i thought more are guys than girls. 
maybe teh guys using girls as profile pciture =)
Guys are definitely in the minority here at MDL, but male dramaland fans certainly do exist.  :P

My husband is an avid drama fan (90% of what we watch together are K-dramas), but he has no interest at all in creating a profile here (or anywhere else), or participating in forum discussions.
I think most guys are like @neyjour 's Husband... LOL  I agree with @bannie , maybe there are some hiding somewhere in MDL, in a corner, like a prom dance,  those guys that stay in the corner and that should definitely socialize because they are awesome and they should! :)
haha finally some guys showing up ......... i think its still long way to cross the count to double digits :D
check this post and you will find your fellows :D 

I know a guy who will watch korean movies with me or a drama that I like if he's bored. 

I just don't think he has any care in the world to make a drama list though lol.
I think if you dont setup gender it will set it up as female as default (mine was set as female until now).

Also, i dont think when they say kdrama that they mean Korean soap. I think its just their word for saying "tv show".
Been here for 3 years now and usually use this site to list thing I've seen and need to seexD 

Didn't really think this site's forum was active, but it's nice to meet you.
@McLovin the community is pretty good here if u want to share something
I'm a guy and I created MDL. I think I can count as maybe 2 men for that fact :P
<- Guy with a list
@Skye-N-Rain haha exception are always there 
Yeah I don't really login on here that much anymore. I'm too busy I also don't watch drama's as much as I used to now maybe 3 or 5 times a month. Actually living in Asia also makes it to where I watch drama's a little less too.
I've met two guys (IRL) on a MDL gathering before like 4 years ago. I still see them here sometimes. But I'm also curious at how many males there are here. I would like to see a percentage of male and female from the database but that would be a bother. Haha.
Plenty of us in this site.