Temperature of Love
167 people found this review helpful
Nov 22, 2017
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 12
Overall 4.5
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
I swear I will never watch another drama by this writer again if I can help it. There is no reason this show should have been 20 hours long. At. all.
While it may have started off cute, sweet, and romantic, it quickly devolved into just hours of NOTHING. If you watched Doctors (same writer) and realized NOTHING really happened in that drama....this one was even worse. I love the main actress, but I hated her character in this show. Right now, having just finished it a few hours ago, I am irrationally angry with myself for not allowing myself to drop this drama earlier in the series. I am mad that I sat through 20 hours of meandering and didn't really have any satisfaction at the end.

I hated the way all the main females behaved and how they treated the men in their lives. The only decent female in the show was Soo Jung, the sommelier at Jung Seon's restaurant. Hyun Soo was a terrible character. I thought that Jung Seon had no strength. Hong Ah was a selfish brat. Kyung, while probably one of the cutest to me at first, just became irrationally stubborn in some of the later episodes. Jung Woo was just wronged by almost all of those he was closest to and treated well (save Jung Seon). The parents were not really good people. So, while the acting was decent for most of the cast....I didn't really like most of the characters.

The music was nice, so that is a plus.
I will never ever rewatch this. I could not give it zero stars.

Please do not waste your time on this mess. Not even for Kim Jae Wook's cheekbones which, quite frankly, could have been the sole reason I even finished this stupid show.

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Together with Me
2 people found this review helpful
by Toge
Nov 22, 2017
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
I loved this series so much. So many things to talk about i don't even know where to start.
Story: To be honest the story started our amazing and i'm not just saying that because it started with a sex scene. The events that happened allowed me to get a grasp of the characters and their personalities. Towards the middle of the series things got weird. By that i mean the random events that were happening that just made no sense at the time. I figured it was just filler but then towards the end IT ALL came together. I was amazed and i loved it so much. The content could only be described as juicy :^) The only thing i could complain about was the relationship between P'pu and the teacher. While they were cute i felt it was too awkward and a bit forced. Like they were trying to force something to happen. Other than that it was amazing!

Acting/Cast: So let me just start by saying YIHWA!!!!! she was by far my favorite character in the series. Despite how amazingly cute Korn and Knock were i really loved her acting. She played her part of the pretty mean girl that takes care of her friends so well. Then the relationship between Korn and Knock couldn't have been more cuter. They looked so comfortable during the series in fact I was starting to suspect they were more than just friends outside of the series. As much as i love giving positive feedback i must say that there were a multitude of times during the series where Korn made this weird face. At first i figured it was just something they told him to do but that doesn't make sense as the face failed to portray the right emotion at that time. So for that i have to deduct some points. Also I have seen this in many other dramas and it also happens with the "straight guy's" girlfriend. They all talk weird. Their speech is so awkward compared to the other characters it seems forced and unnatural. Lucky for the series i wont deduct points for something i don't fully understand.

Music: ahem *searches YouTube for Together With Me ost* this series has a good mix of music and i have some of the songs dowloaded because i love listening to them. They also did an amazing job at playing the right songs at the right time. It makes a huge different in the emotion of the person watching when they start to play the opening/ending song at a certain point.

Re-watch value: 10 10 10 10 10 10. I have watched this series 4 times and i promise you that i don't mind watching it a 5th. It just gets so good as it progresses. It doesn't drop any key components that keep the audience watching (except maybe towards the middle where it gets confusing like i said). But by then the audience is already caught in the Korn Knock love story that they continue to find all the pieces come together.

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If Cats Disappeared From the World
0 people found this review helpful
by Enjeru
Nov 22, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 3.0
'kalau kucing hilang' mungkin diniatkan jd filsafat eksistensialis dgn melontarkan pertanyaan2 yg kalau mau dirangkum mungkin sesimple ini "keberadaan kita di dunia ada artinya gak?"

