One Spring Night
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 16, 2019
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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My Review: One Spring Night (2019)

To be honest Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji Ho seduced me to watch this drama. I watched a few of his other works

2018 Something in the Rain  16 Seo Joon Hee Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food
2017 While You Were Sleeping  32 Han Woo Tak
2015 Blood  20 Joo Hyun Woo

He has a way of drawing you in. Something about his smile that makes you want to cry. This is a new drama on Netflix. I’ve paid for Netflix in New Zealand. What I like about it it is that the quality of the product for the viewer is outstanding, perfect colour and clear crisp picture. Sound doesn’t affect me because I’m a bit deaf and I’m watching the subtitles anyway and I can read fast. If I need too I can stop it and rewatch it. Music yeah its there in the back ground sometimes I turn it down anyway because in interferes with my enjoyment of the story or stresses me out. I just started it.
I have discovered there are three sisters, Han Ji Min/Lee Jung In lead actor, she a librarian. She has a long term boyfriend Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji Ho but the glow has come off her relationship and she doesn’t want to marry him. Im Sung Eon/Lee Seo In [Jung In's elder sister / News Anchor] not happy in her marriage wants a divorce. I think he’s abusing her but she’s keeping it hidden for her families sake. Joo Min Kyung/Lee Jae In [Jung In's baby sister] bit of a roaming, attractive woman and just come back from France where she was stalking a guy. She said France has got tough laws on stalking so best for her to come back to Korea.
Han Ji Min/Lee Jung has met Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji Ho a pharmacist who is single but has a young son. So far just sparks are twinkling between these two.

I know I said thematic doesn’t move me but somehow it playing on my deep psyche. It because they are thinking about each other and I here the music soft and serious. Is it in English? It is moving words and music in English.

Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji does these sad crybaby roles so well. He doesn’t cry but us the viewers do. His face tell the whole despondent story. You just want to hug him and say keep going baby its going to be alright. He was like that in “Something in the rain”. I love his words ”If you come to me now they’ll be no turning back.” So exciting so final. So irresistible to me anyway. Wasn’t he having a secret love affair in “Something in the Rain?” Oh man he’s going to be typecast as the guy who has secret romances and breaks his own heart. Forbidden love is so exciting.

The Three Sisters are so good to each other supporting and watching each others back. But Korean parents just drive me crazy. Let your kids make their own decisions and who cares if your girls don’t ever get married. Why do they need to get married? If they have got a good job that is all they need. Don’t they have family support and old age pension in Korea. My sister’s and I are good to each other but my grand daughters are the best supporters of their nana.

That Kim Joon Han/ Kwon Ki Seok is so patronising. Acts like women don’t have a brain to think for themselves. It makes me annoyed when he says what did I do wrong? I did everything right by her. Yeah! Nah! Bro, you took her for granted. Went off with the bros every night. Forgot to get in touch when you were late. Your motto was bros before hoes. You only got in touch when you felt like sleeping with her. Not cool bro.

It annoys me so much when I get into these dramas and I realise that the next episodes not until next week. I start surfing the next and trying to find the continuation.

Get over it move on. In real life these things happen. She had already told him she wanted to finish with him but he just wouldn't accept it. So when a new guy comes into the picture. Get on it grab it with both hands. He might be the one who going to make your dreams come true. Test out the waters. He hadn't even given her a ring. He hasn't made a commitment to her. They don't live together. Just sleeps with her occasionally when HE feels like it. No way is this love. They are just dating. Going steady maybe. His parent don't even like her. Dating is the time for testing your feelings. For sure its going to wake up the ex and maybe he'll make better moves. Thing is though in New Zealand it can be a dangerous thing to do. Many male ex's have killed the female ex for less. It so annoying and frustrating that they are not accepting that she has broken up with that Kim Joon Han/ Kwon Ki Seok. She doesn’t want to be with him. Its only episode 11 so anything can still happen. I couldn’t stand it if my parents told me to stay with the two me I had children too. When its over its over. One I had a baby to when I was young and the other one I married.

Then there is the old sister who pregnant with an abusive spouse. Her parents still want her to stay with him. No way Jose carry on and get a divorce from that maniac. She showed her mother pictures of her injuries. The other finally understood and wanted to deal to immediately.

I have spent a lot of time infuriated and angered by the behaviour of some of the men in this drama. Arrogant, dictatorial, controlling, selfish, and indifferent to the feelings and needs of the women in their lives. Why would you force marriage on someone - making everyone's lives miserable? Why would you demand your daughter stay in an abusive marriage and forgive her abuser? (With hints he is also a rapist). Why is their father supporting and enabling the subjugation of his daughters?

