shocked, just completed my second ever thai film which was amazing ( Yes or No ) then when i wanted to add it to my list i realized there is no category for thai movies in MDL , now why is that??? viki has one! :( Im sad for the movie shouldn't it be on my list?!
happy! just really really happy :)

Diana96 wrote: shocked, just completed my second ever thai film which was amazing ( Yes or No ) then when i wanted to add it to my list i realized there is no category for thai movies in MDL , now why is that??? viki has one! :( Im sad for the movie shouldn't it be on my list?!

I know what you mean. I've watched so many Thai dramas and I'd love to add them to my list.
i don't know how am feeling right now, but i know that am not fine....
angry at myself because again and again i do what i shouldn't do. :(
So very annoyed. Wanted: roommates who can clean. At least their own messes, dammit.
Started off pretty raw today; I'm very emotional right now and I keep lashing out at people I don't mean to lash out to. Now, my head hurts and I'm really hot.
Tired/bored/sad : (
I started out the day happy and cheerful and then one of my close friends lashed out at me for no apparent reason and so now I am upset and unhappy but not depressed, just confused and conflicted.
Disappointed the Broncos lost the super bowl
Surprisingly good! It's been like this all day, even though work was horrible and my son has a nasty cold. Can't help it. ;)
good, after a small fight with some colleagues and superiors in work but we will make up with biggest respect ... every now and then it's a due to screw things to make them brighter in the future
I had a great day I got all of my work done earlier then it was needed and its not even Valentine's day and I got a box of chocolates from a "secret admirer". So I would say today was a really good day.