Dalam film masalah ini disampaikan lewat elemen fantasi.Untungnya fantasi-nya gak kelewat mengawang-awang,malah cenderung straightforward kalo aku bilang.Sampe sini gak masalah.Yg jd msalah adalah walau filmnya diadaptasi dr novel tp hasilnya terlihat ini seolah-olah kumpulan cerpen.Cerita terbagi mejadi fragmen2 kisah sendiri tanpa ada kisah besar yg mengikatnya lbh kuat.Satu-satunya benang merah adl karakter Sato Takeru.Dampaknya adl kita tdk merasakan impact yg lbh uth dr film ini.Ada fragmen yg kita suka,tp mungkin ada yg kita tak terlalu peduli.Naskahnya seperti tdk ingin memilih 1 kisah sbg fondasi utama dan memilih utk menyangga film dgn beberapa pilar2 kecil yg dihias cantik.Filmnya menarik tp tdk cukup kuat.

If cats dissapear from the world. kenapa judulnya itu meaw? Ternyata hal di dunia ini yang sangat berarti bagi si aku adalah kucing. Kucing, mendekatkan si aku dengan ibu, mendekatkan aku dengan ayah, mendekatkan aku dengan keluarga meaw~. Walaupun tak ada kata, cinta ayah didunia ini ternyata bisu. yang bisa menjawab hanyalah ombak yang ada di pantai meaw~

Mungkin ane salah, tapi film ini menceritakan bagaimana akhirnya takeru bisa menerima takdirnya bahwa dia sebentar lagi akan meninggalkan dunia ini, setelah dia membayangkan satu-persatu bagaimana jika dirinya hilang dari dunia ini, dari memory sahabatnya dan mantan pacarnya.

Tetapi ketika dia hendak membayangkan kucing lenyap dari dunia, he can't.

Dan akhirnya tersadar bahwa ada yang lebih berharga daripada sekedar hidup lebih lama.

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0 people found this review helpful
by Enjeru
Nov 22, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
Tag yg judul lainnya Riaru Onigokko sebelumnya dah pernah dibuat dlm beberapa versi.Sekalipun plot dan karakternya beda,intinya ini tentang game 'tag' di mana ada orang2 yg "ditandai" dan ada yg memburu. Yg membuat Tag satu ini jd beda bgt ma yg lain krn ini dibuat Sion Sono.Aku gak tau versi novelnya seperti apa,yg jelas Sion Sono banyak memasukkan gagasan2nya di sini. Jujur awalnya bakal ngira ini akan jd sekedar fun mindnight movie.Tp ternyata Sion Sono gak sekedar bermain-main dgn darah dan kekerasan di sini.Dia nyusupin sebuah isu yg kurasa berkaitan dgn gender.Krn awalnya hanya ingin nonton sebuah gorefest,jadinya aku agak gak siap saat mulai sadar kalo Sion Sono punya agenda lain di sini.Jd mungkin aku gak bisa menangkap seluruh pesan dlm film apalagi Sion Sono nampilinnya lewat simbol dan metafora.

Untuk sebuah splatter film,Tag ngasih liat kita salah satu death scene terbaik di 2015.Sebuah bis yg berjalan tiba2 terpotong jd 2 dan semua penumpangnya (kecuali 1 orang yg kebetulan lg nunduk) termutilasi dr bagian pinggang ke atas.Pelakukanya siapa? angin. Hah?! ya gak salah kok,pelakunya Angin yg berhembus seperti pedang hingga mampu memotong tubuh. Terus di mana saya sadar film ini tdk hanya sekedar splatter. Jujur awalnya gak terlalu merhatiin sampe akhirya kita tiba di scene pernikahan di mana seorang mempelai wanita dipertemukan dgn calonnya.Dan calonnya adalah......pria berkepala babi. Di situ aku baru sadar setelah beberapa menit berjalan baru di scene itu kita melihat sosok pria,itupun berwajah babi. Selanjutnya Sion Sono semakin membawa kita ke dunia yg makin aneh sekaligus makin memperlihatkan wajahnya. Kita di bawa di mana perempuan adalah 'wahana' bagi kaum pria. Keberadaan dan fungsi mereka ditentukan oleh pria.