Stupid woman she took his ring. That is going to cause a problem. Now his(Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji Ho) heart is broken. How can a woman be so stupid. She even let Kim Joon Han/ Kwon Ki Seok hug her. How she going to get out of this one. Its getting more and more like “Something in the Rain “. So pitiful! She finally gave it back to him and he threw it into oblivion and she just walked away.

These Korean Fathers are so horrible to their daughters. They just want them to marry rich men so they can be comfortable in their old age.

Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji Ho is such a sook and they are both crying. What is the problem with a man having a child, in New Zealand about 1:4 single men have a child and many New Zealanders live together without marriage. Don’t tell me he’s going to cry again after she ask the son if he’d like her to be his mum. He suits these romantic roles so much.

Seo Jung Yeon/Wang Hye Jeong [Ji Ho's colleague] she is the owner of the Pharmacy that he (Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji Ho) works at. She must be a relative of Yu-mi (the mother of (Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji Ho) son. He is very close to his child and worries that his mum will turn up and take him away. When she tells him that she had married and has a child (Jung Hae In/Yoo Ji Ho) has a bit of a break down. Gets drunk and says a dumb thing to Han Ji Min/Lee Jung. She doesn’t take it that well but gets over it. Just analysing his reaction to this news. He was probably upset because she just proved to him that she really just didn’t want him or his son. He should be grateful she left and both him and his son can carry on without a woman who doesn’t love them. They’ve got Han Ji Min/Lee Jung now and she is going to be a great mum to the son.

Jump to the ending its a bit ambiguous to but I think they are going to be together but nothing is really solved with their parent relationship (her dad). Lots of loose ends not tied up. I don’t think I understand the subtleties of Korean courtship.

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Color Rush
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 23, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Finding Color in Someone's Eyes

Do you like soulmate plots? Colourful symbolism? Mysteries? Sweet romance with important messages? Then Color Rush is definitely for you.
Though there are some hiccups, such as a few parts of the acting and that it's far too short for such a plot, Color Rush is a well-done series. It's two people that are each other's missing piece in life. Fair warning that although this show does deal with some heavier stuff, it's still worth giving a watch. It dives into a lot of deep, psychological topics, which leaves you something to think about. Also I learned a lot about the different colours mentioned along with their histories. This is an overall interesting concept, with beautiful music and a decent cast of characters to boot.
I only hope that there is a continuation as this series has potential.

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True Beauty
0 people found this review helpful
by jenny
Feb 5, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0

makes u root for the second lead

the story was cliché and a love triangle never really there. the story was really predictable and pretty boring but the comedy and characters such as hyeeyeong, juyoung, soo-ah and ofc seojun made it better but ngl if it weren't for them i'd have dropped it pretty early.

the second lead, seojun is the best i've ever seen on screen and i liked him in the webtoon as well. hwang inyeop made a awesome job portraying him and made me fall in love with his character even more. (spoiler) the ending for him is alright but i wish f.e. in the stairwell scene i wish someone saw him and comforted him, such as his friends or family bc it was unbearable to see him suffer when he always did his best and was so caring and just a good friend for suho and jugyeong. i didn't ship jugyeong and seojun since seojun truly deserved someone better who appreciated him but everytime he had scenes with her, it makes you root for him. but it was really painful to watch.

all in all i wouldn't recommend this drama if you have a second lead syndrome or u like bad boys with a soft heart. i dont even have a second lead syndrome but seojun just hit different (good joob HIY! :)). but the message of this story with true beauty was okay but the romance reaaaally boring and (spoiler) imo u kinda didn't care about the main couple bc it's so clear and predictable that they'll will end up together.
BUT the actors did a great job, i loved the WHOLE cast sm and the emotions were *chef's kiss* man i wish i could see them all together again just in another story.

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Wu Xin: The Monster Killer Season 2
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2019
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
The Monster killer season 2 which i think overall better than the season 1.

Season 2's story in certain extend an continuation of the season 1 but the story for The Monster killer2 putting lot more on love n romance and touching story with the female lead Shu Tao and was really touching. Su Tao was a very pretty young lady living happily with his father and in a wealthy life.

Because of a piece of antique mirror with magical power that has overturn the entire life of Shu Tao and her family members were killed by a Japanese general who wanted to tame n control the king of ghost with the mirror........

