Ask The Person Below You #2

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the deepest diving I ever did was 3 meter so no ^^"

did you save anyone life before ,, and tell us how 
Have I ever saved someones life?....let me see...hmmm. yup, I actually have! 

When I was around 13 or so, maybe less, in winter I & my friends played around at this place:

It has water all around except the front.

So, it had ice all over, but it was cracked & we could float with those ice pieces from one end to the other. Was so much fun, but, one of my friends while walking from one ice piece to another fell into the water.

Remember - winter: lots of clothes & ice cold water.

Obviously we panicked & so did she, and in her fright she couldn't get a hold on the ice pieces but somehow I managed to grab her & get her out of the water.

I had already forgotten about that, turns out I've saved a life ^^

Do you know how to drive a car?

you saved a life !! 

 that photo is  so good I have to visit you

hmm yes but I didn't drive since years 

describe what's in front of you right now
My hometown ^^ When you come to Latvia, let me know ;)
Ugh, I have yet to get my licence 

My computer & room? OK, lots & lots of roses from my sister's birthday 
hahaha and the question is?

what's the worst score you have ever had 
lol, got so sidetracked by the roses & stuff, sorry 

3  (in system from 1 the worst, 10 the best) ;(   in german language. cuz I hadn't learned the words and the teacher called us in front of the class and quizzed us, I didn't know most of them. Don't remember why I hadn't learned...

Ok, have you ever forgotten to post a question and how often?
mine is 5 out of 15 it was in history ... my people are still calling me 5 hahaha

yes I always do that I Lost count @ 10 XD

have your people ever teased you about your bad score
not really, 'cuz I wasn't the only one who got a bad one :D They tease me about other stuff

What was the worst misunderstanding you've ever had?
once when I was living in  female students house I needed the maintenance guy to fix something so he came to my room and while he was busy working I saw my friend with a very short pyjama and I knew she will get embarrassed if the guy saw her, so I had to think of a way warn her without making him notice ,,,,

I don't know why but I was so nervous my brain got broken......

I started whispering the guy name right in front of him hahahaha
So he thought I'm seducing him and smiled and gave me the "I love you" look and I froze and gave him my "oh ###*## what have I don" look and he turned his head and saw my friend hahaha

oh I got into an emotional coma for weeks 

what is your dream car ?
An Alfa Romeo :P

What's 2+2?
hahaha I have no idea ;p

what's your favourite smiley ? 
probably the smirking one 7171b1759fed27bd0c8092801d06ee8a.png and the confused/unsure one 81902669f2860cb5dd6350fa344d8386.png

Do you use Whatsapp?
yes everyone around me is using it too 

what's your status on whatsapp 
lol, it's: Joined the crazy people against my better judgment
aaaah, that brings back memories XD

Would you listen to your older brother/sister?

hahahahaha that's a good one 

sure I will

what do you do in your free time