I work in an environmental NGO. It is a 50% office work and 50% field work. Been working at the current organization for 3 years, and I enjoy it a lot :D
I work part time in a Fossil fuel power station, mostly at Night. It's nice cuz' i can watch Movies most of the time. I also taking free stuff at ebay and other sites and sell them for some money and i also make some other money on the internet. I'm very happy right now tbh :)
I'm currently studying law at ESADE
I'm a high school student, but will be volunteering & teaching/helping refugees with english :)
University student majoring in Community Nutrition. I dream of becoming a medical doctor. :)
I graduated from uni 2 years ago. I took bs architecture and I'm currently taking my on job training. will get the licensure examination next year. :)
University student, studying Pharmacy
loser with no girlfriend or wife but raising nephew and get money from the kids parents
I'm an operations manager in construction and part owner of a publishing firm. I also do freelance policy and procedure writing for NGOs and small businesses.
software engineer/developer anyone?
medical librarian -mostly database searching to support evidence-based medicine with a little face time thrown in.
I burn people alive.
I came here because on the recent discussions column it says that "God" answered this "What's your job/ What do you do for a living?" thread...
I see you are following God... Continue on your path and I shall grant you free access to heaven.