Wuxin and Shu tao encounters every bits and pieces in life and Wu Xin has built up a very good relationship with shu tao and both falling in love as well. However because of Wu Xin special identity that keeping himself away from Shu Tao which was really sad and heart wrenching.

The story is about WuXin having special power on his blood that can kill monster and ghost and Wu Xin can live eternally.......

Overall both main male and female were good actor n actress. Like them so much!

The story is straightforward and exciting.......only 20+ episodes.

The songs were really nice!

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Bad Buddy
0 people found this review helpful
by Wrenix
Aug 23, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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The Kiss and Everything Else

Rated = 6 ~ 25/50 ~ 5
RPG Scene // A flurry of fairies surrounding me on mountain pass and dazzling me with their twinkling lights, that I drop my battle axe down the ravine. Damn.

If there is one thing I can praise this show on is the kiss scene. They took the time to build up the feels and then let it explode into a really passionate kiss. I appreciate that and I actually rewatched it a few times. So points.

This is unfortunately one of those shows for me where it starts off fine, then gets super tense for that kiss scene, and then just kind of trails off eventually to basically being back to where they started from.
I found, for the most part, one half of the pair annoying. I don't like the 'jock, always in your face' type characters because he's basically just annoying his crush until he relents. I dont find that endearing.
The friends were the usual, barely thinking characters we usually get unless there's drama to be created.
I can understand the parents at war with each other but the Uni as well, I felt like were always pitting the two faculties together which, honestly for me, felt a little dumb. Why would a social setting do that and then complain when fights break out? Wha?
By ep 9 I was skipping because I just wanted it to end.
The ending, I can deal with. I guess it's somewhat realistic but at the same time, also feels a bit stupid. Perhaps it was more just simply how it was written that feels a bit of silly.

Ultimately, the Kiss was great, 10/10, I gave a whole extra point for it but I'm unlikely to rewatch the show.

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True Beauty
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 19, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

True Beauty is a sucessful cliche driven show that surprisingly pulls it off

I'll start off by saying: I didn't give a crap who she ended up with. I find a lot of people online pissed about whether she would end up with one person or not. I read a majority of the webtoon and I find this drama to be a superior version. Why? The drama succeeds in giving Juukyung some character development while the webtoon gives her none and is only stringing along a love triangle between the three because that's the only kind of appeal this kind of webtoon has: normal girl being sought after by two hot "perfect" boys

Story (Drama):
This story is chock full of tropes. People will shit on it for being tropey. Personally, this isn't one of those dramas I would expect anything more from. It's based on a high school webtoon full of tropes - you're going to get a tropey drama. It may be generic but where it SHINES past other dramas of its genre is its humor and its ending.

Now, like I said, I didn't really care who she ended up with. I really cared about her character and how she would improve over time, which she did! I loved it. I think it's loads better than the webtoon. This drama is so funny, there were moments where I would have trouble breathing. The ending wraps it up better than any other drama with this kind of generic premise.

Juukyung: Lovable, hate how they made her an idiot to Seojun's feelings but imig. I would have preferred her choosing to go to school without makeup on her own rather than her secret being revealed.
Suho: Cardboard, but definitely improved towards the end.
Seojun: Lovable bad boy who turns into a "nice guy" by the end of it. I felt bad for the dude but like you can't force someone to like you. I'm sorry fam but Juukyung never showed feelings for Seojun once and never led him on or anything of the sort.

Moon Gayoung really stole the show for me. I thought I was going to fall in love with her with that roar scene. HOW COULD YOU NOT? She delivered acting out a character who in the webtoon was blander in comparison and was much more unlikable. Additionally, I could not stop laughing how they would be trying to make me think Moon Gayoung out of alll people would be "ugly" LMAO. She is one of the prettiest young actresses in kdrama-land right now. I guarantee if she wasn't Juukyung, the drama would be so much more ass.

Hwang In Yeop in addition was absolutely wonderful. Every time he looked at Moon Gayoung I thought my heart was going to burst. His delivery of a tropey bad boy character was so good and his nuance was fantastic.

Cha Eunwoo, in all honesty, pales in comparison to the other leads. Why? Well his character is kind of cardboard in comparison. But, I have to give credit where credit is due, in his crying scenes, he was pretty good. It kind of sucks that he keeps chosing roles like this but I guess he's making some crazy money right now. I hear he's actually a pretty good actor so I hope he chooses a role that is more dynamic next time.

