I vaguely remember it being about men taking care of children without being given money. I specifically remember a really young celebrity either he was an actor or singer and I think his name started with a Z. He had a fake daughter who was older than the other kids, like seven to nine years old and there was one time where he had to take her to "work". Oh yeah, I remember them busking together. She cried about being hungry. He took her to one of his photoshoots and I think she was misbehaving?. I first saw the TV show on YouTube years ago and no matter what I type in I can't find it. The only show that I find is "let go of my baby" with the K-pop idol Jackson Wang. 

perhaps its: Where are we going, dad?

its the only show I know besides let go of my baby that features celebrity dads and fake dads taking care of children.