Mungkin Sion Sono ingin memperlihatkan bahwa media dan tatanan masyarakat lebih condong melihat kaum wanita sebagai kelas yg inferior.Harus diatur,ditentukan nasibnya oleh yg lebih superior (baca:pria). Dan kita gak ngerasa itu aneh bahkan menikmatinya.Sion Sono menempatkan dirinya di kelompok ini ya dgn membuat film ini.Dia sengaja memperlihatkan perempuan sbg subjek fantasi kaum pria dan disajikan dgn fun.Sion Sono menjadikan dirinya sbg sasaran kritik dr dirinya sendiri.Menurut saya ini yg menarik dr Tag.

Krn hanya nonton sekali mungkin pemahaman saya terhadap Tag msh sebatas wild guess.Tp setidaknya impresi yg saya dpt saat menonton film ini ya seperti yg saya tulis di atas

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0 people found this review helpful
by Enjeru
Nov 22, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
Cerita dibuka dari sebuah kasus pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh seorang pria misterius pada sepasang suami istri, lalu investigasi dilakukan oleh dua orang detektif di TKP. Kemudian cerita selanjutnya bergulir dan pecah menjadi 3 sudut pandang yang berbeda. Tokyo, Chiba dan Okinawa.Di Tokyo, karakter yang diikuti adalah Yuma (Sathoshi Tsumabuki) dan Naoto, adalah sepasang Gay. Di Chiba, ada Aiko (Aoi Miyazaki) dan Toshiro (Kenichi Matsuyama) adalah bekas seorang pelacur dan pekerja lepas yang bekerja pada Ayah Aiko, Maki (Ken Watanabe). dan karakter terakhir yang diikuti di Tokyo adalah Izumi (suzu Hirose) bersama Tatsuya (Takara Matsumoto) serta Tanaka (Mirai Moriyama). Sepanjang kurang lebih 150 menit film berputar, sutradara terlihat tampak ingin membuat penonton menerka siapa pembunuh dari sepasang suami istri yang menjadi Triger pada Opening cerita.

Lee Sang-il sebagai sutradara dalam film ikari ini berhasil membuat thrilling pengadeganan yang pas bahkan menurut saya dia bisa memaksimalkan dan mengeksplore akting masing-masing aktornya. Ikari yang berarti Amarah/Kemarahan berhasil ditunjukkan Lee Sang-il dalam klimaks film setelah melalui proses panjang dan perubahan karakter setelah mengalami rentetan peristiwa yang merubah psikis masing-masing karakter yang memiliki cerita sendiri pada 3 kota yang berbeda. Namun, Interpretasi yang kemudian muncul pada film ini menurut saya lebih mengarah kepada sebuah nilai “kepercayaan”. kepercayaan  terhadap seseorang yang belum dikenal yang pada akhirnya masing-masing karakter mengalami resiko yang berbeda-beda. Sehingga interpretasi yang saya simpulkan mengenai nilai pada film ini adalah “kepercayaan yang mengakibatkan sebuah penyesalan yang mendalam”hingga mengakibatkan masing-masing karakter mengekspresikan kemarahan dan amarahnya dengan cara yang berbeda-beda.

Namun sayangnya, dari multiple protagonis yang diikuti sepanjang film ini semuanya masih terasa tidak jelas. Kita hanya diperlihatkan karakterisasi tanpa pernah diperlihatkan dan dijelasan tujuan protagonis pada film ini apa? Sehingga saya pribadi akhirnya tidak bisa berempati pada karakter yang ada.kekuatan dari tujuan karakter yang tidak jelas menjadikan saya merasa tidak nyaman mengikutinya. Jika melihat perbandingan film yang mengunakan multiple protagonis yang dimana masing-masing karakternya mempunyai true karakternya adalah film 3 Idiot, dimana multiple karakter itu adalah Seorang pintar dan ingin belajar tapi tak punya akses (Rancho), seorang ingin menjadi fotografer tapi dipaksa orang tuanya kuliah engineer (Farhan), seorang yang punya permasalahan pada rasa takutnya menghadapi hidup dia hanya berdoa sepanjang waktu dan takut berusaha ingin mengubah nasibnya dengan masuk kampus terbaik (Raju).

