The Answer is a Question

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How many forums are there in this world??
ahhhhhhhhhh, existence, again! Is existence unquestionable?
What do you questionable??
Why don't I understand what you're asking?
Oh sorry, I just saw that it really doesn't make sense what i wrote, I'm really sorry ^-^' I meant: What's questionable for you??
When did the first forum get created?
LOL I was just joking hehe..I knew what you meant ;) (here goes another) Who thought of it?
Wasn´t it skye who thought about it?
is there a purpose to the sky?
I wonder about that.....? (:p)
Am I suppose to know that?
Noooo, further up, what happened? I thought there was something about forums and stuff? Gaaah... Whatever ._. What are we supposed to know?
What are we not supposed to know?
Did you know there is a Meteor shower tonight?
Is it going to be a full moon tonight??