Nov 20, 2012

never ending batte and never ending love :)

Still loving it :) it's just so freaking good!! and where do I begin? There were so many good scenes!

Anthony wasn't wearing his suit while sleeping! Okay he passed out, but that still counts!

When Anthony tried to save writer Lee, so funny! How Anthony takes all the blame on himsef. The way Anthony handled everything :) All the things Anthony said to get writer Lee back, first things were sweet, seconds were funny :D When Anthony gets hitted, not so believable. Siwon's so funny and dorky :D and his girlfriend, love her and especially her voice ;D And writer Lee... Just loving everything about her :)

I just love Anthonys character! He's so evil and yet somehow sweet. And compared to other, Anthony is kind man. But I just love it that they have so many enemies and that the war is not over, this is just the begin :)

And yeah onces again I'm going to praise Jung Ryeo Won and her character. I can't remember another character whom I've loved this much. She's just so good. And what I really like is that she's so normal. You ca easily identify (is that the riht verd?) with her. She's not the most beautiful (okay she's beautiful and cute and sweet, but not you know the-most-beautiful-woman-ever), she's not rich, she doesn't come from wealthy family, she drinks (and gets drunk :D), isn't always polite or formal and she loses her temper when she gets mad (Anthony watch out!)

I loved the spy thing! So good! You really can't trust anyone :D and this drama reminds me of old royal family stories where they conspire one and other just to get the girl or king's position.

Ones again, so much happened in so short time. You won't get bored with this one, I promise :)

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Nov 20, 2012

I don't know what to make of this...

This episode was torture. At the moment Halu and Aki's lives are going in completely different directions. If only they could just find it within themselves to sit down and TALK honestly about how they truly feel. Sigh...

My previous suspicions from EP9 about Aki's internal struggle were confirmed in this episode. She really has no clue as to the depth of Halu's love for her and that ignorance motivates so much of her own unreasonable behaviour it's painful to watch.

Anyway, I liked seeing Yamato & Yuri together. I can only hope somebody gets a happy ending in this drama. Of course, I really want it to be Halu and Aki, but I have this sinking feeling...

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Nov 20, 2012

Wanna Scream

Why? Why? Why? Why is everyone acting like they know what is best for Cheng Kuan and Si Yi?

Si Yi needs to gain a backbone and stand up for the guy she likes so much and Cheng Kuan needs to tell Vivian where she can go.

The ex-boyfriend... if he cares about her well being so much shouldn't he just want her to be happy. He gave up the privilege a long time ago when he publically humiliated her and ran off to America.

I ranted at the screen a lot during this episode. My blood pressure went up a bit today.

There are 4 episodes left. They better get their acts together!!;)
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Nov 20, 2012


Omg that idiot bad guy took Gang Whi away :( Man Ok, you should've arrived faster.. but I like her with Tae Ik too ><

Poor Gang Whi.. I wish I could just hug him right now ;;
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Nov 20, 2012

head lines

good start for intersting story .

you will find the basic line of the drama .

the way that bibi live her life and her meeting with Lin Lizhong .

Lu Yun Fei and his girlfriend , I found the way that they show their love to each other is really cute :)
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Nov 20, 2012


That was a great episode. We finally get to see the two spend more time together ^^ Tae Ik sure is a bratty man lol Kudos to Man Ok for coping with him. Omg they might get into a scandal!! Spent the night together ey? XD
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Nov 20, 2012

it's great!!

the drama is so very good!!
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This was one of the most action-packed episodes ever!! O.O (there were more emotions in this but i don't think i'll be able to properly describe them :P)

First: We're getting a season 3 - That's what all of us hoped for (at least i think so :D)
Second: With the bad blood - they really got us (another vampire we didn't know of)

