The Glory Episode 1
1 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2023


i’m already so hooked omg. so far i hate everyone apart from the main character like why is everything against her i feel so bad. omggg when they used the iron nahh that was crazy omg. and it scarred her for life i can’t. the amount of trauma omg and the way no one helped her even that teacher who started hitting her omg. i loved that scene when she curled up in the snow it was so comforting. i can’t wait for the revenge
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Empezamos fuerte, a la mitad se arruinó todo y al final nos dan esperanza. Espero que Uk salve a su amorcito, y que sean felices yayayaya!!!!!
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Silent Episode 9
1 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2023

bitter sweet ep - cried, but also laughed…

bitter sweet ep - cried, but also laughed and felt relived after every hurdled got passed. a long time coming, considering Sakura has been avoiding and evading everything and everyone for round 8 yrs including his family. watching him finally facing everyone and communicating his feelings, let alone making peace with them, felt like a burden off my chest (yeah i know - had little to nothing to do with me. but it is what it is) - ********************************************************************************** this felt organic and true to life, not some fanciful depiction of what's in the authors head. that's why can't really get mad at anyone cause everyone deals with problems in different ways, and take their time coming to terms with them - *********************************************************************************************************************************************************yeah i've been critical of Sakura , but that's cause i don't like how he acted even if i got the reason behind his actions. cause as much as he was hurting, he was equally hurting others - which isn't justified (even if understandable). so glad that slowly everything is getting solved. now just the main pair gotta get over the final hurdle - they might have been an item once. now that they r older and in different circumstances, can they overcome their personal worries and try to be together - 2 more ep's to see how this will go ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw glad Nana's letter was mentioned at the end, cause that kept bugging at me throughout this ep, what she wrote and where it would lead. also considering Minato is fascinated by her. will she be paired with him or Masaki. is there even gonna be another pairing in this drama ?

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Silent Episode 8
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2023

before anything - how ironic (is it irony…

before anything - how ironic (is it irony - idk) anyway... found it "funny" that Nana has been tutoring almost everyone in this drama. with Sakura it was motivated out of pity and comradery. with Masaki just a means to communicate and then friendship. and after the blow-up between the two, i kinda get why Masaki comes off so jaded from the start of this. ************************this time around Nana wasn't justified in lashing out - yeah i get she was hurt, cause she thought Masaki teaching others what she taught him, was him sharing something that was theirs alone, and only them being able to communicate through sign made it special/precious. thus making their relationship unimportant or insignificant in his eyes, when he chose to use that mode of communication with strangers. **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************but what she said was b.s. - people wanting to learn sign language isn't hypocrisy - each has their own reasons. if what she said was true, then any person without disabilities wanting to help and accommodate people with, is a fake - which is far from the truth. *********************************************************************************************************************************i get, getting defensive and not trying to understand the true motivations behind someone actions, when u r hurting - which is very human. but sadly cause of her melt down (her inability to face why she was deeply hurt), Masaki been walking around like a injured soul for how long now?!? this sad. ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************************************************************Tsumugi's conversation with her mother and after that with Sakura, was truly heart warming and bittersweet.

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Jan 4, 2023

So heartwarming and moving

This episode is one of the best demonstrations of the friendship and camaraderie of the class! It portrays beautifully and poetically the perspectives, emotions, and energy of youth through the characters' actions in the story.
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Jan 4, 2023


This episodedid a great job in depicting the painthat still is so much a part of so many lives. All the actors did great but Ohm and Gunare clearly astaircase above everyone else.
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Pleasant Surprise

After the first season - and even the first couple of episodes of this season - I never thought I'd say this.. but Dayum, Farm was smokin' hot this episode! When Bright opened the door, you just knew it was going to explode and I like that he was the aggressor after what he went through.
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Jan 4, 2023

