Hello everyone,

I'm not familiar with Chinese dramas so I need your help. I found this series on YT and nobody seems to know the original name or anything about it except "Title: My Crush My Energy | Classmate Crush | Fall in Love With My Classmate ". Maybe It's easy and I am wasting your time but it giving me a real headache. This "falling in love with my classmate" is such a basic and cliché concept. Do you know its name? Please, save me.

The link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c18vPj9MlH4&list=PLlWeA-HNr-70NhpQ0VeCjvBqdXF2PZ67Z&index=1&ab_channel=HannySusanto

Hi, this does not look to be a professionally produced/aired series, but actually a Douyin short series/skit. Based on the backwards watermark around the 30 second mark, this looks to be the user (@小z嘛):


Oh, wow. I’ll try to check it then, thank you.