Produce 101 China
6 people found this review helpful
by eri653
Oct 30, 2018
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
I would just like to start off with that this show is really fair. For people who are not familiar with the chinese market, they think its unfair because Mei Qi and Xuan Yi already debuted, but everyone in the show has debuted somehow. It's dumb for people to just assume stuff without researching, Mei Qi and Xuan Yi is more well known to Americans, because they debuted in Korea, and Americans simply know more about Korean Idols than they do Chinese Idols. Most of the competitors are idols, ex-idols, or idols on hiatus cause their member are more popular so they have more schedules. Some idols, (shown in behind the scene, I can't find any eng sub) have debuted 8 years ago during the show. Other competitors are famous for their commercials and some are models or dancers. There's this one competitor who got really famous because her cover got viral online in China. And there are some trainees, but they're going to debut either way, the company is just using this show to boost their popularity before they debut.

SO I want to say this show is filled with famous people, just because you don't know someone, doesn't mean they're not famous in China. A lot of girls in the show are actually more famous than Mei Qi and Xuan Yi, they just aren't well known in America because their information isn't in english online.

Personally this is my favorite idol competition show, because the first place winner actually won with pure talent, in my opinion. She's one of the contestant no one thought would be 1st because she isn't very well known but she's very talented hence why she ended in 1st place. I saw other shows like this where I feel like the 1st place winner are purely 1st place because of their company, their looks, or they were the most popular before the show even begin.

I highly recommend people to watch and ignore people who said this show isn't fair, cause they don't do their research and just want to spread their ignorance ***. -_-

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The Fable: The Killer Who Doesn't Kill
6 people found this review helpful
Dec 4, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

Like the first move, a precious and underated jewel

I didn't write a review about the first movie because as soon as I finished I immediately started the second one haha.
Well, let's go to the main point.
About the movie:
The plot is simple, funny, very light and and made me laugh a lot. Of course they had those super exaggerating parts with extra blood and all but within the movie environment were like expected.
The ML did such amazing work in his acting, his poker face was hilarious, really overwhelmed.
The action and the performance of the fights were very well done in my point of view .

I won't prolong, so if you like or need to spend some quality time, without much complex triangles and all that cliche stuff I recommend this (and the first movie first of course haha) to you.

I hope that I could convince you and of course that you like/enjoy the movie as I did.

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Shining for One Thing
6 people found this review helpful
by uhsame
Feb 9, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

The Emotional Damage is Strong in This One

The majority of Shining For One Thing is really full of amusing and adorable scenes, primarily involving our main characters' interactions. Then there's a mystery aspect thrown in here and there to make the audience want answers. The balance between those two elements gradually makes the audience care for the characters. So as everything starts to unravel, the emotional impact of it works. Too well, in fact.

The alternate universe premise in this drama is so well-done. The reason for how it starts and ends adds so much depth to the story, characters, and especially the romance. The romance between Zhang Wansen and Lin Beixing is the heart of the story. There are many regrets in the romance here, and it'll undoubtedly make you drop a few tears, if not buckets. The romance will not only make you cry, but it will also give you lots of serotonin.

Till now, I'm still convinced that I'm in love with Zhang Wansen. The dude, for real, stole my heart and won't give it back. In all seriousness, he's a fantastic character, and Qu Chuxiao did an excellent job portraying him. Lin Beixing appealed to me as well, although she does not always act like a mature 30-year-old. That is my only criticism of her. Zhang Jianing did an excellent job of portraying the joyous and persistent Lin Beixing. Then there's the second couple. Unfortunately, I didn't connect with this pair. I like them as individuals, but I thought the pairing seemed a little forced.

Aside from romance, the drama also discusses dreams. There's Zhang Wansen, who aspires to be a veterinarian without borders, Gao Ge, who wants to study art, and Lin Beixing, who has no clue what her ambition is. Those are just a few examples. I appreciate this aspect of the drama because it creates relatability and realness. It, overall, adds more depth and elevates the story from just being romance. The side characters are also quite enjoyable. There's the confident Gao Ge, the misunderstood Maizi, and the friend you can always turn to, Yang Chao Yang. However, Zhan Yu didn't do much for me. Visually, it's a pretty drama. The OSTs do not disappoint either.

