Koko Sun Yi
6 people found this review helpful
by AnQuat
Aug 5, 2022
Completed 2
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

What were Japanese "comfort girls"?

I had the privilege to see one of the first presentations of this KBS-documentary today. In the movie announcement it says:
Koko Sunji - our search to find the truth. Japanese "comfort girl" report no 49.

Subject: This documentary is concerned with the fate of twenty young Korean women who were discovered by the allies in 1944 in Myanmar (former Burma). As they were prisoners of war they were interrogated and there remained two interrogation reports about them, as well as a couple of photographs. The main purpose of the film was finding out who they were - based on these reports and pictures - what happened to them, and what was their role during the war years. Koko Sunji was one of them.
The film also sheds light on the people who wrote the reports, the conditions under which they were written and so on. In order to interpret the reliability of such a historical paper, all these details are important, that becomes evident. In the course of the documentary there are also a few Americans being included, who for different reasons got involved in the matter.

The story: The story concerns historical facts, not fiction, but if I have to rate the story, I`d say it is well narrated. You get to follow the path of the production team on their journey to shed light on that part of the war history. Step by step you follow their interviews, focussing always on the interviewed person. You see maps, buildings and sceneries of importance and in this way it stays interesting from beginning to end.
The film has a highly analytical approach to the matter, which helps not to get emotional.

Acting/cast: The people shown were authentic and always interesting, even though you might not like all of them - since there are conflicting opinions that get their screen time, too.

Music: I don`t actually remember any music. If there was music, it didn`t distract me from the film, and that is a good thing.

Rewatch value: I might rewatch it at a certain point. Some parts were actually artistic, in a subtle way, but I am mainly drawn to the analytical approach.

Facit: I recommend watching this movie if you want to be a little bit more informed about this part of the Korean/Japanese history. It is obviously not fluffy or feel-good stuff, but it is nothing that is difficult to watch or unbearable.
I don`t watch documentaries regularly. I give 9 points to this documentary because I think it deserves 9 points for keeping my interest wide awake until the end.

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A Tale of Thousand Stars
4 people found this review helpful
Sep 22, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5



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Love Bipolar
6 people found this review helpful
Apr 15, 2018
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I jumped into this drama randomly not expecting much and that's the best way to approach this drama. It's only four episodes long and you go through the episodes faster than you can blink. It's a simple story about these twin brothers, one is gay and the makeup artist to a famous model/actress and the other a graphic design artist. One day the gay twin gets into a wreck and he freaks out not wanting to cause troubles for his beloved actress so he asks (more like begs)his brother to pretend to be him while he heals. And tadah we have a twin swap full of comedy and romance. While watching this I felt like the main actress outdid the actor. I could really feel her emotions in every scene but the boy (Toni) sometimes came off as emotionless to me. When Toni was playing as the gay brother I could feel his emotions come through more stronger than when he was in the straight role. I dunno if romance makes him feel awkward. Maybe it is just his character because towards the last two episodes I felt like his acting got better. Anyways the story is cute and cliche but I neither hate it or love it for this reason. It's just something to watch when you're bored or have a busy schedule and only got time to squeeze in a little lakorn in your life. I recommend you watch it at least once. After you're done there's really nothing that makes you want to rewatch it even though it's bit sized. The cast in general were all ok. The bad girl was a little annoying but she actually had some depth to her which I appreciated. She wasn't just some evil cartoon villain. It was nice seeing Chatchawit in this as well I am a little bit of a fan of his. So overall I give this drama a 6. It's ok nothing special but I can't completely hate it because it made me smile throughout and it never dragged on.

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Beloved Life
6 people found this review helpful
by OdeK
Sep 23, 2022
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Traditional vs Modern Values

It was good enough that it kept me hooked & wanting to chase each episode as they were released. Generally, love the attempt at the female best friend relationship & the FL+ML, BUT hate the 2ML+his sister.

