Lots of timber here
You are not the only brother! :D 
For some weird reason in past 2-3 months I got like 8-9 F.R. from guys only. Population of our species is definitely increasing :P
Kinda thought the same and have received friend requests from mostly females. I thought females are probably more into asian dramas xD
I am a guy, and I would love to add any of you as friends. Male, or female. This community seems nice, and we all have something in common we like dramas, and movies, and stuff so lets do it. 
There are so many guys out here...But girls outshine them...And mostly of them are  not into forum.
We need to make a club like @amitspiky said we could be the club over flowers
I need some male friends in this place to take about dramas and stuff like something? IDK
<==== Guy.......... I mainly use this site to find dramas to watch, even so I recently updated my profile to include gifs (yay). Idk, I feel like most ppl prefer kdramas over jdramas. I'm the opposite, I wonder if anybody could take a look at my list and recommend some non-jdramas for me?

The forum does seem to discuss a lot of funny stuff, so I might just become more active :)
I started to watch Kdramas when they start to adapt from anime and manga.
yes there are guys.....
Hey! I'm a guy too. I just started watching recently so I'm pretty new. It's surprising how addicting kdramas are.