May 6, 2012

Learning about history is acquiring power...

I love this drama. It gets better with each episode and these two main characters have so much chemistry together.

I loved the scene where her friend/manager offers him a ride to the park after she sees the two of them together. And how Hee Jin acts as if she's an embarrassing parent who just caught her red handed doing things she shouldn't be doing. I also love her lie, how she says he's helping her to learn about history for her drama. (I think that's what she says since she yells "yeoksa"). Although technically it wasn't a lie since he was looking up Joseon's history during king Suk Jong's reign, even if she wasn't.

I thought it was sort of ironic how she was so depressed when she finds out he died a certain day when he was already dead long before she was born.

And also, how he managed to survive a poisoning because he threw out the food (poor rats who did eat it) he was given since he already knew how he died. I wonder what changes that will bring to the history, since something already changed when he didn't die poisoned like he originally did.

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May 6, 2012

very lost, confused and did i miss something?????

who, what, when, where, how, and why... that is running through my mind of this first episode. first of all the lady who died and told someone to protect someone i get but after that i didnt know left from right.

so if the crown prince is the younger sibling then the king had an affair with someone before he met his queen right so why is the older sibling (by the way name would be effective) getting the bad end of the stick?

BUT other than that it was a good first episode maybe i can keep up with who's who
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May 5, 2012


wow this show is getting better and better. the modern "etiquette" she know she wanted 2 kiss him lol lol. so far the drama is a 9 to me :D
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May 5, 2012

Just great

I'm glad Park Ha regained her memory. It was a surprise as I didn't expect it to happen not yet.

I was sooo disappointed when Lee Gak took Se Na to ride with the couple bicycle and gave her the bracelet. But I guess it was logical, as he is after the Crown Prinncess, at least at the beginning.

I just keep telling myself that everything will be alright in the end. :P
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May 5, 2012

Lots of potential

I totally agree with Chifunii. This story has been done 1000 times over, but so have most stories. Dramas tend to stick to variations of classic archetypes. My expectations were pretty low before I began watching, but I was pleasantly surprised. The story line was more than decent and the acting was good. I think it has a lot of potential (hence the title, hehe), and I will definitely keep watching.

On a side note: there were many moments that reminded me of Jotei. It's not a rip off or anything, but if you liked Jotei, you may like this.
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May 5, 2012


I'm going crazy here with curiosity, what has really happened to the world... and more, there are other people there, who have super speed...hmm...

And no matter what is being shown in this drama, everything has so much symbolic value, my head wants ti burst from thinking what this and that means... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!
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May 5, 2012

Well delivered character revelations and "One man's confusion is my amusement"

Episode three passed just like that. It was intriguing and whole lot of fun. We finally can see the main characters together for a long time and thus can witness the chemistry and what not between them. But what I can say is: these two make me so giddy! I don't really have nothing to say about the happenings, since this episode was all about seeing Choi Hee Jin and Park Boong Do together and the potential love sparks between them.

I know throughout my episode reviews I have praised Ji Hyun Woo, but I can't help it. He just knows how to reach to me in a way that no other has done, and that is just through his acting. I love how Park Boong Do (Ji Hyun Woo) is presented during his most confused time. And even then he stands high and just plain simply curious. It shows that he is a scholar, from how intelligent and brave he is - he just grasps things easily and doesn't take his confusion out of others. I just absolutely love how they have characterized Boong Do, and how freakin' natural it is!

As for Yoo In Ah, our so cute protagonist - I am a bit dubious about. And I blame that for always seeing her as a secondary character. She does deliver the cute and lovely so well, and in this episode we saw that she actually can bring out the hurt as well. So I am so excited to see more of her... Hopefully the heartbreaking moments the main characters will go through will be well delivered. Because I can see myself potentially tear for this girl.

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May 5, 2012

Bring on the romance..

Lee Gak is so cute without his long hair. :D

Anyways, one very amazing episode.

Even though there were some confusing part I'm not distracted by them, the storyline is just too great.

It so nice to see that the prince is really smart and the way he acted at the end of the episode was just brilliant !
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May 5, 2012

Everyone should disappear...

So... this is a time slip, they are in the future, but at the same time somehow connected to the present... I like the connection, I like that they can communicate with their loved ones, I like that Yuka's student came to her father's shop and found out the truth...

I did not expect the teacher, who in the first episode said 'sometimes we have to be fathers to our students' suddenly go crazy and try to kill his student...

What's wrong with the teachers in this school? Who could ever take the crazy chick in red coat as a teacher to school, she's a psycho in my eyes...

Yuka~, don't kill that bastard, you're going to hurt more than him, onegai!!!

*rushed to watch the next episode*

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May 5, 2012

Misunderstandings and Lies

I liked how the misunderstandings were quickly cleared up between Park Ha and Lee Gak.

I also like that this drama is finally grabbing my full attention by making me wonder and making me create different scenarios in my mind because of all the questions I have, which I hope are answered by the end of the drama.

One of my favorite parts in this episode was when CEO Jang, obviously didn't fall for the lie (since she knows SeNa is her eldest), but she still didn't call them on it and decided to play along.
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May 5, 2012

a pretty nice episode but...

Apart from Boong Do's awesome hairstyling skills ... I have one question: how does he understand simplified Chinese characters? Apart from that, I loved the episode, can't wait for next week. ^^
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May 5, 2012

"It's a very nice world..."

I'm loving this drama more and more. It's cute, funny (without being overboard), yet it has a serious note under it all.

I find myself repeating this again, but I have to say it. The main guy is not eyecandy, but I just can't help but melt a little when he smiles. It's adorkable. I love how he basically only needs to be shown things once to get the hang of things. And the way he was so at peace trapped in her shower, it was priceless. He almost looked like a statue in a museum.

And I love how she teaches him the modern day "etiquette" for farewells. And how he seems to enjoy to be able to hug a woman without it being a big deal.

I also like that he asks "You are considered a beauty here?"...jejeje

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May 5, 2012

Trapped in a shower box

That a super tall man dressed in a 300 year old gown, should be locked - with a ribbon, no less - inside a shower box and still look composed and dignified made me laugh and fall for him at the same time.

This character is growing on me as much as he is so blatantly growing on Hee Jin. I anticipate sparks.

I like Hee Jin a lot too: although still confused, she's not left in the dark about the whole time travel and starts to grasp it herself. At last a drama where both the female lead as well as the viewers are watching the truth unraveling in front of their eyes, and not left suspended until the last 5 minutes. All this without taking out the mystery.

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May 5, 2012

Thrilling indeed

Everything is a big mess!! It was a surprised that Park Ha had so many clues about Tea Yong. Then the truth will be reavealed eventually. But I guess this drama is only about to start it's true storyline. So lets just go for it!!
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May 5, 2012


I loved this episode. It was sure fun especially when they changed in elevator. I guess a serious note is going to start from the next episode. Right now it feels like I would rather keep watching it as a comedy without the seriousness, but well that's just the way it has to go...

I hope they just remain to include some fun parts in it. :)
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