Kita tanpa sadar terseret kedalam pusaran cerita karena empati terhadap ke tiga karakter tersebut. Jadi jika kembali pada karakter yang dimiliki di film ikari ini, saya hanya membaca bagaimana ketika karakter mendapat tekanan yang besar kemudian mengekspresikan ketidakberdayaannya.

Akan tetapi, bukan berarti ini adalah film yang tidak bisa untuk dinikmati. Namun saya menilai secara story telling masih terdapat beberapa point yang belum menguatkan dan membuat saya belum bisa menikmati secara utuh jalannya cerita film ini.

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Who Are You: School 2015
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 22, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Ive been skipping this drama for a while now so i finally decided to watch after reading other people's reviews and im glad i did. It was actually pretty good and intense. Korea has a lot of bullying and it seems like they sometimes turn a blind eye coz they are still top country known for it. In the drama and in reality, seems like the parents are also part of the cause either they dont discipline the bully or encourage them. Its very sad. It was great how they portrayed the twin differences though its only one actress. Shes very talented and i know her from playing a mean girl in other shows. The antagonist also did great with her portrayal though we felt sorry for her in the end.  The ending was anti climatic but it was good

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The Package
5 people found this review helpful
by PearlF
Nov 22, 2017
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Beautifully written story with characters that I can so easily identify with cos they are likely people that I may meet in my daily live. It may start off as like just a travelogue but actually the writer skillfully weaves the stories of all the packagers together and each back story is so real, sometimes funny, sometimes so sad. I love the main leads as they showed off great chemistry and their love story is so romantic. San Maru is such a hoot, a great character that is sometimes silly, sometimes manly but oh so romantic. Jung Yong Hwa was superb as San Maru. The fact that this drama was fully produced before it aired assured us good quality. It had beautiful cinematography, well written characters and story lines, very nice OST and a wonderful cast. The writer shows us that we should all reflect on our own lives and think whether this is how we want to live it.  My only complaint is that it is too short with just 12 episodes. Wish it was a little longer. This is definitely one of the most under rated drama in 2017 and even though I have finished watching it, I will re-watch it again cos I just love it so much.

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The Master's Sun
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
I love this show very much. As a rom-com, this show is nearly perfect for me. The cast to acting everything is lovely. So Ji Sub is amzing and now I know why Gong Hyo jin is the queen of romantic comedies. Even Seo In Guk is cute here. I loved the music. specially Yoo Mi Rae's "Touch Love". What I loved about the show were not only the main characters but also the secondary and tertiary characters. I hardly cry in any drama, but the episode with the dog really made me cry.

Each episode brings a different type of challenge. The show does a good job of having a balance with the episodic stories and the main conflict. While all the episodic stories matures our characters, these stories help our leads in to wrap up the main conflict of the show in a neat manner.

The only drawback is the amnesia cliché and the drag around episode 13-15. Even then it is highly recommended to everyone.

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Attic Cat
4 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
Attic Cat is one of those dramas which, had I watched very early on in my drama watching career, probably would have enjoyed more. At first glance, It has the perfect setup for a developing romance: cohabitation hijinks, an opposites attract pair who tries and fails to deny their attraction for each other, and a female lead who is surprisingly vocal about her wants and needs. As an older beloved drama, I figured it had to be good for a reason, and at first, I was hooked.  

But Attic Cat went wrong when it broke kdrama romcom rule #1:  the drama should make you want the main couple to be together, in spite of their flaws. As I watched each progressive episode, I realized just how toxic Kyung Min and Jung Eun are for each other. I didn't want to root for them to be together; I wanted them to stay as far away from each other as humanly possible. Every shouting match, misunderstanding, and petty catflight took a promising show and pairing and nosedived them both to the point where this this show made me frustrated, angry, and annoyed.