Du Di (Victoria Song, FL) --> my absolute favourite character (along with the ML) - she's flawed but is aware of them & makes the effort to gradually change them.
- Wish she had more scenes with her mum. She always looks and treats others coldly but she’s like sunshine with her mum. I feel like Victoria always has awesome chemistry with her onscreen mothers.
- Her friendship with Wu Cong Rui. The loyalty and love between them. They compete fairly for the position of chief resident and won’t betray the other person to get what they want (for the most part). Love women supporting women!
- Her relationship with Liu Nianbai. SO SWEET! It was like she finally woke up. She went from looking like she could kill you to becoming a cinnamon roll. They’re literally the only healthy and respectful relationship.
- She’s so loyal that she’s willing to be misunderstood by everyone else. Takes courage & self-confidence to do that! I felt so bad for her many times. Especially when Li Jun Xiao and WCR say deeply hurtful things to her. She looks out for them but gets shit like "being in a relationship with you is nothing to boast about" and that she'll never be as great as her idol.
- Flaws: Too hotheaded (she flings accusations around with no evidence) & too overprotective. What’s the point if others won’t thank her for it. She needs to learn to protect herself from that.

Wu Cong Rui (Wang Xiao Chen, 2FL) --> likeable at times, hateful at times.
- The one who has mostly reasonable reactions but she has a habit of acting innocent when she's being the most deceitful. When she had a cold war with DD, it was understandable. Her divorce with her ex-husband and her falling out with LJX was also reasonable.
- What’s interesting to watch are her facial expressions — hilarious. Sometimes I rewind to watch what different expressions she has on.
- Flaws: Don’t get how she could date her best friend’s ex though. That’s a big NO. Also don't like how she gets pissed at DD for listing LJX's flaws when DD was doing it to protect her BUT then lets freaking LJX talk shit about DD 24/7. Is this what a best friend of 10 years does??? She's also too easily manipulated...she lets LJX turn her against DD.

Li Jun Xiao (Wang Sen, 2ML) --> HATED HIM!
- Everything DD said about him was true: male chauvinist pig, misogynistic, superficial & materialistic, easily jealous, hypocrite.
- Sigh. I hated his character for most of the film. I wanted both him and his sister to leave from ep 1-30. They’re always talking about how people look down on them for being "poor country bumpkins" yet he views women as breeding machines and she looks down on divorced women and those who’ve had miscarriages. Why would they expect people to show them respect if they’re not respecting others? He was a walking contradiction & super toxic for most of the series. Thankfully he *sort of* redeemed himself in the last few eps.
- AND his sister gossips and spreads lies to make the patients worry. Didn’t she get ethics training or something when she took on the job at the hospital???
- He’s always making snide comments like the petty guy he is. For the first dozen or so episodes, he kept insulting DD every chance he got. Like bro, you guys broke up, deal with it. You’re at work, be professional! DD isn’t even saying anything even though she hates your guts. He's also a freaking moron for pitting WCR against DD (miscarriage situation).
- What was the whole point of him busting his ass for a ring for WCR when he was fine with buying DD a modest ring???
- For all his holier-than-thou attitude, he's willing to go against his conscience to earn money quickly. Both DD & LJX have similar backgrounds (from poor families in the countryside & they have to work harder than anyone else) yet she has much better morals & values than he does. No excuses for him there.

Liu Nian Bai (Yin Fang, ML) --> LOVED HIM! Adorable without any toxic behaviour. Fully supports the people he cares about.
- His scenes with DD are so cute. The way that he got her to relax and not be so uptight when he’s around her was so satisfying to watch.
- He’s one of my fave characters. He was never really unreasonable & has a high EQ so he's good at dealing with patients that DD can't handle. Both of them do things for others with no strings attached.
- He’s surprisingly good at stand-up comedy! His delivery was ?!

Cons of the series:
- Fake babies were super obvious and weird.
- Actor's lips & voice-overs weren't synced half the time which made me disengage from the scene. For example, when LJX and his sister were arguing and their lips didn’t match what was heard in the voice over. It made a scene that was supposed to be emotionally intense…bland. No feelings whatsoever.
- Very sudden ending on most episodes. Not that they were cliffhangers but more like the episodes just randomly ended. Also the series finale didn’t feel like a finale…
- Patriarchal values: prefer boys over girls, abort innocent female babies, using women as breeding tools to appease males' ego and pride, that women and children need a father regardless of how toxic those men are & the toxic women who also subscribe to this idea (all the grandmothers & that 1 mother who put her daughter, the mistress, & their kids in danger).
- Communication issue is a huge problem in this series. Besides DD and LNB’s relationship, I don’t think anyone else communicates. Miscommunication led to all the breakups in this series.
- Also how did WCR catch up to DD in such a short amount of time? DD was described as someone with skills that exceeded that of most medical residents, but suddenly WCR who was nowhere close caught up??? Makes no sense. DD had all those sleepless nights and constant disciplined practice that it’s hard to believe that WCR could be a worthy rival in a short amount of time.
- Hate that Director Huang likes to throw DD under the bus to favour her student (WCR). So unprofessional!

