Oh my... I'm totally scared of my thought right now...
And that's bc I'm suspecting Xun Ran to be the copycat...
I don't know how but when I was watching the 9th or 8th episode where they all observed the villa in a van and waited for the psychipath to show up, I remembered the sillouette of the stalker when he stand befor the wall full of photos. For me his shape looked like Xun Ran's from the beginning but I found this ridiculous, he has no connection to Jin Yan or the real Flower Cannibal in America. But then, I remembered that a collague of his once said "You are the only one who went to America for training..." and something like he would then understand his methods. And how excited Xun Ran was when he heared  that Jian Yan would be his assistent and wanted to know everything of him...
I really don't want him to be a psychopath bc I like him but if lator on he turnes out to be the Flower Cannibal copycat then this drama is even more awesome! :)

What are you thought about my suspecting and do you suspect already someone?

Eh... OP and ED are very spoilery and judging by them I'm pretty sure we have not been introduced to the guy yet, so don't be scared! Kind of weird actually that they chose to create such OP and ED and give away big chunks of the story. Must be Chinese thing, in NiF they also did this, but it was much more cleverly edited.
@Juls EVERY chinese or taiwanese drama Op and ED are mere spoilers as well as the trailers, that's why I'm not watching them (I hate being spoiled even with a unnecessary detail) > <
I forgot about the op and ed when I wrote this, ofcaurse most ppl probably know more than me bc of that > <
Ack! I didn't realized you haven't watched the OP/ED,  hope i didn't spoiled it too much for you, sorry! 
That's why after watching all these trailers, op end Ed, I'll skip them...lol I'll watch the first 5 minutes or so from now and decide from there. 
@Juls np, as long as i don't actually know or see who it is :)
@Ari_Lee same :)
i am watching again and again the opening and ending in the drama but i can't understand what's going to happend.. it was a big mistake to start this drama before it ends.. now the only think we can do is just wait...