I didn't really like the "How do you do song" meh. But the "Call me maybe" is GOD TIER SHIT.
If I was bored and wanted to watch cute moments, I would 100% go back to True Beauty

You have to realize that for this kind of drama which is really generic to be able to be this strong is impressive. I attribute this to the actors and the PD/director for being able to string together humorous moments + improving the story where the webtoon didn't.

I have to say it here since I don't have any IRL friends who watch True Beauty. Honestly, neither Suho nor Seojun deserves Juukyung's love. Suho left and expected her to be all chummy with him? Uh no. And seojun? I don't care how long he had a crush on her. It was honestly getting on my nerves towards the end of the drama that he was being pushy with her and even more so that everyone on the internet was shitting on Juukyung for not reciprocating his feelings. I'm sorry to tell you this but no one deserves love. I don't care how long you simped after someone, if they don't like you back, I'm sorry fam that's your own problem. It really reeked of "I'm a nice guy I waited for years for you so you HAVE to date me" and I'm just not down for that kind of thing. And this is someone who was very sympathetic towards Seojun and even becaming team Seojun halfway through the show.

My perfect ending was if she would friendzoned both and worked on her makeup career, building up her confidence etc. But if that were to happen, the internet would have set on fire. Wars would have started. So, I am content with the ending, mostly because I didn't really care about anyone but Juukyung.

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TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 4, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 2.0
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You can digest it...if you try to!

I'll be honest, I'm a Wanjaai so I watched this series with high expectations. I am not totally disappointed, but I am absolutely not satisfied. I remember while it was airing, everyone was bashing the director for weird camera angles, lighting problems, and random cuts, but I'll be honest all these can be digested well if the script is superb.
This series had top-notch cast, Mew and Gulf's acting apart, the other cast were very good too. It has the best main CP with chemistry that can light up the sun. The OST's and music are good too.
But what it lacked was a good script and good pace. P'Mame wrote a script that made me think that maybe the author herself doesn't love her character anymore. They changed a lot of things from the actual novel and well some things were problematic in the story so I'm glad they did. But it felt like the whole season just needed ep 9-12; anything before that was unnecessary and doesn't add up to the main plot anyway.
But if you enjoyed TTS1, bet you'll watch it again. I'm giving it a 9.5 just because of MewGulf. So if you have watched TTS1 and wanna see some steamy hot kisses, awesome chemistry, superb acting from MC's, lovely and fluffy romance, eye candy guys, a bit toxic turn of events, unnecessary drama, bad script being pulled off by superb couple yada yada then go for it.

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The Master's Sun
0 people found this review helpful
by laura
May 10, 2016
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Love this. A brand new point of view of ghost. I'm an anti-ghost-movie-person,but i really love this movie. Its a breath of fresh air amid all the k-drama i've watched. The story is unique, the cast and acts were top notched, and the horrid looking ghosts became not so horrid afterall... A ghost movie for those who hates horror movie.. :-) but for those who love horror movie, you might be dissappointed. So ji sub, another project well done!
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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 19, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
They say that every book you read, every person you meet and every place you visit takes something from you and leaves something else in return. That’s how I feel about this drama. It’s the best way I can put into words how I feel about it.

First, let me start by giving a little background of my experience with Goblin BEFORE watching it: when it came out, everyone was freaking out about it. I remember it all too well… the youtube videos, fan arts, twitter discussions… I don’t know why but I initially thought I would never, in this life, watch it and love it as much as them. Maybe because I was fairly new to this world and was scared of dramas with historical references? Or did I think it was too complicated for me to understand what was going on? Was I scared because the actors were a bit older than what I was used to? I don’t know, but I simply decided that it was not for me. Years went by. One day, a few weeks ago, I was scrolling down a thread on twitter about funny drama moments and they included a scene from Goblin and I thought “Maybe I should give it a try.” But ended up brushing it off. But a few days later after that, I was on dramatist reading the articles and casually read the “most popular” list. Goblin was (is) there. And SUDDENLY I GOT THIS URGE TO WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY AS IF MY LIFE DEPENDED ON IT! And so I did. The destin is a real thing, guys.


