anyone that uses beauty products and treatment from japan (I know about the Korean 10 step skin care routine but I am more interested in the japanese one)

I found that this is basically the routine

Morning Routine
- Face wash
- Lotion
- Serum
- Emulsion
-UV protector or BB cream

Evening Routine
- Makeup removing
- Face Wash
- Lotion
- Serum
- Emulsion/ Night Cream

sometimes they put in a sheet mask in the morning or in the evening. 

does anyone do this routine? and if you do just part of it  what is your favorite japanese product for skincare?

I use SK2. I should do it more routinely

I've always wanted to do something like this, but I'm just too lazy to keep it up. All I do is wash and moisturize. lol

Well, what can I say. 

Exfoliating face wash
Numbing gel
(Eye mask against swelling)
Eye serum
Day cream
BB cream

Cleaning cloth
Cleansing gel (+ Clairsonic)
Eye serum
Night cream

Everything in brackets depends on how much time I have.
I usually am a Shiseido girl, but I haven't been really satisfied lately so I tried other companies as well.