May 22, 2012

"put yourself first"

I am so thankful that Yoon Hee asked HaNa to put herself first or there is no telling what HaNa would have done next. I know she told Joon that she picks him and what not, but she has been really wishy washy. I love that she went to see In Ha on Joons' behalf and Joon whent to Yoon Hee. I think Joon may be the first to figure out that Yoon Hee is going blind.

I'm worried about Hye Jung showing her a$$ in the next episode, but I think that since Joon has come this far to be with HaNa that he isn't going to back down just because his mom is pulling her old tricks.

YYYYAAAAYYYY for Joon and HaNa being together!!! Whoop Whoop.

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May 22, 2012

Not the same..

This drama is not the same if it doesn't have the scenes between leads :(

But that's the storyline - something has to go wrong, as always.

anyways, I hope for the best - I'm just curious what kind of obstacles the road until happiness will have.. ?
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May 22, 2012

Who's the pathetic one...

So here's my several ideas to date...

1. I now get why I can't get to love this drama - HaNa... her character is a character for shoujo manga and not a drama I'd like to be watching and enjoying... I don't respect her, I don't even like her, though in the beginning I liked her spiky character and her fights with Joon, but as their relationship got deeper she became a pathetic... so she's luck her counterpart is a character like Joon, as I don't want to imagine what this drama would become if his character was less decisive...

2. My guess, that YoonHee would approve and would be ready to give up her relationship with InHa for her daughter became true, and honestly I adore her and I think I'm going back to liking InHa too ^^

3. And the pathetic one... HyeSung... Every time they show her, I just want to pass through the part, she's such an empty eggshell, so pathetic, so-so... grrr... I think she's really sick and needs medical help... I hope they show her less and less... I haven't found anything meaningful in anything she has said in the last 17 episodes... and I liked InHa's answer to her attacks, that she's thinking about Joon-Joon... he was 'You think only about yourself'... KWAK! in the face....

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May 22, 2012

It wouldn't be a drama w/o the "evil step-mother" type personality!

Ok! So the mom's r starting 2 get a clue now. Ha Na & Joon r totally going 2 just 4-get every1 else & be 2gether, which z what I thought they should do in the 1st place. What I rly think was the best about this; z that Hye Jung just continues 2 push the ppl she claims 2 love w/ her bx (bx=behavior 4 those that don't know). She z just showing how evil she rly z w/ every epi. The more she tries 2 control others the more they rebel against her. Which means that she z going 2 try 2 pull the "oh woe z me" crap in the next epi. "Every1 z leaving me! Y doesn't ne1 love me"......blah blah blah. I swear get the F over it. If she rly loved In Ha 2 begin w/ then she never would have been such a bitch in the 1st place. She would have been happy that he was happy. But no she lied 2 him about Yoon Hee being dead just so he would marry her (which I am sure will come out soon, b/c it was alluded 2 b-4). Then she has been just a cunt toward Yoon Hee & Ha Na 4 no reason. Just b/c she doesn't like Yoon Hee does not mean she has 2 be so disrespectful toward Ha Na. I mean she practically called her a slut when she met her @ the resort. I just don't understand women that act like that. It makes no sense how a grown woman could behave like such a child. I swear it z like did she 4-get 2 take her med's? Bipolar much!

Oh well I can't wait 2 watch Joon & Ha Na show her that they r going 2 stay 2gether despite her bx. I know she has pulled that I'm going 2 die b/c u won't do what I want bit several times. The whole IV thing in the preview just tells me that z the next step she will take b/c no1 z going 2 do what she wants. If Joon doesn't just walk away after telling her it zn't going 2 work I would be surprised.

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I don't get exactly what's the relationship between Ji Woo and Seung Yeon. So the ending of this drama left me asking, how will Ji Woo react. But Woo Hyung and Seung Yeon sure are cute.. I hope he would find out she's girl soon enough.. I don't like if will be revealed too late..
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This episode seamed to drag a bit, but it was okay. Some cute scenes and interesting ones too. Unfortunately, this drama doesn't seem to become one of my favourites, it's interesting enough to watch, but it doesn't leave me wishing to see the next episode right away..
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what can I say...

It was interesting - the ending was cute -.-

It was cute how Woo Hyun protected Seung Yeon.