Overall, it's a wonderful drama following an emotional romance. It's not perfect, but it does bring out lots of emotions.

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6 people found this review helpful
Jan 8, 2012
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
There were no reviews so I thought I would write one. Azumi is a really cool telling of the life of a female shinobi and how she has to constantly prove herself. The character is a very cool and strong girl, who is just finding out what romantic feelings are, dealing with losing her ninja family, betrayal, and revenge. The movie is has some really awesome ninja fighting scenes, great scenery and a bit of gore. Otherwise Ueto Aya is an awesome actress the embodiment of her character - really making you believe this character. Not as long as a drama, but a good watch and there is a sequel!

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6 people found this review helpful
Sep 15, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers
Huh. I don't know how I ended up watching this movie but I thank youtube for having this on the "related videos" sidebar!

Story | Suzuki Saya is an office worker in the event planning department for a hotel. She's always having to be corrected by her strict and straight forward boss, Tsuge Susumu. What seems like out of left field, the two begin a relationship and along the way they both learn some valuable lessons about themselves. A very typical Shoujo manga plot. In other words, another cliché, but I am a person who doesn't get tired of such clichés.

Acting | Can we just all take a moment to appreciate how beautiful Takei Emi is. She's always been pretty to me, but it was extremely refreshing to see her play a more mature, non-student, older role. She still had the goofy, cringe worthy type of moments but I quite enjoyed her as Saya. I don't believe I've seen Okura Tadayoshi in anything so at first I didn't even realize it was him. Strangely, I loved his character and how he played it. He was a type to hide his emotions and he acted that out well and when he did need to show emotion he showed a nice amount that would seem believable for his character. Chemistry wise, for a movie, I thought it wasn't that bad and it was presently on screen. Things kind of just happened so I was like "oh, okay well..okay." but they had so many moments where I honestly thought they were adorable together. Supporting cast, I really liked Saya's hotel coworkers, especially her two close friends. They had small roles but somehow played a bigger role than I had anticipated.

Music | Besides Kanjani8's song and the use of a Disney song, I don't think there was anything besides instrumentals. Kanjani8's song was a nice touch for the ending credits.

Rewatch | Not anytime soon, but I know I'll come back to it some day.

Overall | For a live action based on a manga, I thought it was actually pretty decent. My only complaint is I wish they used Hino Haruki's character is a better way. I don't really know how to describe this without spoilers but I thought his character could've been used to help others character developments, well, more than what was given. Other than that, I don't really have any other complaints. This was a simple and cute movie. Not sure why the score is low, but give it a try!

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Mi wo Tsukushi Ryouricho
6 people found this review helpful
by Nozomi
Jul 28, 2017
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
I usually think twice before writing a review, marking any drama with very low grades hurts me somehow, if it isn't my cup of tea it could be someone's else.
Yet, I just finished watching the last episode and couldn't resist putting my inputs right here in this space, because this drama with its simplicity worth even more than 10.

I didn't watch the previous (Mi wo Tsukushi Ryouricho) drama specials and I have no clue how it look like, that's why I am not going to compare between them here, obviously - Just saying if that's what you are looking for.

This drama is very light, warm, soft and has a smooth plot with a episodic story-line that develops into nothing but a happy ending, where Mio shines and succeeds - as it's mentioned in the synopsis.
Yes, the main mission and the beginning of the story is all about looking for a missing person, yet it's basically a side event which doesn't really interfere with the main character's development and her success in the culinary world.

If I want to pull my thoughts all together, then I would say that this drama has a lot between its lines, great moral stories and many things to be inspired by.

Mio is a true role model with her hardworking, determination, dedication and fortitude, as she battles countless obstacles such as the difference between her own city Osaka's and then Edo's cooking style, the gender racism, the jealousy of her rivals, and many more, she stays strong and fights for her right to succeed and chase after her dream and fulfill her passion yet she never fails to remain ethical and moral, soft and feminine, kind and nice with a child-like smile in her lovely face at the same time.

All the good people around who supports her tremendously & whom she considers like a family and more. They all go through a lot together, they fight with the haters & they face major disasters, but they stay strong & undefeated and they help each other to overcome all of it.

The long-distance friendship with her childhood friend, their commitment and their faith on each other is so priceless as well.