Usually, I review each part of the drama, starting with the plot, but for some reason I’m not strong enough to write a full review today. Maybe after I rewatch it (because that will certainly happen). There’s plenty to talk about: the engaging and beautiful- even if painful- plot, the splendid acting and cast who portrayed unforgettable characters, the best OST of all time, the relieving feeling it leaves behind when it’s over. I feel like everyone went through so much that I just wanted them to have an ending- at some points I thought a happy ending was impossible for them. The dialogue is absolutely incredible. You cry and laugh like crazy in less than 5 minutes. The friendships in these are- oh my god. The first episode is the best episode of a drama I’ve ever watched. Like, honestly, the first 20 minutes of the first episode made me cry because of how good those scenes were. And I felt the need to write a live commentary of me watching the rest of the episode, which was a first for me. So here it is, my reaction to the first episode, written by me on Sunday, March 10th 2019:


-So… I just watched the first 20 minutes. Literally the best twenty minutes of any drama I’ve ever watched. The war was… mind-blowing, I can’t describe what I felt. The acting is INSANE. No words. Simply no words.
And now I want to learn all about Korean history (even more than before). Great.
-27 minutes in and this little boy made me laugh soooo hard. “Why are you speaking informally to my grandpa? Do you want to die?” HAHAHA so cute
-48:00 … my heart is broken. Will I be able to deal with this drama? I don’t think so.
I am dead. I’m literally dead. This is my ghost writing this.
-This is going to make my Top 5 list, isn’t it?//

Yes, yes it is.
This show will stay very high on my list for a long time, I can feel it.
So refreshing. I knew what would happen to Goblin because I had seen many references to it on social media and basically everywhere? But NOTHING could have prepared me for that scene. It was my first time watching the whole scene and I SOBBED. And then I was happy. I was so happy by the last episode. And then- Oh well, we suffered along with the characters, didn’t we? But I wouldn’t change a thing. By the way, now that I’m thinking about that, a sequel wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it? It would make perfect sense if it was well written… but the perfection that is Goblin shouldn’t be changed. It should just stay as it is and nothing more than that.
I’m so thankful for this drama because I was able to finally get over my prejudice of historical dramas (only if we only got a glimpse of it, I’m more confident and comfortable to watch one of those because I found out I can really love the story even if I’m scared of the genre) and of dramas I thought I would never watch if my life. What an irony. And maybe I'll give Descendants of the Sun a try too! I’m happy that (at last) I know why so many people adored this drama back then and wouldn’t shut up about it and why it remains among so many people’s favorites. I got it. The actors are amazing (both male and female actors!!!) and we will all love them eternally. I got it.
And I had decided to write only a short review with an impactful (and very pretentious) statement but I ended up ranting about it. Oh well, I regret nothing.

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0 people found this review helpful
Apr 5, 2022
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

heart fluttering happiness

i can't even explain how much i enjoyed this short kdrama, i'm just absolutely devastated that it was short and i can't watch more of it. the chemistry between the main leads is so beautiful and the cinematography of the show is breath taking. it's a show that enlightens the reality of growing up, it sends a clear message to us that no one can be perfect in life and that everyone makes mistakes. it's a great slice of life show and just overall tells us the story of a loving couple that tries to get through hardships together and that is the beauty of this show; the love, the the friendship, the communication.
my honest review is that it's genuinely one of the best bl's i've ever watched, it just makes my heart happy and i think that's what we all want in a drama.

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0 people found this review helpful
by El101t
May 2, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

It won an oscar for need I say more?

It won an oscar need I say more? multiple infact.Within my review I'm not going to go on about how well deserved the oscar was and how historic of a moment it was because i feel like thats well spread information at this point.

The metaphors within this film even with the title alone are extraordinary.
It really touches on real life issues and it's so powerful for so many reasons.
You can tell a lot of thought went into this movie and it really shows I really reccomend after watching this movie to check out this video if your intrested , it is truelly well explained why this movie is so smart:
(This video is not mine i do not take credit for it in any way)

They definitely delivered what was supposed to be delivered, I had already known a couple faces from other works but this definitely showed them off and the production team did a good job with fitting them into the right roles.

I'm going to mix in overall sound production because wow. I watched this in a cinima and idk If I've ever heard such beautiful pacing in terms of the volume and impact of sounds.

So high, I feel like theres new things to discover each new viewing but it really depends on the person.

As an aspiring cinimatographer/camera op my heart was racing watching this movie and even thinking about it.
Key parts for me was the cinimatography and the thought in each frame, with lines boy oh boy the lines made me happy.
Anyway please please go watch truelly you will be missing out if you dont.
Also my review does not in any means do this movie enough justice as I'm bad at writing out my thoughts without rambling which is what I'm doing now ah.i also wrote this review a while after watching it so i took away my intial joy, still love the movie.