I'm glad the seem to get a long a bit better, but I guess this kiss won't end nicely :D
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May 21, 2012


This show just keeps getting better and better by the episode.. Watching it you'll find yourself dragged into the different peoples lives. This episode was great.

In the previous episode I found her father to be creepy and scary, However in this episode they somehow managed to turn the whole situation around making me feel sorry for him instead. Almost to the point of my shedding tears for him.

Felt bad about the way Nicole treated her classmate atfirst, He has always been so nice to her.. I am just glad she softened up to him in the end.

An Episode covering even as far as to crimes. Top rated!!
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May 21, 2012

What's an IV?

Hey i haven't watched it yet, but what do you mean by 'lying in bed with her IV'?
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May 21, 2012

What an Ending!

Yeah so she basically ends up back at square one. She gets another job in a new place as the junior writer and she still doesn't have a boyfriend. Really this episode was terrible.
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May 21, 2012


awww he got married?? im in love with this drama. i hope he get his memory back.
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May 21, 2012

Best Kiss Scene Ever!

Tdramas have the best kissing scenes. Kdramas are too closed mouthed and Jdrama when they are romance based only have a few kisses. But in Tdramas, once the romance heats up, the leads kiss like every other episode. It's GREAT!. haha. Daoming saves Shancai and gets her cleaned up. And while he's cleaning up her wounds BAM! They kiss :D. Of course Shancai tries to resist but who can resist that hot boy :P. Lei comes back which kinda sucks because now Shancai is back to being a puppy for Lei and lusting after him again. Dang she was so close to admitting she liked Daoming. I have mixed feelings about Lizhen. One one hand I want to hate her but on the other I can't. Since she is poor in this version I can kinda understand where she's coming from. She's obviously smart and has worked hard to get a scholarship in this top school. She's worked so her dreams can come true. But unfortunately things don't seem to be working out for her. She's worked hard but for what, to not get the guy. The drama is sort of sending out the message that all you have to do to get a perfect life with the perfect guy is be bold and courageous, there's no real need to work hard, which is far from the truth in real life. Being bold and courageous are good qualities but without working hard, life's going to be tough. But I really love Shancai and Daoming so I'm a bit torn as whether to love or hate Lizhen. Moving on. Daoming takes Shancai shopping! So cute! He makes her try on a bunch of cute (IMO) outfits which are all rejected by Daoming for an OK dress. I personally liked the pink one the best. He's taking her on a vacation!! Yay! But wait Lei will be there with a girl toy... meaning that Shancai is jealous, of his girl toy. Boo! I wish Shancai will just get over him already.

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May 21, 2012


Daoming gets cuter and cuter. I love how he's so innocent in love. In this version its even cuter and funnier because he's this buff hot dude who is so clueless on the ways of love. You would never expect anyone who looks like him to be so innocent. But he has the cutest puppy face ever. His little dance is too cute as well. Vanness sings for us a little in the beginning of the episode which was amazing! I never liked this part of the drama. The Japanese and Korean versions downplayed a lot but in this version its not at all. Lizhen is pathetic and Daoming doesn't know what to do with himself. The guys really beat Shancai up which hurts my heart. This episode ended on a bad note.

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May 21, 2012

Gone at Last!

AWWWWW!!! Shancai and Daoming are tooo cute! I love this couple so so much. Like I said before the romance in this version is amazing. Lei leaves (YES!!!). Daoming asks Shancai on a date. But unlike the anime they don't get trapped in an elevator but rather the back staircase of some retail building where an expensive cafe is located. Because of the whole almost rape thing, Shancai doesn't really trust Daoming but when she feels his fever she forgets all about it. I love how Shancai knows that when Daoming almost raped he wasn't in the right state of mind. I mean don't get me wrong, what he almost did was wrong, but he realized that he was wrong and stopped himself which I applaud him for. The next morning Daoming is so cute with his smile when he realizes that he slept on Shancai's lap the whole night. And then when Shancai says that she'll repay him back in any way for getting them in this mess, it soo cute that he leans in for a kiss. But oh snap... the janitor walks in right then. Ya couldn't have waited to clean for just a few more minutes :(. These two are too cute.

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May 21, 2012


WTH happened to this drama? Where are the characters can somebody tell me??? Nobody behaves normally, I don't know who I am watching anymore... and this was the 19th episode, so what's happening tomorrow... you know what? I wish GaYoung just leaves all of them in their greed and money and leaves to far away...
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