Short drama and we want more!

When I'm watching several kdramas at one time, this is just what I need - a short BL drama with two fairly new actors - Park Young Woon with such perfect, beautiful angular facial features that could slice ever so sweetly through ice cold butter. Loved the story and yes, there's so much more that we could have learned from the past and what was Denis' connection to them as I'm sure there's more to him than meets the eye, apart from the green-eyed monster. I smiled throughout, I had a solitary tear at the end but you'll have to watch and find out for yourself whether than was a happy or sad tear ;-)
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Jan 13, 2023

Jae min literally lost his mood as soon as…

Jae min literally lost his mood as soon as Soo jung mentioned In wook. poor Jae min who gets beaten up by his father,lol everytime he disappoints him. His older brother is a manipulative person he showed his true colors to In wok
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Jan 13, 2023


This headline is basically my reaction this entire episode. they are all so so so adorable. THE POOL SCENE Can't wait for ep,7
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Jan 13, 2023

This episode tried harder than the last one…

This episode tried harder than the last one to end me, and I'm mot even able to confirm whether it succeeded or not...So many important things in only one episode... And the fifth at it... I'M HONESTLY SCARED!I've cried a bit watching it, not gonna lie...The stark difference between Palm's dad and Nueng's mom at the start of the episode really hurt. The clear imbalance of power showed in those moments is heartbreaking!It is clear that Nueng truly desire a friend, someone who's not family, but who he can really trust. But his character and the way he is been brought up didn't permit him to develop the skills necessary to interact with his peers, and that even increased the bullying he is subjected to.He is starting to develop feelings for Palm, but he doesn't think he deserves whatever might happen between them and so he settle for the best next option, Ben. Which, even though I hated him from the start, could have been a seemingly good option, until the event of this episode, but it already was a risk in my opinion considering what Ben mean to Chopper and the complicated balance of their family in this particular moment. Jealousy could have been one of the worst things.Even though I never particularly liked Ben, I can't really blame him for doing what he did. Saying the truth was not a practicable option with a dad like his. It would have been a danger. And we, once again see the difference with our queen Tanya. Even though he was scared of being a disappointment to her, Nueng never felt in a real danger, while Ben is clearly fearing for his life.I really loved the way she handled things. She is such a great mother!I also want to talk about one of my new favorite friendships! BLESS THEM! Palm and Maggie, my best girl, the only person that seems to actually care for Palm. As I said from the start, I really love them as besties, if they continue to be like this throughout the whole series, they'll have a permanent little spot in my heart.A really important moment in the episode and also in my opinion key moments of Palm and Nueng's relationship, is the hig at the end of part 2 and the conversation at the start of part 3, when Nueng finally actually apologies, with his words, to Palm. That was an important growth moment for Nueng and his development. He is starting to learn how to interact with people.I still have no idea what happened at the end of the episode and I'm in total denial, I will think about it next week, thanks...

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Jan 13, 2023

Ah this is fun! I love that Jae min told the…

Ah this is fun! I love that Jae min told the driver to turn around as soon as he saw In wook with Sung jo. Jae min will be probably furious as hell that In wok is involved with a woman he is interested in (after knowing he also has a past with his fiance)I feel like the fiance Young jo is unable to express her supposed "love" for In wook. In wook needs true love with honesty, respect and care, not the toxic crap she is offering especially with the instable upbringing his single mother has given him by inviting all these abusive men to their house.
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Jan 13, 2023

The line has crossed, our boys aren't lost anymore.