The pure delicate affection that's exchanged between her and that charismatic Samurai, their adorable interactions without even using the word (love) frankly with each other, it's also something I always look for and enjoy watching, such a noble and decent love is really common in Japanese historical dramas - the last five minutes in the finale is everything, got butterflies in my stomach while watching it.

The story takes place in the very old era of Japan, so all you see is a historical filming set with the old woody stuff, tiny unpaved roads and the chonmage. But those are very slightly focused on though, as the main place is (Tsuru-ya) the restaurant, where our cook devotes her time and efforts to make it the num. 1 restaurant of Edo, so it's the pots, the ingredients & the served dishes what pop up in the screen all the time. It's cozy and feels so warm to my heart indeed.

Kuriko Haru is shining in the drama industry, it's lovely to see her grabbing the attention with her bright acting skills, although she seemed to be Toshiko from Tenno no Ryoriban who got jealous of her husband's success and ran away to take her own part in the culinary world and prove herself - that was a pure joke, you may go ahead & laugh.
Her acting is so effortless as she sinks in her role and brings her best that I sometimes tend to forget for a second that it's only an acting, she's growing bigger & bigger for sure, and she's definitely standing out among all the crowds now, happy for her.
Narumi Yasuda indeed was irreplaceable, although it was my first time to watch her performance but she really grabbed my attention with her genuine acting.
Nagayma Kento, Oh that smile! and what a bright and adorable character! I couldn't help but have a crush on both of them, him and Moriyama Mirai from (Water Boys) - he has grown to a rippana ikemen otoko though!- sadly he is so underrated actor who deserves more attention & love and more of main leads, this guy is genius, at least in this drama to me, I could feel how he devoted himself in his role, and was attentive to put the details through his body-language and facial expressions, which were so genuine and so effortlessly composed, I just hope he will get more of main roles in more interesting dramas in the future, because... the guy deserves it!
The whole cast was brilliant, everyone has done so well indeed, but the only who I resented his existence is Kimura Yuichi, I am not sure if I didn't like his personality or his acting, but for me he was an annoying extra character.

The music, not major but lovely, pleasing overall & well suited with the drama.

Rewatch Value, I think YES, I will get back to this if I ever wanted to see the slight romance that goes between our two main leads, it's heart-warming and makes you feel comfortable in a strange way.

Go for it if you love watching cooking dramas, Japanese historical stories, listening to the old Japanese accents & want to have a good relaxing time and watch something uplifts your morale at the same time.
This drama is very sentimental, if it doesn't hit that thing in your heart in the first two episodes then you might not enjoy the rest, for me, this was a very pleasing good ride, had enjoyed it so much that I watched one episode after one constantly, this is definitely my cup of tea and my cup of coffee as well!
Dewa, I will stop here and go to pray for a second season.

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The Boy Next Door
5 people found this review helpful
Jun 16, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
So many laughs, OMG this was hilarious. There was no BL content in it, just others perceptions of the two main characters and their adorable bromance that developed after they move in together. The two are similar when it comes to goals but have contrasting personalities that it causes them more trouble then need be. The one girl between them is only a friend who thinks they are dating and suck at being discreet. Every short episode was full with shock, surprises and sarcasm too. Just what I need in life. My stomach hurt from laughing so much but I will rewatch this again and again for the amazing crazy and funny story. Please make more like this Korea! Just slowly slide from tolerance to acceptance and finally celebration of LGBT+ relationships in everyday society.

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One and Only
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 27, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.5

Well Rounded

For the storytelling, I surprisingly really liked the balance between the OTP romance, the political struggle and the side characters on this drama. I personally don’t dig the prolonged side characters romance story cdramas often give nor the often long-drawn power struggles featuring countless ministers and princes you don’t care for. But I can’t stand anything too fluffy without a convincing set up when the plot is politically driven. This, managed to stay focused yet convincing throughout (except first episode perhaps, where they lacked context horribly). In short, I like the length lol.

THE ONE THING I LIKE BEST about this drama is how it’s NOT TOO ANIMATED, the characters were actually all normal people without being too unrealistically lively, silly, cold, villainy, etc; and the prod team breathe life into the dramas by little scenarios like (minorrrr spoiler) how they went to the court palace at the wedding night cos Feng’s curious (without neccessrly any consequence), even in ancient turbulent times people course of actions during idle times don’t differ too much from us, this drama recognize that and it’s what made it poignant. As they allocate the screen time for those instead of happenings, the drama itself was rather the ‘platonic’ type, I’m a sucker for those but I can easily see it could be boring for some.

