I think UN wins because Check Out was too boring. I always found myself thinking things like "did I leave the iron on?" when watching, whereas UN held my attention, like a really bad accident on the highway does.


I think UN wins because Check Out was too boring. I always found myself thinking things like "did I leave the iron on?" when watching, whereas UN held my attention, like a really bad accident on the highway does.


ATLEAST UN is ridiculous in a way that you cringe and shout and want to scream whereas check out is something that literally has the potential to kill you with BORING SHIT>>

CO can make you cry with nothing whereas UN makes you cry and laugh with cringe and WTF moments>> 

Yes, the series definitely didn't hit as well as expected. Though the last secret episode was a bit better (Tee and Ice). 


Yes, the series definitely didn't hit as well as expected. Though the last secret episode was a bit better (Tee and Ice). 

Ues ICE AND TEE did somthing in 1 episode that nine and daonea could not do in 12 episode's.