The husband of the woman with cervical cancer who decided to keep the baby even if it meant her death. His eyes were super expressive and he felt like an actual actor instead of an extra.

The wife and mistress in an alliance. Was super cool (women working together instead of against each other)!

Felt really bad for WCR's ex, but this is what happens when you don’t communicate.

The head nurse!!! Wanted more scenes with her! Also wish her son was brought into the plot more.

A nice surprise was Victoria singing the ending song. I miss her f(x) days so I love it when she sings for her dramas!

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Hello Missfortune
6 people found this review helpful
by Tine
Jan 11, 2022
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Pretty unique concept, and nice message :)

"Hello Missfortune" is a short fantasy drama, with a romance-centered plot without any love triangle. The concept seems rather unique, and the story was very interesting.


The story starts with our FL, Yu, arriving in the futuristic 2nd dimension, which is like a first stage of the afterlife, after having died in the real world, which is the 1st dimension. Here she has to work to gain points for moving up to the 3rd dimension. She wants to quickly move up to follow her parents, who have died a long time before her. The work is to either bring luck or misfortune to the humans in the human realm. Yu draws our ML, Pei-Ho, whom she has to bring a certain amount of misfortune every day. As he is poor and depressed already, she starts feeling bad for him, and also, through PauPau, finds a way to meet him in person. She falls in love with him. But things are not as they seem at first.

Cast & Characters

Yu (Female Lead), played by Erica, is a kind-hearted, sweet, and rather optimistic spirit. She has a big heart for others. Her goal is to follow her parents to the 3rd dimension.

Pei-Ho (Male Lead), played by Hubert Wu, is a kind-hearted but depressed person in the human world. He is very poor, and luck doesn't seem to be on his side. A past event made him feel unworthy of many things.

Pau-Pau (Second Lead Character), played by Mayanne Mak, is also a spirit in the 2nd dimension, and a total foodie. She is quite courageous and carefree. She is all talk, yet has her heart in the right place. She resembles an older sister, who leads you on to do forbidden things. xD I honestly like Mayanne a lot as an actress.

Tino (Second Lead Character), played by Mark Ma, is a boastful and carefree spirit in the 2nd dimension. He is a poser and a flirt, until he regains his memories of his life in the human world, that is. I liked him a lot too! ^-^

My Opinion

Although the romance stands in the center of the drama, the fantasy is still the main theme – Which I loved, since I'm a fan of fantasy anyway. Also, there is no love triangle or annoying character whatsoever. I liked all the main characters, as well as the acting of the respective actors and actresses. The emotional backstory of each character made me get attached to them easily.

I found the story about dimensions and "bringing misfortune" pretty unique. It was definitely interesting. Not only the story of the main leads, but also the stories of the second leads had me curious the whole time.

There are some scenes that felt slow and a little draggy at the beginning. It also had its fun parts, tho! The second half of the drama was a little darker. That's when elements of mystery, crime and suspense were added, much to my liking. I also liked the messages the drama delivered.

There were some things that bugged me a little, but overall I enjoyed the drama a lot. It was totally binge-able! If you like fantasy, and have some time to spare: Watch it! :)

Finally, I want to end my review with my favorite quote of the drama, that describes the story quite well:

"When one, two, three and four coincidences come together, they can't be coincidences. It's all meant to be. It's just that you are being too ignorant, or you don't know yet. When it's time for you to know, you will."

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Now, We Are Breaking Up
6 people found this review helpful
by DH70
Jan 18, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Boring and unsatisfying

Whenever I am choosing a drama to watch, since there so many to choose from, I usually wait until the drama has finished and read the reviews. But I really like the two leads so decided to watch it after the first four episodes had aired. I should have really stuck with my tried and true method.

This drama firstly commits one of the worst possible sins a drama can commit, its boring. Yes it is slow. Slow is fine, but boring is not. Dramas can be slow and interesting, but not this one.

Then it commits what I personally consider the worst sin. A very unsatisfying ending. After the 16 hours I have invested in this drama I don’t want to feel like I wasted my time and could have watched something better. Unfortunately that is what I felt here.