Some side characters make illogical and questionable decisions I could get by. I rather like how the FL is an obedient girl, as I’ve always wondered how a Confucianism-taught noble could turn out to be a rebellious brat with modern ideas in many other historical c-dramas. As for the conclusion of this drama, I myself was satisfied, it ended how a prequel should.

As for the production, this is an obvious top tier. The SCORING is movie-worthy, and I dare say the best I’ve seen in c-dramaland, the canon reprised for a costume c drama? That was also interesting. There’s no room for doubt in the acting and it’s useless to sing more praises as they are.. BL and RJL . A big applause to BL though for proving people wrong for typecasting her, Shiyi was meek and even when she’s angry, she stayed resilient but not fierce; there’s no trace of her previous demoness role ppl seem to be worried about lol. The directing is on par but not too special.

Overall, it was definitely a good watch, but rewatch value is not high as the plot is nothing new, it’s just very nicely executed.

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I Told Sunset about You
4 people found this review helpful
Nov 26, 2020
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


Hands down to the producer and all the crew that works behind this series is beautifully done the cinematography the script the chemistry everything scream perfection itsay really made other bl series that i've watch became plain that's how impactful this series to me it hits hard. Also BKPP!!! both of them are such amazing actors their chemistry are insane how they executed every scenes are so impressive. I love how they didn't even need to talk much or even have a very long make out and bed session to show the se*ual tension just subtle touch, glances already made the audience feeling their chemistry im so so proud of them and they totally deserve all the recognition for their hardwork. ITSAY is highly recommended 100/10 i must say

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Super Star Academy
6 people found this review helpful
Jan 2, 2021
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.0


I don’t know what I expected but holy shit, it’s weird. I didn’t even know it was a boyband show until halfway through. Sure I started watching for Xiao Zhan (who plays just the most uncomfortable awkward guy I’ve ever seen) but by the end I was watching because I had to know what weird shit the writers and editors were gonna pull next.

Do I recommend it? I have no idea, it’s an absurdist art piece, I couldn’t always tell what was comedy and what was just bad writing. But when it hits? It hits. Truly epic.

Xiaoming best boy.
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Love and Redemption
6 people found this review helpful
by Shades
Jan 11, 2021
59 of 59 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Love and Redemption

Okay... Love and Redemption is a true gem!! It’s an utterly beautiful & unique show. It certainly did not disappoint as the story progressed. Instead, it became even more mesmerising.

Main Leads love story is magical, gut-wrenching, and yet so wonderful. Their love encounters various frustrating problems. Xuan Ji is literally the most powerful FL I watch in a Wuxia drama. And her boy Cheng Yi (Si Feng) really outdoes many ML in similar drama. Watching him and Xuan Ji, I felt happiness, sorrow, anger, and pain.

The rest of the cast was excellent as well. Everyone put everything they had into Love and Redemption, and it paid off. I am just so amazed at this show that it literally blows my mind. Like... How did they do it? 59 episodes and zero dull moments? So absurd it’s laughable 😂😂

Overall, this drama is absolutely incredible, from the story itself to the diverse characters.

Acting/Cast: 10 > Story: 10 > Music: 10 > Rewatch Value: 10

[1] Si Feng > [2] Teng She > [3] Brother Liu > [4] Wu Zhiqi > [5] Xuan Ji > [6] Yuan Lang

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Something in the Rain
5 people found this review helpful
by Haze
Aug 14, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0


What is love ?
Is unorthodox love accepted ?

We are represented by the people around us and judged for the same .
Whether it's family , work or personal everything holds a view and opinion .

This drama is really wonderful .
You would see lots of people being dissatisfied with the ending .
But the director had the guts to convey what really happens .

Are you the kind of a viewer who watches an idealist romance ?
Everything has it's ups and downs .
This drama portrays the good and the bad with such convenience that it's baffling .

All the moaners in the review are immature to accept the beauty of this drama .
( These are all weak people and not smart . Like you average viewer with the disability to assess and tell diamond from carbon )

This has an indefinite ending .
Coz people really don't have answers for everything .
Life and relationships are stories .
And not all stories have a definite ending .