Five Stars

una de mis cosas favoritas del drama es la imposibilidad de separar la historia de amor de los protagonistas de la historia política que se da entre las familias que los envuelve y atraviesa a heetae y myunghee. a esta altura del drama la lealtad tiene un nuevo protagonismo, habrá que ver cómo se posicionan los personajes en medio de este conflicto.
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Silent Episode 7
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2023

as much as i like Minato and Nana, n believe…

as much as i like Minato and Nana, n believe they deserve better - they r also enablers n pushovers. that whole scene between Nana and Sakura, where she came to return his books, was uncomfortable to watch. *********************************************both her and Minato can't help but apologize for their very existence ¯\(°_o)/¯ cause to date, the ones that need too r two self-centered A-holes Tsumugi and Sakura - justified, understandable or whatever... they do what's good for themselves, not really thinking about anyone else feelings. *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************don't get me wrong, don't dislike or hate the pair. i get the humanity in their actions - not always likeable, but i get them. just don't think i would like to be around people like these, they so self involved and invested in each other (which is great, but they Not the only people on this planet), so being this egocentric is counterproductive in many ways - even though there people who don't need anyone, as long as they have each other so idk... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************but glad that Sakura took the initiative to make peace with Nana - which allowed a better interaction between her and Sakura - cause his muteness was annoying when i just wanted him to be apologetic and considerate of a good friend like Nana, and ll she had done for him too date

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Jan 4, 2023


~ They wouldn't take the risk of actually them being half-siblings. It's just a play with the script. 3:28 Okay, the very thought of it annoys her that she scratched it out.5:26 So they're gonna show some jealous route as usual.6:37 Bruh got played all the while thinking he was in a relationship (¬‿¬)20:52 I don't believe this b88tch even 1% .She has a tendency to lie after all .She must do the DNA test .21:48 The easiest way is to run DNA test with him and his current father instead . 22:48 He missed the golden opportunity to get laid with her . Bruh ! 45:24 Bruh went for as far as marriage and children (¬‿¬)

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Jan 4, 2023

Que s'est-il passé ? What happen to the script ?

Extrêmement déçue par cet épisode qui est complètement vide. Le réalisateur a-t-il besoin de filmer en temps réel ce que fait le héros dans le box de stockage ? On dirait que le script de cet épisode est complètement vide d'idées intéressantes . Le personnage principal tourne en rond d'ailleurs la preuve il ne fait que rencontrer les mêmes personnes. Personne ne croit qu'il va sauter du pont pour retourner en l'an 2000.. tout cela est bien triste. Un scénario qui n'est pas digne des très bons opus précédents de HIStory :( Extremely disappointed by this episode which is completely empty. Does the director need to film in real time what the hero is doing in the storage box? Seems like the script for this episode is completely empty of interesting ideas. The main character goes around in circles besides the proof he only meets the same people. No one believes he's going to jump off the bridge to return to the year 2000. All of this is very sad. A scenario that is not worthy of the very good previous opuses of HIStory :(

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Jan 4, 2023

En dépit du casting qui ne m'avait pas…

En dépit du casting qui ne m'avait pas du tout plu au départ lors de la bande-annonce, il pourrait s'avérer que le choix des acteurs puisse être intéressant. Avoir dans les prochains épisodes, mais bon le voyage dans le temps, le contraste millénariste, la satire de la pandémie, ça peut faire un bon mélange.
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Jan 4, 2023


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Jan 4, 2023

A light hearted drama........!!!!!

I don't feel to drop it ........I am enjoying this funny , cute drama.I would like to enjoy these kinds of light hearted drama rather than conspiracy and and many evils beside.
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Silent Episode 6
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2023

this was sad, had me crying once again.

i didn't find fault with Nana. her lashing out at Sakura was understandable, considering he started ghosting her now that he suddenly got his old life back. he first pushed away his old life, cause he was worried how they might reject him. now that he saw that they didn't just accept him, but went out of their way to accommodate his handicap - he feels he doesn't need Nana or the life of a deaf recluse, one he took on himself. which (lets face facts) he wasn't that ready to be a part off - that's why she was his only friend. ************************************************************************************************************************like i mentioned in past ep's, he's a bit selfish so Nana getting hurt and lashing out, understandable. and her confronting Tsumugi wasn't mean or bad - she just wanted to "get" her - it didn't help or hinder Tsumugi's relationship with Sakura (which isn't anything at this moment). if anything it hurt her more coming face to face with the reality of how her handicap handicapped her - ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ironic but both her and Minato deserve better partners, ones that know their worth and not only use and then discard them like they nothing but an after thought (*  ̄︿ ̄)

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