I love Song Hye Kyo. I think she is overall a great actress. But she commits two sins here for a romantic drama. Firstly, just like in Encounter, she has zero chemistry here with the ML. It is hard to believe that she even likes the ML, never mind being in love. Then secondly, she is so emotionless. My refrigerator has more heat than this romance seemed to have. Yes I may be exaggerating, but not by much.

When the secondary characters are CONSIDERABLY more interesting than the ML and FL, you know you are in trouble. Even they cannot save this one.

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The Girl Who Sees Scents
6 people found this review helpful
by Irene
Sep 18, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
A drama full of sugar and spice!

Lots of sugary sweet parts across the two main leads. Spice from the very attractive Mr. Namgoong Min.

The drama dragged a little, the police investigation was done very kdrama style (a.k.a. not the most logical, but watchable). However, a very solid beginning and end, lots of comedy injected throughout and lots of genuine laughs from watching the drama.

Shin Se Kyung does a great job in this drama. Her and Yoochun's acting are on par so they made for a good match as neither overpowered the other in their acting. Lots of cute moments between the two leads.

Namgoong Min is a charismatic villain here. Mysterious and sociopathic, you can't get enough of his screen time.

The rest of the supporting cast was well chosen as well.

Good use of music - I like the sound effects they used when SSK activates her seeing smells ability.

Watch this for adorkably cute moments and a new interesting way to solve crimes.

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Witch's Court
6 people found this review helpful
Nov 30, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
Once I started watching, I was sure this drama would be the latest addition to my favorites list. It had such promising elements... A strong female lead, a revenge thriller plot, a potentially cute pairing, and a sex crimes focus (which in America is a super timely subject)... but unfortunately I became less excited as the episodes became more formulaic. I still enjoyed "Witch's Court", but I don't think it lived up to it's potential.

The best part of the show, by far,  is Jung Ryeo Won as Ma Yi Deum. She is perfectly cast as the shows anti-hero prosecutor, and who the title refers too. Never has the implied "B" when the term "Witch" is used felt more appropriate. She is ruthless, and clever, and messy, and self serving, and stubborn, and amazing! I fell in love with her arrogant smirk and red lipstick. Even when she was at her worst, I was compelled to cheer her on. If there is any reason to recommend this drama, it is her. She is the best female lead character I've seen in a long time. I just wish the rest of the drama was as solid as she was.

She is matched with Yoo Hyun Min, as prosecutor Jin Wook. Honestly, I found him adorkable. He is the antithesis of her... an extremely empathetic and considerate character, and certainly much more passive and bland. I liked their chemistry too, even if their relationship seemed forced at times. He's definitely more like a sidekick than an equally strong lead. The romance isn't a major focus in this drama anyway, and I think that was a missed opportunity, especially considering the way the plot unfolds for both of them. I think it should have been played up much more, or not added at all, but instead it feels more like it's forgotten until it becomes convenient. Still, I was happy for the lighter comedic moments since the other parts of the plot are more melodramatic

Much of the story focuses on one evil duplicitous character, Gab Soo, which is another wasted opportunity. He is meant to be an utterly ruthless character, but his storyline started to bore me after a while, and unfortunately later episodes revolve mostly around him. I think Jun Kwan Ryul played his character pretty well, making him a more subdued kind of evil, but he just wasn't memorable enough. His story line also went from intriguing to predictable really quickly. I kept waiting for an interesting plot twist, or an unexpected moment, but it never came. He just wasn't a worthy enough rival for such a strong lead.

The rest of the plot revolves around the CAGU prosecutors office and their focus on these seemingly impossible to win sex crime cases. I was impressed to see such taboo subjects explored in these cases, and I did love watching to see what Ma Yi Deum would do to solve them, but even those stories started to follow too much of a predictable formula. Unlike other dramas with similar themes, some airing at the same time, this one often took the safest and most convenient routes in resolving each case.  This could be a good thing for viewers who don't want to watch something that's too dark, but for me it made many of these stories, even the worst of them, pretty forgettable. The ensemble CAGU cast of characters are pretty forgettable too.

By the last few episodes I was barely holding on to what little interest I had left, so the ending felt oddly like it came too quickly and not soon enough.  I'd say the ending was adequate,  but they spent  time showing me what happened with characters I long forgot about, and glossed over some pretty unbelievable plot points.  