Unpredictability: *****
Since it was the last episode of season 2 it had to end as a cliffhanger - but: at least we know that the 3rd season is going to start -good- :)
There are a few things that made quite an impact in this last episode:
- Forensic Doctor died. He had a change of heart but was killed because of this dumb chief-prosecutor (didn't i say this in my first review? this woman is an annoyance...)
- At the epilogue we got to know that little ji Ae (who is alive! ---I was so relieved...) is going to go the right way (to become a doctor - *hwaiting*) Good that all those bad things didn't twist her head ^^;;
About Min:
-He's as active as ever *.* He knows how to beat thugs up. + he saved yoo. What was a nice gesture (sadly it wasn't more... we have to put our hopes in the 3rd season - that's nice and all but -- well, you probably know what i mean :D)

--- Now the biggest question left: Where is Min? Who is "Bad Blood"?? ...Who knows when season 3 is to be aired?... I'll look into it and post it on the comments section :D

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Pride Episode 9
5 people found this review helpful
Nov 20, 2012

Pride, too much of a good thing ...

SPOILERIFIC ... beware.

Pride really is gonna kill these two, I swear to God.

There's a scene in the beginning of this episode that I didn't begin to appreciate until I viewed it for a second time. It revealed A LOT about what kind of people Halu and Aki really are.

For a large chunk of this drama you're fed the allusion that Aki is this sweet, gentle, dutiful, nurturing type of renaissance woman. And she really is all of those things and more so she'll always do the right thing, always do her duty.

Halu and his emotional journey is at centre stage and like him we the audience don't realize just how affected Aki is that someone she loved for a long time abandoned her and didn't even have the courtesy or decency to dump her properly. He just upped left without a word for two years because she's that insignificant to him.

Aki hides her feelings of hurt and abandonment well from everyone: herself, her friends and especially Halu. Aki, like Halu, is very scarred but she's too good at being a woman from the last century -- the dutiful, uncomplaining woman who is the perfect helpmate to her man -- to reveal how she really feels.

So when Halu goes to Yamato's place to get a change of clothes for him and runs into Aki he lies to her about revealing their intimate relationship to her now returned boyfriend. He does this in a roundabout effort to get her to realize ... okay Naksutawa (the boyfriend) knows the truth, he won't want me now that he knows I cheated on him with another man (Halu) so I'm free to go be with Halu.

But what happens? Aki doesn't take the bait. In fact she doesn't EVEN realize that she's been given a bait. Halu is SHOCKED. How can she not see through what I'm saying? Does she really love me? Meanwhile, all Aki sees is a man who's talking about her relationship with him as if he doesn't care ... asking her if she'll be able to patch things up with the boyfriend (Natsutawa) in spite of her indiscretion with him, Halu. WTF??? thinks Aki. Did he -- Halu -- ever really love me? Red flags are popping off like fire works in Aki's brain.

This scene was SOOO brilliantly executed. It reveals perfectly Halu's fear of opening himself completely to Aki and Aki's fear of just being used and discarded like Natsutawa did to her.

She wants so badly to take a chance on Halu, but she can't read him, she can't trust him 100% with her fragile heart. He says he loves her, but his attitude is aloof. He holds her at arm's length and she can't afford to take a chance on a guy who isn't willing to SHOW that he loves her. She's been there, done that and look where it got her. Abandoned, alone and lonely. No, she can't go down that road again even though she suspects that a lot of Halu's behaviour is BS, just posturing. She suspects, but she's not sure and she's too afraid to find out.

Halu on his side is going through the same whirlwind of emotions. Instead of making himself vulnerable and telling her point blank that he loves her and wants nothing more than to be with her he puts up this macho front. He cracks a door open and fully expects her to bust through and come to him, but he's not thinking that Aki too has her own emotional defenses that HE needs to break down.

He's too prideful and scared to bear himself to her. For the sake of self-preservation he wants her to be the first to declare to him that he's her #1 so he can maintain that facade of cool tough-guy, I don't really give a damn about nuttin'... like he's done to all his women prior to Aki. But he's not doing it out of cockiness or spite, but because he's truly scared of getting hurt by Aki just like his mother hurt him. I find it very symbolic that Aki's demureness and overall demeanour bears a striking resemblance to Halu's mother -- the source of all his emotional pain and suffering.

