in a bubble so nothing can every hurt him. And Ri Jeong-Hyeok (Hyun-Bin) that man.. would probably make a nun want to sin. Don't @ me! Hahaha but in all honesty, there are so so so so many great actors in this show that I could be here for hours and hours just going through saying how I feel about them. I only pointed out those 3 for now thought because they are the ones that kept me watching from episode one when I wanted to stop. Lol But any way, this is a show I highly recommend!

12/30/19 Update:
Okay they added episode 5 and 6 and woooo buddy I'm a sobbing freaking mess! Did I NOT tell you they shit would hit the fan?! I called it and also called it leaving on a cliffhanger. Lemme tell you ... the person that told me I needed to watch this... I have the urge to call them sobbing and then kick their ass later. (Okay, not really, but you know what I mean.) I don't think I can wait a week to know what is going to happen. I'M NOT OKAY, FOLKS!! I'm not okay. I'm a gosh damn sobbing mess as I stated before. Someone help me. I can't with this.
Episode 5 I got through... I was mad. I was BIG mad okay. You don't do that to that baby! (You'll know what I mean when you watch it, I call the youngest one "baby" because HE IS A BABY!!) anyway, I got through it. Thinking... like a dumbass... that that would be the *hard* thing... Bihhhhhh nooooooo. I was wrong. That wasn't the episode I needed to worry about like I thought! NO... NO NO NO!!! It was episode 6!!! and going on 7 because fkljvheriuvberiu UGH!!! We know it'll carry on into it. I'ma be all kinds fucked up the next few weeks, ain't I? Till this show is FULLY COMPLETED! Jesus take the wheel. *walks away gross sobbing*
-That's all folks, see you in a week or so when they update. X_X

1/25/2020 Update:
Think it is safe to say there will be 16 episodes. Will we actually get them all? Gosh I freaking hope so! But there are rumors going around saying the network will be sued. Why? For the most stupid reason. *facepalm* I want to say why, but I really don't want to step on toes. But anyway, on with the show! Episodes 7 through 10 have been out for a little over a week now - yeah yeah I know. I didn't update as soon as I watched them. But do you have ANY idea of the dying whale noises that have been leaving my body over these episodes?! I wish, I WISH, I could say that I was kidding. But holy crap. These episodes have been slam pack loaded with SO MUCH that there has barely been enough time to breathe. If you watch this show, around these episodes are the ones you might want to load up on snacks and no drinks. NONE. Because you won't want to pause it.... The snacks will probably be left uneaten until the end of episode 10..(So far. Who knows, they might not be eaten by 11 either. Only time will tell!) Either way, they will make great comfort food when you are sobbing at the end.

I want to take a moment to mention I love how they threw BTS in there. I bout lost my mind between shook and fangirling my head off. I loved it and the scene it came up in had my giggling like a child it was so good. Lol

Ahhh there is just SO MUCH that I want to say about all of this but also that I know I can't say because they are such important and needed parts that I don't want to give anything away.

I'm so ready to see how this comes out because I just know I'm going to be a ball of emotions! I'm not ready but also so ready I think I may lose my mind.

2/8/2020 Update:
Episodes 11 and 12 have possibly been the most calm episodes while simultaneously being the most tense episodes ever. How that is possible I have no idea. But they were. So much happened in these episodes that I'm still freaking out. Here is the thing about these 2 episodes that scare me though... They BOTH had answers. They both didn't leave with cliffhangers. Which makes me feel like the crap is about to hit the fan sooooo bad!! I'm scared. X_X I'm not ready for the new episode yet I am. (It drops tonight so hopefully I can watch and review it.) Or I might put it off for a few days when I am mentally stable... But lets face it, I can never actually wait, can I? LOL! Y'all this show rughiwurgpwurgugiwurbgiurw OMGGGGGGGG *walks away gross sobbing*

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 21, 2023
9 of 9 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

It was an ending and it was a happy one.

I really liked this one and I feel like it healed the need that I had to see Bae Suzy as an idol again. It was all well done but I wish it had been a bit longer. All the actors were so amazing and their chemistry looked so real and overall everyone gave off a good vibe.
I don't think it had a sad ending, in my opinion they didn't part ways completely, they still think about each other. Even if no one else knows what they shared, they'll know and that is enough to last a lifetime.
Anyways I hope whoever watches Doona! will enjoy it as much as I did.
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Color Rush
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 27, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

I was completely blown away!

This is my first time writing a review so keep in mind it might not be the best!