GMMTV is absolutely doing a great job with this show as each episode is just as fluffy and entertaining as the previous ones. EP06 has full of confession-interruptions but I am super satisfied that the two of them are already in the stage of testing each other’s water. The name “Chinzilla Baby” of Gun from Tinn’s contact is highly adorable. BL night phone calls while in bed was always been so sweet.I swear The School President has the best collection of soundtracks from Thailand. The best thing about this was every song is connected to the plot’s story. Gun’s relatable moment to the lyrics of Just Being Friendly is too innocent and pure. “A secret crush on a friend, I’m so into it” - Tinn to Gun.Once again, all hail to the shipping king, Tiw. His everlasting efforts of helping Tinn in all possible way of winning Gun has always been so loveable. The 36 Questions That Get Us Closer was a very good idea hahaha. Tinn was extra-cute when he say these lines; “Gun and I could’ve been boyfriends by now when you give me the treasure earlier.”The fact that the main reason why Tinn runs for School President is to help Gun’s dying band club at that time is all worth it since the hard work pays off with the bonus of getting close to his crush.The emotional story of Gun about his first full-score singing class and the death of his father brings tears to me. The Gun’s heartbreaking story about his first full score in singing class which was also shared at the same time when his father died was a tearjerker. Tinn’s eyedrops were just so comfortable to be seen as someone who is ready to listen to your painful stories and feel the same kind of ache that you felt.When Gun said, “I’m afraid of the answers. I’m scared it’s all made up in my head.” No sweetie, it’s not! Moving on, Win and Sound’s medal kiss was the chef's kiss. Loving this couple too, as well as Tiw and Por, who’re too lovely with their sparkling eyes. But why oh why, the club rules are rubbish as what Tiw says. Yet, we can’t blame Gun for sticking with the rules since he was the band leader and the club is one of the most important things in his life. I don’t want Tinn to be sad but seeing him heartbroken during the call with Tiw is so cute, the baby doesn’t want to be just a friend, he needs him to be his boyfriend haha so charming.I love that both of them keep adding the word ‘friend,’ and then Gun eventually stole a kiss on Tinn’s cheek that made Tinn rather uncomfortable from the playful attitude of Gun after the indirect confession. However, they just prove that their emotions are pure and sincere when they decided to talk about this during the pool scene. The way they reconcile was too healthy that I am going to sleep in peace with a full loving heart. That “friend zone” line between them and the way they cross the line was creatively executed. I am losing my mind from the amount of happiness that I’m getting with this show. My boys finally leveled up their relationship! The music video cover at the end was the best, as always with My School President content!!

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Jan 13, 2023


Loved all three couples and the light happyvibe of this episode. Itwent fast and covered alot of ground. Love themusic.
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Jan 13, 2023

Jae min seems to be falling for Soo Jung.…

Jae min seems to be falling for Soo Jung. It is at this point that i also wish In wok and Yeong joo would end up together, so that Jae min & Soo Jung have their "own" story to a HEA. But that won`t happen,sigh...i like that despite Jae min`s arrogance and childish behaviour, he really have a good heart beneath.
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Jan 13, 2023

I enjoyed this ep. I love that Jae Min picked…

I enjoyed this ep. I love that Jae Min picked the note up as soon as he saw Soo Jung`s hurt expression. Aww, behind that mean jerky exterior lies a heart. I feel like Yeong Jo is the kind of character that will annoy me more and more.My heart went out for In wook`s situation with his mother, so sad.
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Jan 13, 2023

Well edited...

I don't know about you guys but for me... it really exploded my Mind. 너무 좋아서...Everything was well done.The script, the scenes, the drama,the thriller ㅇㅇㅇㅇ...
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Jan 13, 2023

Jae Min is such a charismatic character, the…

Jae Min is such a charismatic character, the actor portrays him so well. Him looking at Soo Jung the way he did in Bali while she was eating, just so cute.Glad they are back in Korea though, so the plot will pick up.
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Jan 13, 2023

Four Stars

A slow start, i am still intrigued.Have been wanting to watch this drama for a while.Jae Min is a character i totally like, he makes me smile.Can`t wait to see him fall for Soo Jung.I just love how both males are totally uninterested in her from the start and just finds her annoying.
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Jan 13, 2023

Lian has yet to learn from his mistake

My dude, my man, my bro Lian, you should stop asking Kuea to marry you in front of an audience. But we love and support one responsible top. Also, bottoms being assertive? Heck yeah!!
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Jan 13, 2023

the struggling of choosing your future and the help from your close family and friends

really like this episode, showing up the struggle of choosing between your own happiness or have to sacrifice that for a 'maybe' better future for you and the other around you ..fourth is the next thai actor that i will love after i found nanon, his acting is already great although he is still so young, how he trying to act tough although he definitely upset because his dream is being crush because he didn't get accepted at the agency, and i like that his mom (lookwa) know that her son is struggling and trying to encourage and help him to keep following his dream although it's hard (being a single parent) .and the ost !the last ost that i got addicted to was just friend by nanon from bad buddy, but this series have so many great osts ..and the way they incorporate the ost is just so great .the story maybe just a cliche not new or a hard one, but the way they told the stories and the acting make it interesting to watch ..

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Island Episode 6
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 13, 2023

Priest Yohan Was the Best!

The show was fabulous. Episode 1 & 2 were a bit slow but that drama picked up a pace from episode 3 onwards. I was rooting for all 3 main characters - Van, Miho and Priest Yohan. I was not interested in romance scene but I loved all the action scenes. Priest John/Yohan was my favorite character. He made me smile and then he made cry. Cha Eunwoo's acting in this drama is on next level. If you are not a blind h@ter, you will see how fab he was as Yohan. NamGil and Lee Dahee are awesome actor. Can't wait for Island season 2 and to see more of Sung Joon aka Gungtan. Again, I would like to say Cha Eunwoo really acted well in this drama. I smiled and cried with him. I felt his pain.

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