So, would I watch this again? Probably not. The story isn't good enough for a second viewing, but because Jung Ryeo Won is so good, it may be worth it just to watch her in action. As for the OST, it's mostly what I would consider her "theme song" being played to cue when she's in full "witch mode". I'd be much more intrigued by a better written second season, than watching this again.

Overall, this felt like a mediocre introduction to an awesome character, almost like an origin story. If they decided on a season 2, I would definitely watch, because that's how much I liked the lead. They would need a whole new writers team, and cast (except for her Jin Wook sidekick). On it's own, this is an entertaining, but pretty mediocre law show. Even so, I'm kinda sad to see it end. 

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Hi! School - Love On
6 people found this review helpful
Nov 13, 2018
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This drama was definitely made for a younger audience. Although it doesn't have that exaggerated feel and it does tend to get quite serious with some issues it didn't go deep enough for me to get emotional.

it contains your typical female lead who wants to befriends with everybody and never hates or gets mad at anyone. The two "handsome" boys (who, of course, are idol actors) fighting over the female lead. Jealous mean girls. Meat head bullies with a sad past. Crazy side characters. Class clichés. Accidents and intendidents. Cheesy romance stuff that will make you puke if you've lost your virginity and last but not least; limited skinship.

The romance here is safe for children of all ages and this is because the female lead was 14 and the male lead was 23 when they shot this drama. They share one kiss and then the skinship is limited to one hug every 8 episode.

The soundtrack was really annoying. They fit in like 4 different song in a minutes to set the mood which was a big mistake because it only gave me a headache. You don't always need a song to fit the mood. Silence is the strongest weapon.

Instead of having a strong plot and keeping to it for 12 - 16 episodes, this drama has the base line "Angel loves human" and then changes the plot from one common drama to another, to keep it interesting. In the beginning it reminded me of "You who came from the stars" and other fantasy/romance dramas. Then it changed into School 2015 and other friendship and bullying centered youth dramas. Stepping over to a lighter and slightly more psycho version of School 2013s bromance before it escalates to a very unusual Romeo and Juliet and then finally dies out in a typical fantasy/romance ending with a touch of amnesia.


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Shadowless Sword
6 people found this review helpful
by Aryael
Jul 12, 2011
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This was the first historical/periodic k-movie I'd watched and it created a significant impression in my mind. Here's my review of the movie:

Story: A straight forward and simple story - a nation's in crisis, they need a king, but assasins have been killing off all potential candidates until there was only one possible candidate left: an exiled prince. A fighter was sent to search and protect the exiled prince. Excellent fighting scenes followed. There was a budding romance between the prince and his protector and the unrequitted love between a vassal and her lord/leader. All these come together to form a solid storyline for a movie.

Acting/Cast: Very convincing, excellent fighting scenes and good script. What can I say: I am drawn into the world of war, assassins and martial arts by the cast.

Music: Not much to comment there. The music suited each scene but because most of them are instrumental with either sombre mood or fight mood, the music did not stand out in this movie.

Rewatch value: An excellent and quick 1 hour plus entertainment that you can rewatch whenever you feel bored. I enjoy watching the fighting scenes. They were well choreographed.

Overall: Highly recommended!! It is truly a gem that was not given its due recognition!!

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Marry Me, My Queen
6 people found this review helpful
by Hani
May 5, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

My Majesty

To be honest I watched this drama based on the casting because both the female and male leads I've seen them in the previous drama. It's a short drama, for me, I am avid fond of historical drama though it, 's not the typical one I really want to watch but is worth watching as the character are playing their role properly.

If you are fond of C drama historical drama this might serve as your pastime while waiting for the other dramas to be released :);)

I also love this drama since its a female-centered governance and kinda love the twist, I was not able to predict it.

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Time Flies and You Are Here
6 people found this review helpful
Jul 30, 2021
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

Just another toxic ml and dumb fl, who mature a bit over 32 eps.

I found this one when i was looking for contract relationship tags. It truly is a DRAMA, like a melodrama.

