Ask The Person Below You #2

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What was the most awful drama you've seen? 
There is actually 2 that I really didn't like! (Don't judge me)

Heirs and You who came from the stars!

What book did you last read and when did you read it?
Festive in Death by J.D. Robb and I read it just last week again while awaiting the new book in this series. Which I'm super excited about, even though no one asked that. haha XD

What's your favorite guilty pleasure, be it food or a hobby, that you feel slightly embarrassed sharing? 
Im gonna be really boring and say I don't have one, coz seriously I don't have one! :P

What is your favourite technology brand?
Either Samsung or Apple.

What would you do if you got to pick your fave actor's/actress's next drama?
Umm im not too sure. Maybe ask them what type of drama they want to be in and choose that drama!

What genre of script would you write for your favourite actor/actress?
horror and romcom

Do you watch The Walking Dead?
I don't know. I haven't watched this too.
What is your favourite drama??
Incomplete Life

Are you the one on your avi?
No Hani is on my avi...OMG she's hot :drool:

What's the last k-pop song you listened?

Love on the ice by DBSK

What was the 1st thing you though of when you woke up this morning?
I thought nightmare

what will you do when you are tired
It depends, if I just get home and I'm tired, I'll sit on the sofa and sigh before taking a bath.

Which was the worst Asian movie you've ever watched?
Ummm I don't know...There have been so many to remember. There was one called Woman and toilet. With just the title im sure you can tell!!

What was the best Asian movie you've ever watched?
Definitely is Shaolin. Love this movie!

Do you rather watch movies or dramas?