I've watched quite a few BLs before Color Rush and only a few of them stood out with such an interesting storyline. Color Rush was definitely one of the most unique storylines I've witnessed. The plot was well-executed even in the few short episodes. However, there were a few holes left, but that isn't that big of a problem. I'm still hoping for a season 2, cause I believe that the story and the directors/producers have the capability of making it happen. Also, I enjoyed the story cause the plot wasn't too complicated and hard to understand; yes, there might have been some suspenseful moments, but most of the scenes were something that will put your mind to ease. Overall: 9.5/10


To be honest, I'd started watching this drama just because of Hyunjun, but I was totally amazed by the rest of the actors and the chemistry between the two leads. Both leads did a great job in acting out their roles. I gave the ACTING/CAST section a 10/10 rating, but if I could give it an 11, I definitely would.


First of all, every k-drama soundtrack is absolute gold. This one is no exception. The moment I heard "FINDING YOU" and "COLOR RUSH" I fell in love with the songs. 10000/10 tbh.


Well, since I've already rewatched it 2 times, and was equally amazed every time, I would say that the rewatch value is pretty high. If you ask me, it's definitely worth rewatching.

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My Golden Life
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 15, 2023
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers
This begins so good till episode 20
Then boring and annoying as hell till episode 29
Then ok
Then monotonous
Then Comes the worst lukewarm end ever

What's bad about this drama

The writer insisted on filling it with lots of sulk and grief without need
*Each scene took too long without any events
Most of the women's character in this drama were the worst ever
*The grandfather was the worst
*The character development was weak except for the ML
*The writer insisted to make it impossible for the main leads to end up together
*Lots of sickness and vomiting scenes with no need
*Lots of crying with no need
*Repititive dialogue
*Repititive flashbacks
*Too long with no need,
they should reduce it till max 40 episodes
*As usual in long dramas, they should make the father die or anyone who makes you feel sad
as if it's a protocol in long dramas
*The 2nd ML's sister was really annoying for sometime
*the 2nd FL took toooooooo long to change her character
*The 1st FL character was annoying many times
Selfish and focused on herself only
Her feelings, her situation, her circumstances
And coward
Whenever the time she feels herself wrong she ran away instead of facing and saying sorry
Always blaming the ML
Her acting while she's supposed to be exhausted was the worst ever
She was nearer to be sleepy more than exhausted
The way she was talking with, made me feel I want to slap her many times badly
Many times she was stubborn more than a mule
*The second couple relationship was a little lukewarm
*After useless details through the whole drama
The end skipped a lot suddenly

What's good about this drama

*The ML'S character was the best ever
*The ML'S father and his best friend and his secretary they were really cute and good
*It had lots of fluffy moments
*Almost all men's characters except the grandfather were really amazing and cute
*It kept me hooked

In general it was good to watch once
It was something like Romeo and Juliet
In a modern way

Although I love Shi hoo so much
But this wasn't his best
But also still good comparable to other long dramas

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In a Good Way
0 people found this review helpful
by Jenn
Aug 11, 2016
26 of 26 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This started off as such a precious gem. It was, if not perfect, near-perfect. The setting, the characters, and the situations were all so realistic, loveable, and addicting yet subtle. It was a perfect blend of everything... that I love. This beauty continued on for the entire first half, until things started going downhill. I found that the story ended up revolving too much on our main characters, Liu Chuan and Jia En. None of the other characters really got a moment in the spotlight they so rightfully deserve. The stories, while tried to be interesting, were, but it just lost the magic it once had. At the end of it, I loved the supporting characters more than the main characters, who took all the screen time for themselves. Smh.

Yes, I know, not the greatest review, but I'm still so upset at how downhill it went to continue this review. In a few days, maybe, I might come back and reflect more on it.

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Dropped 21/21
Reply 1994
0 people found this review helpful
by Haneul
Jan 27, 2018
21 of 21 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
I got through a good portion of this, didn't watch the last 2 episodes because at that point it was  dragging and you already knew who she was going to end up with.  They played push an pull so much that you really thought the outcome was going to be different but it ends up being what you originally thought it would be and that's super annoying to me.  I think that if this came out before Reply 1997 then it would have been easier to watch, but the stories were so similar that it made it boring and feel like the PD was trying too hard.

I don't agree that Go Ara was bad in this drama, I think this role was perfect for her, but at the same time I do agree that's she's not a very good actress because an actress who needs the role to fit her personality in order to be successful is not good at acting.  The whole point of acting is to convey feelings that are not your own and make them believable to others.  She can't do that very well.

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Are You Human Too?
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 19, 2019
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
This drama was a great drama! It had an interesting plot which I never expected from normal Korean dramas. This drama is based on a woman who lost his son in 1997 and remade him as an android robot, which looks exactly like her lost son. But in the 21st century, the original son called Sin, got in a car crash in Czech Republic, the android robot that looks exactly like Sin has to replace the real one. The story gets more and more interesting as you keep watching it. I recommend it to people who are 15 years old.
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Are You Human Too?
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 15, 2020
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
I love my tin can couple. Nam Shin III has my whole heart
Who knew a robot could have better character development than most kdrama male leads?

