Here's mine but I am not very active, it's basically related to Asian dramas:
I didn't expect so many people!!

Here's my tumblr if anyone wants to check it out

It's generally asian things/people...

^^ Here's mine. Idek what I reblog hah. Asian-ish stuff I guess. xD I have like 7 tumblrs tho.. lol ./sad life
i have only started recently to use, mostly just cheking out others' tumblr but there is mine ^^
I don't know if I should give you my tumblr, but whatever. I don't know you well enough to not give you my URL.

You can find it --> HERE

I hope you'll follow it even though it's mostly about anime and other......... stuff. :D
the family is gathering, i feel like a proud mother.

I used to have one years back but then I realized:

I'd love to make a new one (for Kpop/Kdorama lowe) but I don't know how to make it look nice, and being a perfectionist, some ghetto lil' thang won't do.
SO, if anybody can link me with tutorials(lol) or websites that help you make a good Tumblr page then please do.
(themes and alla daat)
This is my tumblr.
It's actually not about dramaland at all. But I do follow a lot of fellow drama-addicts.
haha!!! who needs a social life when you have tumblr and dramas? lol :)
Goliath1357 wrote: I've been on for awhile and I have 3 tumblr blogs because I don't have a social life

haha who needs a social life when you have tumblr and dramas? lol :)
SarangHaeGia wrote: I used to have one years back but then I realized:

I'd love to make a new one (for Kpop/Kdorama lowe) but I don't know how to make it look nice, and being a perfectionist, some ghetto lil' thang won't do.
SO, if anybody can link me with tutorials(lol) or websites that help you make a good Tumblr page then please do.
(themes and alla daat)


just click on the link for tutorials and you should find some interesting personal themes you can add to your blog.

Here is mine!

Lots of fandom things, occasionally some drama posts, as well as lots of random things I find funny/random or things I find beautiful or cute.