True Or False #2

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Totally FALSE! (I am so not a morning person. I always wake up exactly and hour before my class start in the mornings. If I'm late then so be it.) LOL xD

TNP is in their bed relaxing!
true ... I'm half a sleep now

TNP had one or more incident of sleep walking or talking 
true..? i dont know if its true bcuz my mom just said it that i talked when i sleep but its only one time..

TNP is always hungry.
True :x

TNP has one or more siblings

TNP wants to go out but it's raining
False, it's too hot to go outside xD

TNP wants to watch more drama, but has no time u,u

TNP likes to sleep a lot

TNP needs coffee to stay awake

TNP likes to play Minecraft
Ehhh False i liked it before but i grew out of it :p

TNP liked Playful Kiss

TNP likes Korean people.
True I guess

TNP watches dramas on their commute

TNP saves her drama in her phone so she can watch anytime.
True.. I save them on Viki xD

TNP can live without drama if necessary
True! =/

TNP can never spend a year without music