Ask The Person Below You #2

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75 through heart attack. So I can die in one snap. 

do you back read the questions and answers on this thread (because I do! And I enjoy it)?
sometimes yes.

How often do u wash ur hair?
Everyday (when I have to go outside)

What is your most hated/loved personality trait?
My most hated trait by others is probably the inability to express my sad emotions to others, since I'm always easygoing and smile a lot, covering up what I sometimes actually feel. My friends complained about this a few times but I find that the best personality trait for myself tbh. Maybe because I just like to keep personal things to myself and I'm actually quite happy with life, I'm not depressed or anything lol.

What is one thing you cannot stand about a person?
When the person is two-faced and lies unapologetically... that confuses me like hell... I have recently come across such a person and have the bad fortune to work with them... it drives me crazy...

What do you usually do on Saturday and Sunday?
hmm just random things. watching dramas, doing our laundry and go to church with the whole fam

How to move on from your first love?
Accept that any first time in anything is always just a sketch and remember, in the words of Mr. Sinatra, "The Best is Yet to Come".

Do you already has plans for your fave holiday?
Yes.  Every holiday is my fav, by the way.  LOL

How many Currently Watching dramas do you have on your MDL list right now?

Which is the best horror movie you ever watched?
I've never watched a horror movie :3

Saddest drama & movie you've watched?

Funniest drama / movie you've watched?
Wood Job! (JMovie)

What would you do if your 1st love/1st gf or bf cheated on you.
Descendants of The Sun

Worst drama you've completed?
Kyou wa Kaisha Yasumimasu - something Ayase Haruka and Tamaki Hiroshi cant save

What Japanese movie would recommend me now (feel good, funny)?
Heavenly Forest, it's bittersweet but beautiful

What is the most tear-jerking drama you have ever seen?