I have never shared much of my Work over the years I have battled Depression and other demons. Yet I have found power in words and Music and Now KDramas <3 I will share some of my poems over time I hope to start writing poems from the the emotional inspiration from the shows I watch I am working on one from Crash Landing on you and now one from Goblin...... I will also try to correct some of my past mistakes as I have been known to just write and not punctuate in the best way.  So one of my early Poems was about the power of impacting others lives as I have worked in schools for now over 30 yrs. I wrote this one about 10 yrs ago.     Thanks For Reading Dan.                         

                                                                                                   Inspiring Ripples

There are moments in our lifetime that happen In Life where the impact from one Action changes the course of things to come for ourselves or others we are around. Some of these moments are small yet they still create a much bigger chain reaction than we will ever know. Like ripples on a glass looking lake when you skip a rock into it. These Ripples head out into Infinite directions reaching out to touch everything in their path. Each ripple getting bigger and bigger while getting farther and farther from the original impact points. This meteoric Impact that sends shock waves through everything and everyone changing lives in countless ways that you the one that created the original impact point may never know or even witness how many lives you have impacted. Still creating these many inspiring moments big and small As Doctor Who might say They become Fixed points in time :) They cant be changed by anyone once they have happened. There is a defining point when the ripples are such a force they can’t be stopped. They will travel forward at Tsunami speeds only to hit something with such force they reflect off into other life changing directions. There is no direct path that they must follow but their own unique destinies. This is that point when you change someones present and their futures from just being someone who cared, someone who listened, or someone who was a Friend. there are moments where our actions Create A Tidal wave that will leave an everlasting legacy in its wake. even if its just one persons day or life That is more than any of us could ask for. to Impact someones life enough to change a page in their story is Surreal in so many ways. When One reaches the point where their ripple effect is unstoppable no matter the opponent or the adversity In life that is before them. they now can achieve something or become something special. Something so amazing they can make the impossible possible. One person you cross paths with in life may Do Something great in their Lifetime that you had a direct impact on Making happen. I Believe it will happen or has happened! Each person you impact become their own ripples  that may start impacting and inspiring those around them to create a culture of kindness or greatness.  Define your life never let life Define you! Go out and Define your Impact in the world the way you see your Legacy. Know Each ripple from this point forward is yet another moment  or another Page in that amazing book we call life. Before You know it you will have Countless Moments that Become endless pages in your books. I have to believe those books will be Epic in every sense of the word. This is Your time where history is written and legends are made. What you do in your life will inspire others to chase dreams, Believe that your Ripples are Destined To last your Lifetime and Beyond!

         This Poem was written for a close Friend who passed away to young. I did Edit Her Name to Just H.

                                                                             Unconditional Kindness

 As we journey through life there are times when life is a storm around us. It's so chaotic in these times that when we witness something so amazing someone so special we may blink and miss it. In these moments when we are blind to the world around us it's then that we can miss something that is unique in its own special way. Kindness a gift in all its vivid colors and bright hues is one of the most breathtaking sights to see. When our paths crossed the colors were surreal and so pure what had I just witnessed? Touches of humility and grace with compassion some of humanities best gifts. Unconditional and breathtaking a kindness that i had never seen in my lifetime. One I had only dreamed of seeing when i was all but a child. I had heard stories of the gift that is called compassion where people would care about one another help others. It was a Kindness few share this gift would inspire others to strive for the greatness that was inside of them already. That was a different place and time in my life it was all just a dream. As i enter the middle of my journey no longer a child or a teen. There is a moment that i realize what i had been blessed to witness its like a flash of lighting in my mind like a phoenix rising from the ashes of my past. I recall that the true gift that is kindness is something unseen, something rare, something hidden. Only those of us that are touched or inspired buy the gift know it truly exists. It's a feeling that you should never forget a memory etched on your heart as much as in our minds. Many feel the gift of Kindness can take us on a dance across lifetimes. A Infinite journey across time for all of eternity. H was this unique and rare gift. She was Compassion and Kindness all in one. She was a gift for those who were blessed to know her. She was like a purple unicorn or a purple fairy of Compassion & Kindness. She was something so special and rare you were left inspired if you witnessed her in all her Brilliance. In a way She is our compass, to a destiny yet unfolding, to a future yet written,to a life yet lived. The adventure is ours to create,write,paint,sing. We are the artist and writer of what becomes our Futures.  H had the wisdom and foresight of people that have lived many lifetimes. Her legacy guides us to pay it forward in every way we can anytime anywhere in her honor. One must embrace life's unlimited possibilities let our minds go and live love and Inspire our Destines. Live to inspire others around us with who we are and who we are destined to become just like H. The foundation of life should always be built with the gifts of unconditional compassion and kindness at its heart. H understood this more than so many others. H's vision has shown us if we live life with those gifts along with love and hope we can live a life that will Inspire others and change the world around as H did. H is and always will be the lighthouse on the shore in the storm of our lives, Her light still shines so bright it's her gift for everyone to see. Remarkably she shined it unconditionally onto all of those who needed it, when they needed it most.

 I Believe It's A Light That Will Never Go OUT!
H Was And Forever Will Be An Angel Of Compassion And Unconditional Kindness

 Unconditional Kindness was good :)