Wow, this is one pretty brilliant piece of writing AND excellent acting on both lead characters' part on top of it because that's how human beings truly are. Sometimes we let pride steer our lives too much. We act for our own intents and purposes without giving much thought to the other person and where they're coming from. Both Aki and Halu are guilty of this. They communicate poorly and neither one of them wants to take the first move in reassuring each other so misunderstandings abound, and they act in ways that frustrate the hell out of everyone around them, including us the viewers. Normally I HATE misunderstanding as a plot devise because it is often very poorly used. In this case however even though it's no less frustrating, it's very well executed. There's a SENSIBLE reason for the misunderstanding. It is not just a plot devise deliberately used to drag out the drama and torture the viewers. So just for this one scene in Yamato's flat I'm going to rate this episode very high.

The rest of the episode is also quite good. I love that Halu stood up for Aki. I found his actions very justified and appropriate. Now if only he could be just as bold with Aki herself everything would have been perfect.

As much as I want to rant and rail at how they're going on this is real. This is why men and woman misunderstand each other ALL the time. Pride, fear, insecurity, lack of good communication skills. Aki and Halu are like a mirror.

At this point, it could go either way. I don't know if these two will end up together or not. If this was a Hollywood series I probably could have made a pretty safe bet that they would, but with the Asians you can never know for sure. They can be cruel, just like real life.

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Nov 19, 2012


finally this drama is getting significantly better. im trying really hard not to compare it to Hana Kimi since the writers are definitely very loosely connecting the two. It's definitely getting better and i don't think i will be dropping it after all. :)
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Nov 19, 2012


The boys indirectly teasing each other at the fan meet was funny. Tae Ik looked cute in that costume lol

I love the two different reactions to Man Ok losing the watch. Tae Ik was shouts at her while Kang Whi hugs her ;-;
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Nov 19, 2012

Oh no -_-

Gao Feng was pushed into bankruptcy by Larry and indirectly, Li Hui. God those two were made for each other. Having Steven kick Li Hui to the curb wasn't as satisfying as I thought it would be, and Xiao Tong settling for Lu Jin (although obviously temporarily), is sooo annoying. I need Gao Feng to a) find out Xiao Tong and Tiffany are the same person and b) for Xiao Tong to end it unequivocally with Lu Jin.. then i'll be happy- but, i'm sure this will be drawn out all the way until the end which is soo not cool :[
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Pride Episode 8
2 people found this review helpful
Nov 19, 2012

Dude, FIGHT!

SPOILERIFIC ... beware.

You gotta FIGHT for what you want in this life. Nobody understands this better than our hero so why ... WHYYY would he let go so easily?! Why won't he fight for his love? The thing he wants most in his life and he lets pride and most of all FEAR of rejection and abandonment hold him back from getting it.

Aki, as a woman I understand her feelings and that she has her own insecurities. At the same time, I'm a bit confused by her because Halu has already told her he loves her. Why then would she hesitate? I guess after going through what she went through with the ex, what she needs more than anything is ACTION not words. But Halu is too full of pride and fear to really SHOW her that he loves her.

I wish she would have fought too. She knows that outside of hockey Halu is very insecure about his place in the world. With a man so emotionally scarred you're forced to make the first move, but poor thing she's so sweet and unworldly ... truly a woman from the last century ... that she doesn't recognize the telltale signs Halu sends her. They're both waiting on each other to be the first to confess.

The only problem for Aki is that Halu isn't yet emotionally mature enough to give her what she needs, and after being burned so badly by the ex, neither is she. Sigh. They're at an impasse and neither is brave enough to take the first step to see what awaits around the corner.

Frustration abounds people, frustration abounds! My blood pressure has gone up 3 notches since I started watching Asian dramas. I swear. And there's no relief in sight!

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Nov 19, 2012

My brain hurts!!!

This drama is awesome!!! These actors are amazing!!!
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Nov 19, 2012

I'm giving this episode a 10...

...because it totally warped my head.
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