The Corrupted Wishing Game

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Granted but will not be able to recognise anyone

I wish I'm my nephew 

Granted but you would only look like him but have a completely opposite personality

I wish I had more motivation to exercise
Granted but the motivation only lasts for 10 minutes.

I wish I didn't have to go to work
Granted. You've just been fired. I wish I won the lottery.
Granted, you won the lottery that very few people now about so you got $1,000! 

I wish I was better at studying.
Granted, but you wouldn't do anything all day but study

I wish packing were not so hard
granted but you will have OCD 
I wish that guy long hair is mine XD 
Granted but it's not the color that suits your complexion

I wish I would get a vacation by the sea
Granted but you will be bitten by all the insects near the sea

I wish my pet could talk
Granted but it would speak in a language you don't understand

I wish I could get in the school where I want to
Granted but you'll have to take all your subjects twice

I wish I could travel with unlimited money
Granted, however you will have the currency of a different country no matter where you travel

I wish I pass all my exams
Granted but their language would be different hat you can't understand. I wish to have a labrador dog
Granted but when you forget to feed him every hour, he will bite you and it can kill you.

I wish I can marry lee min ho
granted... But after your wedding he will confess that he's a gay and go to honeymoon with a man.. 

I wish I can win my first argument to the person that I always argue in many things for the past 3 years...