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0 people found this review helpful
Apr 28, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
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I can give absolutely many reasons why this series deserves all the praises it's getting from C netz and other platforms because it totally is that NICE.

The story / plot was well written and consistent they didn't add any unnessesary scenes the story just stuck to the point till the end, it had amazing plot twists and those cliff hangers at the end of every episode that kept you wanting more...❤️

The acting from both leads and the supporting characters was applaud worthy, I totally love how they wrote the female lead not necessarily annoying nor whiny she was strong and knew exactly what she wanted and it was fun to see how cunning she could get...male lead wasn't your typical cold male lead he was mature calm considerate and absolutely charming.

The chemistry between the leads despite this not being romance centred was amazing too, loved how they could go from being cute to being sensually intense with one another and that by just staring at each other...I'd love to see them in a longer drama together ☺️

The cinematography, being a Republican drama there is a sense of nostalgia you would want to feel while watching it and this gave it all to me, the osts were beautiful too and matched the scenes simultaneously ❤️

I highly recommend this if you want some thing short yet thrilling to watch☀️?

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Where Your Eyes Linger
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 14, 2020
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I know I might be hyping the show up when I say this is the best korean bl in ages but compared to what has come out in Korea in the past this is really the best. The story was really good and i knew if more Korean producers and directors would try to make really well made bls they would have so many fans all over their series just as long as no one dies or goes to jail. For me personally I feel like Korea has really great series in all my experiences in watching Asian dramas. They make such amazing heterosexual dramas but almost no bl series and if they do have any drama or movie's with any LGBTQ characters they are almost 10 years old. So now to the series I'm not going to be spoiling the plot so you can have the opportunity to watch it yourself but I will say if you wont be disappointed with the end. The only downside because Korea doesn't really make bl series as much and they tend to be web series they are relatively short. I wish the series had more eps and the eps where longer I think they where about 10-15 mins long so we can get the chance to see rhe characters stroy development better but other than that the series, story, music and acting was very good. As a person who got use to cringy, low budget, amateur acting and at some points questionable story plots I'm glad to see a more professional look on bl series that isn't just from Thailand.

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The Romance of Tiger and Rose
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 8, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I’m not a fan of historical dramas but this one is a must!

I usually never write reviews, but this is just had to be praised. I love the story, plot, dialogue. Everything about is hilarious. Yes it’s a historical drama [Usually the first thing that comes to mind hearing its historical is war, betrayal, and death...Ik bc I hate historical dramas.] I’m a fan of modern dramas but this one it never once felt like o was watching some ancient drama. Throughout the drama I felt a rollercoaster emotions, but the one thing that never changed was how funny it was. The ML & FL’s chemistry is one of a kind. The male is in awe of the female lead and loves her with all his heart, while the female lead is cute and quirky in her own ways. There couldn’t have been any better cast or story. I simply loved it! Just wish we got a little more scenes of the main leads. (Just being greedy here lol ?) Finding it so hard to get over. This drama will forever have a special place in my heart!

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Jul 11, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Very good

This kinda spoils it but it’s a review you were warned

Story: The story was pretty basic, but the delivery of it was great, except for the end where Tine has the whole break up with Sarawat phase which was baseless? he saw them hugging and instantly jumped to conclusions which was off for me considering how light hearted the entire show and relationship have been. Completely forgot about Til and Phukong because the storyline was unnecessary and contributed virtually nothing to the story other than having a rival love interest, even though Til just acted like a creep half the time.
Cast: I haven’t seen these actors before, so it was a nice change. Bright was by far my favorite, his mannerisms and delivery was on point the entire show. towards the end Win lost a bit of his character, he went from being a confident player to just being focused on Sarawat. That’s more of the writers fault for erasing some of his fun-loving character so i can’t fault Win on it. Overall i feel their chemistry was great. the supporting actors also did a fantastic job. i say this although i skipped the entire subplot of tine’s brother and that one guy since it was boring (to me). overall great cast.
Music: loved the music, every time Win and Bright would sing or play guitar was the best part of the episode for me, and the soundtrack was great for the whole show.
Rewatch Value: somewhat high rewatch value, mainly just because Tine and Sarawat scenes were so adorable. other than that the storyline is pretty basic so there’s not much note taking to be done.

Overall it was a great show with a fantastic soundtrack and performance. However the ending seemed like a last ditch effort to give Mil a reason to be in the show, considering he was just put in there towards the end and contributed virtually nothing. Maybe i’m biased because i dislike rival love interest plots.

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