Honestly I think this show is amazing in the message it sends. A robot has no greed or thirst for money/power. It’s humans which are the terrible ones. (now to clarify, the show isn't trying to send the message robots are better than humans, its message is for humans to be the best version of themselves)
For e.g. human Nam Shin, he’s all ‘how dare you say a robot is bEttER tHaN Me!!1!!1!!!’ when literally all you have to do is not be an asshole.

Anyway, I can safely say this was a drama I thoroughly enjoyed. The story is so good (ignoring the plot holes), has great acting (someone give Seo Kang Joon an oscar) and a good soundtrack.

Going into it I wasn't sure how I felt about a human x robot relationship but after watching it - I stan. Not saying I'm ready for human-like robots to be put into production to the world, but it's Seo Kang Joon's portrayal of this robot in particular that made me catch feelings. Like he is just so charming, honest, caring and it's his smile - his pure happy smile

The only reason it isn't a 10 is because the plot towards the end was just getting so insufferable. Why is an intelligent robot making such dumb decisions and behaving so naive?? Or our protagonists just leave mega important things lying around. It's bizarre, the villains are stupid but luckily for them - the heroes are even stupider.

But complaints aside, I would definitely recommend this drama.

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Business Proposal
0 people found this review helpful
by R1912
Apr 9, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Tropey af but hilarious

Having just finished twenty one twenty five this exactly what I needed. There's nothing particularly original about the premise but the execution is spot on. As a romantic comedy it is light, breezy and very watchable.

The good
An easy, feel-good show after a busy week. Standout for me is the humour which only gets better as the episodes go on. Plenty of laugh out loud moments, particularly from the supporting cast. The dynamite drink scene and archaeopteryx are comedy gold.
The SFL and SML have a romance which is just as good, if not better than the two leads. In fact, all the cast clearly have good off-screen chemistry. Waiting for a K-drama with Seol In-ah and Kim Min-kyu as leads now!
Ha-ri is so likeable because she is determined and pragmatic. Her and Young-seo are the ultimate chaotic duo.
While I found Hyo-seop as Tae-mu a bit wooden at times, he succeeds in being the lovable dork who takes himself too seriously.
The Grandpa spends a lot of time huffing and scheming but I'm all for it.

The bad
Literally every K-drama trope. Not gonna win any awards but that's not why we're all watching it.
The first few episodes didn't exactly wow me but it's almost like the writers listened and cranked up the humour. At first I thought 12 episodes would be the right length but the ending did feel rushed. Personally not a fan of the long distance/time skips when they are shoved into one episode. Would have been nice to see more of them as a fully fledged couple and Grandpa giving them his blessing.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jan 25, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 1.0


The solution to trolley problem, according to this drama, is a trainwreck.
Don't chose between few and many, just pile them up on top of each other and sabotage the wheels too so the trolley falls over too after running over everyone else.
And true to that notion, the final episodes are absolute trash.

Not that the first 3/4 or so were so great, either. It was an extremely slow melodrama, with awfully dumb and naive FL who was not at all sympathetic even tho the story did everything to paint her as such. Truly the slowest story progression I've ever seen. And if only the plot reveals were worth it! But no, it jumped from one lackluster reveal to another, in between constant flashbacks to shit we've already seen and prolonged scenes like FL taking a whole minute to decide to answer a phone call or not EACH AND EVERY TIME.

But the absolute garbage the story turned in the end is second to none.
The morals are very sus too ,"sympathize with rapist if he committed suicide" and "tell on your own family if they broke the law" aren't things I can agree with.

Not even superb acting from almost everyone involved, especially Park Hee Soon and Kim Mu Yeol, could save this one. The camera work, scenery and soundtrack were wasted too (not that the ost is that strong anyway, it had like one memorable melody it kept overusing). Don't let anyone fool you by saying this is a mature drama for mature people, it's trash. It's also not makjang, it's not a thriller, nor is it similar to some other titles MDL recommends below, it's no Misty.

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Yong An Dream
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 17, 2024
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I really enjoyed this drama

I read a couple negative reviews by watched the drama anyway because I’m a fan of Jeremy Tsui and his other dramas have been very good. I think he’s a good actor. I’m glad I watched it because it turned out to me one of the best dramas I’ve seen in a long time. I enjoyed the plot, I thought the mystery was good and kept you curious through the whole story. The couples had good chemistry and it’s a nice romantic drama. It’s definitely worth watching
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Young and Beautiful
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 24, 2021
42 of 42 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
At first when i saw this drama i like it ...............but after saw some episodes i dislike this drama ......... because the main female lead's character is not good...........I think she is a characterless she just use the main male lead and every male character ........... When her boyfriend can't fullfil her wish she broke up and find a new boyfriend............... So i dislike this drama.............. I suggest don't wast your time by seeing this drama........ This is just my own opinion....... Every person has their own opinion.......
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