The Corrupted Wishing Game

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granted but your voice will go too
I wish I can lose weight only by thinking about dieting 
Granted but at the same time you think and eat food you gained lots of weight...
I wish i have new laptop T^T
Granted but all it has is a word processor and a spreadsheet

I wish fruits didn't go bad so fast
Granted but it will lose its flavor fast

I wish to sleep early tonight XD...
granted but you will wake up in 3015,,,, may be you won't

I wish I'm google XD 
Granted you will be google, with no information XD

I wish to bend reality...
Granted, but only for yourself 

I wish I were better at looking after my plants
Granted but they will never grow...

I wish to have an easy life and a good life :) ...
Granted, but you will be living it alone
I wish i had the ability to allow my loved ones to be at ease forever.
granted they will be drug addicts X)
I wish I'm not angry 
Granted, you're now just really tired all the time (too tired to even get angry).

I wish I could speak every language fluently, forever.
Granted, but the whole world would be speaking one language, which you don't know 
I wish i had a pet cat 
Granted. But it won't stop at one, the cats will keep coming, turning up at your door, scraping at the windows, crawling in through the vents. You'll be a cat magnet, you'll be walking down the street and cats will come flying at you from all angles. You'll get fired from your job. Your family (who has suddenly developed an allergy to cat fur) will disown you. You'll be all alone, except you won't, the cats are always there, always watching... 

I wish when someone says they'll contact you within 2 weeks... They ******* contact you within two weeks! #JustLookingForAJobThings
Granted they will contact you but only for a negative answer... You won't get the job.

I wish i could taste the best dessert ever
granted but that's just the name of the dessert made by your boss

I wish I can make my eyebrows dance