That being said, the emotional immaturity of the leads and the imbalance in the KyungJung relationship are my biggest issues with this show.  Kyung Min frequently takes advantage of Jung Eun's kindness, hospitality, and feelings and puts her through the wringer.  He is selfish, inconsiderate, and just an all-around jerk whose character growth comes too little, too late to be worthy of Jung Eun's or anyone's affection.  He shows inklings at being a decent human being, but will take four giant steps back the minute he does something nice. The climax of his character arc doesn't really come in until the last two or three episodes, at a time where the story should be tying up loose ends and promising us the happy (and healthy) ending we all need. His awful treatment isn't just reserved for Jung Eun alone, but she certainly takes the brunt of it in a way that's both confusing and disappointing.

Jung Eun is just as culpable, with the way she enables Kyung Min's horrible behavior and rewards him with her affection, which is a waste of her potential.  She isn't exactly a doormat,  but her frequent slapfights witih her rival, Hye Ryun, and shouting matches with Kyung Min  prove this relationship is not healthy or worthwhile for either of them. Jung Eun spends most of the drama pining and pouting over Kyung Min's well-documented feelings for Hye Ryun, fighting with Kyung Min about Hye Ryun, or fighting with Hye Ryun outright.  KyungJung's relationship is steeped in pettiness and jealousy in a way that is not a productive use of either person's growth as a character and a couple, or a productive use of our time as viewers.

The second leads are not exempt from similar foolishness, especially on Hye Ryun's part - there's a particular force kissing scene that will go down as one of the grossest scenes in kdrama history.  Dong Jun, the second male lead and Jung Eun's boss, provides a bit of emotional stability and maturity to the show, but there are times where he goads Kyung Min into jealous fits which do not help the situation at all.

As much as I want to blame this parasitic and unbalanced relationship on the pair being college-aged, I've seen dramas with younger, equally problematic protagonists who actually experience development and growth and end up in more deserving relationships.  All throughout the drama, I couldn't help but compare this to Boys Over Flowers, as Kyung Min and Jung Eun share the same general personalities and temperament as Goo Jun Pyo and Geum Jan Di, respectively; but their trajectories as individuals and as a couple are starkly different, as Jun Pyo and Jan Di's climax is much more emotionally fulfilling and they both change to ensure they're together.

Plot wise, Attic Cat does nothing new, and is filled with the same standard tropes that come with cohabitating dramas.  If you've seen Full House, you've seen Attic Cat, but with more tolerable leads and a relationship that's actually endearing to watch.  The music soundtrack saves this drama from being unwatchable and often distracts from the awful toxic arguments occuring each episode.

Ultimately, Attic Cat is missing the emotional payoff and the maturity needed to make this the cohabitation drama everyone deserves.

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4 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
The only thing that described this drama... What are you looking for romance, action, suspense, science fiction, politics, melodrama you just name it and this drama offer you all... A well written plot with many twists... Ji Chang wook is so perfect... He loved him but his profession doesn't allow him to show it directly... She loved him but her promise to him doesn't allow her to follow him... A mother who is totally in dark and a friend who betrayed his friends for the love he had for his wife... A brother who understand the pain of his elder brother but can't help him more... Many shades of love... Nor every crime is a real crime and not every punishment is meant to be followed it is all about the ideology... Some see love as burden and some as blessing but not everything is about love... A total passionate romantic story with the love for society... Justice is not only what you want others need it too... Sooner or later justice will be done to all...

