May 12, 2012

Let me tell ya!

This is like an awesome episode. I prolly could write a book about how good this episode was. I love that Lee Jae Ha & Kim Hang Ah r so open w/ each other. It is a wonderful display of love & trust b/t 2 ppl. The fact that the 2 actors in this drama compliment each other so well is what makes this drama the best this season. I love that even when they r being pushed by Club M they do something genius 2 change how things turn out. I know that when Hang Ah in the next episode talks to Jae Ha then she will tell him what he needs 2 do. I don't think that was Bang Young Sun w/ that crazy chick @ the end there. I didn't trust the angle of the camera & wouldn't the Queen be more scared when the camera was filming her? Newayz I don't think that Jae Ha will give up after he talks w/ his woman in the next epi. Which is taking 4-ever 2 get here. Why isn't it next wk alrdy?

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May 12, 2012


I'm not in a fit state to write a review. I watched the whole hour with goosebumps.

Left without adjectives to describe what this drama's doing to me, I'll just be quiet, for once.
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May 12, 2012

They can drive people to their limits..

Really.. that's the limit of all limits. I can't give this episode 10 points only because I don't like the current situation. :D


They can put all the thrill into one episode.

I really wish that the Princess and Shi Kyung would be finally together - that scene between them tore me apart.. and of course there's always one scene of them in one episode - not more.

I felt so sorry for Jea Ha and Hang Ah.. the effect of hurting your loved ones is the most effective one of course. And I have no idea how they'll find a way out of this situation I quess the closer the ending of the drama is, the most fustrating actions the bad ones take. Ahhhh.....!!

It makes me feel that I will never ever start to watch another drama if the last episode is not available yet...

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May 12, 2012

Pak Ha will be saved.. :)

Of course I'm dying to see how Pak Ha will be saved.. I'm just comforting myself that she MUST be saved.

I'm glad Pak Ha figured out that Tae Yong was Lee Gak.. that scene on the stairs was so cute..
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May 12, 2012


happy ending....
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May 12, 2012


It's pretty impossible to suffocate a woman in 2 seconds. It takes me about 1-3 minutes until I have to start breathing again when I hold my breath.

Anywho~ What I have to say, the past reviewers have already said :]
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May 12, 2012

Best. Ending. EVER!

This was by far the best ending of this drama. I love the fact that the witch was so convince that Makino was the one who was going to destroy the company and Makino is the one who actually saves it. What a turnaround. I couldn't stand the beginning of the episode with the fake girl, but thank-god, Tsukasa remembered. I loved the way he remembers that he loves Makino. Speaking of loving Makino, His proposal was KAWAII!!!! Though I question the fact that thousands of people stayed that quiet during his proposal, it was still very cute. Aw happy ending my favorite type of ending :D
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May 12, 2012

Micky Yoochun

This episode ranged from cute and romantic to scary.

I have read tons of comments about Micky Yoochun not being a good actor. After this episode all that should stop!!! His switch from Lee Kak to Tae Yong was the best...that is good acting for real!!!

When Park Ha frist see Lee Kak/Tae Yong and he pretends to not know her I thought my heart was going to is just so sad. Then when she realizes that it is him...I thought my heart would break again.

Tae Moo's face everytime he received something from the fantastic 4 just cracked me up!!! The picture of the dog was killer!!! Then once again they jump the gun. I can't decide if Sa Na and Tae Moo are cunning or Anyway, how can Tae Moo be so evil and cute at the same time??? is the important question.

But nothing is as hot as Lee Kak telling Tae Moo that he would kill him if anything happens to Park Ha. Talking about a cliffhanger...

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May 12, 2012

That Girl...

Ah I know that this is part of the manga/anime, but why do the dramas feel the need to include it. It's just overkill. Haven't Makino and Tsukasa been through enough?? Plus that girl in the hospital is super annoying and fake. What the heck does she want with Tsukasa, she barely knows the guy yet, she's interfering in Tsukasa's and Makino's relationship by making sure he doesn't remember Makino. WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS GIRL WANT???!!! Is she like one of those people who is like if I don't have a great boyfriend/life, everyone shouldn't have one. I love Rui and how he immediately can see through the fakeness of this girl. Ah she's such a random character whom I detest. Only one episode left till happiness!!

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May 12, 2012

Your Average RomCom

Cute and funny. I wasn't bored while watching. I like the main female actress/character already. She's tough but still like able. The main male lead is blah so far. I hope he gets a personality down the line...
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May 12, 2012

Has Potential

Funny but not hilarious. I don't really like the characters yet. Roy's character is a major douchebag but I'm hoping he changes soon. It was a good first episode because I wasn't bored.
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May 12, 2012

Already Into It

I was kind of blown away. There was so much going on in just the beginning that I found myself engaged in the plot already. The characters intrigue me and i want to know more about them. I liked the chemistry between song il gook and han chae young. I was surprised by how good SIG's English is!
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May 11, 2012

What a Tease.

Alright now this drama is teasing me, with all the breaking up and getting back together that is going on. I already know how the story works out because of the other versions I've seen but it still doesn't feel good to be jerked around like this. Why are you such a tease drama? The ending especially was really teasing. Thank goodness only two episodes left until happiness! If there's going to be more crying and sulking of the main characters in this drama can we just cut to Sojiro's and Yuki's relationship because I really want to know how this drama handles it. :D
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May 11, 2012

So Close!

Ah and they were so close to finally being happy and together for once, but then the witch came at the very end. This makes me frustrated. Yay the original Shigeru is back not the manipulative lying backstabbing Shigeru! She actually calls off the wedding herself and tells her dad to still do the merger. Awh happy ending, now if only the witch mysteriously died. Aw poor Rui, he was so mature about letting Makino go, he really does deserve a fantastic girl. And Tsukasa got down on his knees for Makino, I guess love does make one do anything. There was less on the Shojiro and Yuki relationship in this episode, but its ok because its not like the story dragged in parts, but I do hope to see more of them. Oh and the old maid is freaking AWESOME! I like this woman and how she stands up to the witch.

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May 11, 2012

the queenmother is awesome

She beat Bong Gu like a redheaded step child. It was wonderful.

I wish I had waited to watch this once it was fully complete, because waiting till next week while Hang Ah and queenmother are kidnapped is going to kill me. However, I find comfort in the fact that Hang Ah will do something.

Lee Seung Ki does a great job portraying Jae Ha's despiration and misery. I was crying watching this.
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