Story and characters: Surprisingly this had a lot of women empowerment vibes and that's pretty rare for a historical cdrama. I liked that.
Millions of meaningless misunderstandings. A childish, immature, inexpressive, awfully hot tempered and dumb ML with no control over his own emotions who mistreats, abuses, insults, embarrasses and hurts the FL in all possible ways. Granted that he likes her, and even sometimes does things for her out of good will but he is that obsessive kind of lover who wants to own the FL and never regards her happiness. They had a very toxic relationship. He was nowhere to be seen when his friends needed help. Altogether he was a horrible character. So from this initial situation to the ml growing mature and treating others well, it was a good change. Also his acting was on point.
The FL was quite a pitiful young girl. But she was strong willed and hardworking. She is not the typical damsel in distress FL in cdramaland. But she was dumb and had overly high limits of tolerance. Also i loved her sisterhood with Minggu. The only thing about her i didn't like is how could she fall for a guy like him? Like i know that the story is about them soooo but pretty sure that she liked Congwen earlier. And I'm probably the only person with such opinion but i really think that he suited her more in terms of everything. But oh well. She also grew mature. And they sure did a lot of PDA.
Minggu was my favourite, good that she and Boyang got together. I liked xingzhou and congwen too. There were many annoying evil entitled females that i lost count of. At one point there were so much bad things happening altogether that i honestly almost dropped it. But i also wanted to end it so i sat through.

Music and production: didn't really notice the music much, but the dramatic bg music that suddenly started playing in some scenes hurt my ears, so annoying! The silence was better. Production looked decent.

Overall it was okay, though I'd never rewatch it. It often felt quite draggy, there was nothing funny amd frustrating at times with lots of evil people getting their way. The happy ending was the only thing i looked forward to. I don't really recommend watching it though.

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Exclusive Fairytale
5 people found this review helpful
Jul 27, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
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Based on the general storyline, it looked like a typical-youth Chinese drama. The first few episodes were focused on their high school life, but then they moved on to college, work, and personal stuff. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from it, but it surprised me with its good storyline and how the characters interacted.

As a fan of SEVENTEEN and a CARAT, I was excited to see one of the members, Junhui, act for a while in this drama. The chemistry between his character and Miaoyi was so unique and funny. They've known each other since childhood, and their love-hate relationship was hilarious.

Overall, Jun and Miaoyi's chemistry was excellent throughout the series, and no significant issues could've led to a breakup. Most of their conflicts were just because they got jealous if someone showed interest in the other person.

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6 people found this review helpful
Oct 7, 2020
9 of 9 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

Extremely triggering and disgusting

Found this reality show thanks to Terrace House but my god, I could barely even finish it. The hosts, especially the male host, is despicable. He literally slutshames every woman ont he show, tries to portray them as selfish and horrible individuals and even bully one of them until she starts crying and then blame her for it. Also constant sexist and transphobic jokes, mocking abuse survivors, etc.

The only thing I enjoyed watching it was because it truly shows how conservative and backward certain aspects of Japanese culture still is. And as a fellow Asian, I truly think it's important for people to remember, especially as Westerners are quick to romanticise and glorify Japanese culture. People rarely want to discuss Japans issues with sexual harassment, porn, pedophilia and incest, both in real life as well as in anime, idols/junior idol culture, child model culture etc. The fact that Japanese women are incredibly fetishised by men all over the world due to hentai and an idea of Japanese women being submissive, kinky and too "polite" to report, does not help.

In this reality show you will see for yourself how victims of rape and abuse, divorcees and female porn stars are blamed and shamed. It's extremely unpleasant to watch, but a nice reality check I guess.

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Ongoing 16/16
My Sibling's Romance
6 people found this review helpful
by f4L24
Jun 11, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 3.5

An Original Reality Dating Show without the Need for Catty Drama to Drum Up Ratings

Unlike reality dating shows that hail from the West, My Sibling's Romance is absolutely unique and in my opinion, 99% unscripted and 100% wholesome and interesting to watch.

Four pairs of siblings (a brother and sister pairing) live in a house to get to know one another for three weeks. Within a day, they start requesting for a secret date with someone they find attractive. Siblings discuss in secret whom they think would be a good match for the other and their relationships are not revealed until midway through the series.

Drama unfolds when misunderstandings arise between love interests or when the interest is only one sided. I love how the siblings have got each other's backs - aiding the other in gathering information about their love interest and even standing up for them if they feel their sibling has been taken for a ride.

What I find most refreshing is how honest each cast member is and how the audience gets to know their true character and personality over the course of the series. They are not looking for fifteen minutes of fame. With the exception of perhaps one cast member, they are genuinely looking for a potential life partner.

One more episode to go before it is revealed which cast members agree to leave the show as a romantic couple and which ones decide to fly solo.

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