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Delightful Girl, Choon Hyang
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
I love this show. It was really addictive when I started watching this. Albeit it is a little slow in the second half, specially around episode 13-14, I still enjoyed this show very much. I loved their bickering and their initial care for each other. Like around episode 10-11 when they realize they can't be romantic around each other like other couples but still have their own charm to make their relationship work. I just love such couples. The acting is nice, never under played but rather over played sometimes with Mong-Ryong's antics (which were hilarious to be honest). The music is amazing as well. Not to mention, one of its song has been adapted into a Hindi song in my country. The end sequences were also very enjoyable with an alternate and funny Chun Hyang.

Obviously being from the early 2000's the show is overly dramatic at times. Too much drama means the leads are meeting and separating a lot. Both are second leads are way to elder to our main couple. One is a cougar, while the other is pedophile (not really but they have huge age difference). This show follows a lot of dramatic turn of events, but I guess that is what made me stick to drama. Recommendable to all Hong-Sisters' fans.

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Suspicious Partner
9 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
When we think about Ji Chang wook the only thing that cones to our mind is strength and action a passionate man who can kill or killed for his loved ones but in this drama a jaw dropping change of his character make me fell for him all over again... He is portraying the role of a man who believes in the superiority of law and always acted as per law command... He knows the laws are meant to be broken but he takes them as the only way to find justice... His lover suffered a lot but his war is not for one person but for all those who are suffering due to injustice in society... So many romantic scenes with passionate make outs and very cute funny punches specially the other three men are too crazy to make you roll on floor with tears out of laughter.... I learnt  every story has start and end and it is the middle of the story that determined the end of story not the start... Let's see what you will learn...

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The K2
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
There are very few dramas that capture my heart for this long and of course it is really difficult for me to love and have crush on someone this way but this is the only drama up till now that forced me to love and adore Ji Chang wook... This was his first drama I ever watched and then just in a week there was nothing left not even his interviews.... I have seen everything and read every piece about him that is available on net.... Now the question is why... Well first thing first... Why you watch a drama...? There are many answers to this question but the main conclusion is to cherish your heart ..this drama will give you a new way to feel love... Love is not only to protect your loved one but to keep yourself safe until the time when you realized that your loved ones will be safe even After you leave... A total new theory for me but what a thought... Honestly I am not im yoon ah fan at truly speaking I dropped two of her dramas but in this drama she made me watch it all... A naive girl who has just two people in her world her dad and her lover and that's all she wants... And the way she portrayed traumatic girl character deserves an applause... Song yoon ah is amazing in her character and too be honest in few scenes you will empathies to her... But Chang wook has no match... His pain his tears and his screaming all showed how much he went through... His fiancée was killed and his  lover is in danger... He failed to protect her but this time he is ready to butthead everyone who lay a finger on his lover... In every episode I covered my pillow with my droll as there is a lot of skin show by Ji Chang wook so don't forget to grab handkerchief ladies and boys you too ... Lol

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My Lovely Sam Soon
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
Realistic characters but really irritating at times. Loved the acting and the music was Daebak. My favorite song is obviously "She is". This show introduced me to Daniel Henney :) . I know many people hated Hae Jin but I really pitied her. She did no wrong wanting to be with Jin-Heon. With her disease and all, I think she got the bitter end. The show is realistic, but not that realistic, It still follows all the drama rules and cliches like family disapproval, ex girlfriend problem,  last episode yearly separation etc. Maybe the show is so successful because it resonated with many girls. Recommended to those who wants to see an unconventional heroine.

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Takumi-kun Series 2: Rainbow Colored Glass
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
It was my first yaoi  series and this is the reason to make me a fajushi... Such a master piece... Amazing story line... Superb acting and heart warming music... A perfect package for those who believe love has no boundaries... Gii is symbol of protection and takumi is symbol of loyalty... You have to protect your loved one even if it means your losing and you have to be loyal to your love one even if you don't understand what they are thinking.... A boy who has human contact phobia since his childhood over come it for the person whom hr loved and a rich perfect guy who literally own the world stand beside his lover even when he himself is hurt and in trouble.... Love is a burden but your partner is the one who make it blessing for you... What an amazing series... My heart is filled so much love for humanity and if you are going to watch it please learn the things with them....

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