It does get slow but the director is giving you time to think what you could've done in that situation .
This drama comes with an art of reflection for what to do and what not to do .

PS : Cinematography is one of the key element of this drama . Purely phenomenal !

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The Outsiders
6 people found this review helpful
Jan 10, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Very heartbreaking, a really sad teenage movie, but highly recommended!

I watched this because I really liked Gingle Wang, I watched the 2004 version and the plot was too long and annoying, But the movie version, the plot is really concise, highly recommended, very shocking and the acting is amazing, I can't believe this will be the first acting of a new actor. It's really amazing!!

Story: Under the strict education of her professor father, Pei Yuyan was a good student at school, practiced the violin at home, and followed her parents' wishes, living quietly like a canary in a cage. What made her smile was the Occasionally secretly played banned pop songs. She thought that everything would follow the path arranged by her father. After graduating from high school, she went abroad, studied music, and played classical piano...until she met Yu Hao, the gangster who was fighting on the street, who rushed into the classroom to thank her students, that The boy who stopped the bus and handed over the love letter! Yu Hao, whose parents died, under the care of Uncle Hui, a police officer, made a thrilling move towards the day of graduating from high school. He and Shanzi and Archie, who grew up with him since childhood, are always in a relationship no matter how good or bad, walking in the school is windy, and fighting outside the school. Yu Hao remembered that day, every move of Pei Yuyan who took the first step towards the injured him. Although the two worlds were far apart, he couldn't help but grasp the love that made his heart flutter. Taking Yanzi's speed and seeing Yanzi smiling happily, Yu Hao decided to use all his power to protect the girl who broke into his youth

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Kieta Hatsukoi
6 people found this review helpful
by labcat
Mar 7, 2022
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Cute, funny, moving

My Love Mix-Up! is high-school setting BL done right. It does not try too hard to be original about teen love, and it does not end up being silly. Instead, it's a cute, light-hearted comedy that manages to be sweet and moving. And it is very well made.

The misunderstanding that starts everything is cleverly used to show something about the main characters. Aoki's kind, lovable nature in admitting to Ida that the eraser with Ida's name is his so as to save Hashimoto from embarrassment is clear from the start. Although he has a crush on Hashimoto and is disappointed, he does not react with toxic jealousy. Ida's serious but open-minded nature is also seen in how he reacts to Aoki's "crush" on him. There could have been a love triangle, but the revelation of another misunderstanding resolves things nicely, enhancing the general light-heartedness of the series.

Apart from the romance, the friendship that develops between Aoki and Hashimoto is a nice touch as they encourage each other and comfort each other. In general, the world of My Love Mix-Up! is simple and innocent. Surprisingly, there is no pretense that homophobia does not exist, and the series does not ignore the issue. But it addresses it without becoming too serious or dismissive of the issue.

Much of the series' funny moments depend on Michieda Shunsuke, who plays Aoki, and he is pretty good with them. At the same time, he is able to restrain himself from exaggerated expressions in the moments that are not meant to be funny. This makes the character a nice contrast to the straight-faced Ida.

My Love Mix-Up! may be a series that makes us wishing for more of its goodness, but the ten episodes are nicely paced and nothing feels rushed. The ending is satisfying, and here is no cliffhanger for a potential second season, though I certainly won't mind one as long as it is equally good and doesn't ruin things.

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Bicycle Looking for a Whale
6 people found this review helpful
Apr 11, 2012
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
First of all - cute movie!
the movie is based around the family bonds and relations: the older brother that protects her sister the best way he can through any hardships, the man who protects them as if they were his own, etc.
not only does the movie concentrate around the family but also around friendship, new encounters and as well searching for the meaning in life (in my opinion)

Very nice movie with great acting!! the little girl who plays the sister's role is just amazing..even though she is small and does not have experience in acting...she was able to bring the character to live with the help of the other casts :)

The scenery is just beautiful throughout the movie. The bicycle ride just brings to many different places that enriches the standard of the movie :)

Just to mention the movie is set in the country side meaning that the situation of the families and the life does differ from the city life. It is set in a much poorer area and one might not like the fact that all characters in the movie speak with an accent

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