What are some of your BL pet peeves or unpopular opinions? 

some of mine are, 

  • female characters always being depicted as the crazy, obsessive obstacle that the main couple needs to overcome 
  • when person B is a player and is never without a girlfriend until person A confesses and suddenly they're the gayest gay and women repulse them 
  • the obvious fan service (no plot, just two guys being intimate)

- the storylines in most Thai BL dramas are mediocore at best (but most of the time they are really bad lol)

- the "ladyboy" characters are not funny in 99 % of scenes they appear in

- some new BLs are crossing to the soft p*rn area with their intimate scenes... 

Dude, honestly! I've watched a few original gems that have become some of my all-time favorites, but they usually always have the identical tropes of "person A likes Person B, but person B is straighter than a pole and homophobic" or "Person A is bullied by Person B, until Person B undoubtedly falls for Person A because of an unrealistic reason".  It doesn't help that a lot of these dramas have subpar acting and constant awkward pauses or uncomfortable love scenes.

Also, the "ladyboy"s or groups are just there for comedic effect, but it always just seems unnatural and cringe-worthy.  

BL is for real starting to seem more catered towards drawing in viewers for the more apparent or explicit intimate scenes rather than the plots, production, or cast/acting. 


Honestly i dont mind a simple romantic story with cliches - that's one of the charms of BL dramas, but why the heck most of the storylines look like they were written by 14-year-olds :D. there have to be more interesting BL web-novels than *cough*2Moons*cough*.

I feel like big part of BL drama community is so easy to please and uncritical

Haha, I used to not mind clichés so much, but once the same thing has been down so many times it becomes somewhat predictable and easy to guess what’s going to happen or occur next. I really just want more BL dramas with more complex character’s or storylines or with sudden twists, or that don’t look, “like they were written by 14-year-olds”. 

And seriously, dramas seem to not have to be well-written or produced or have interesting/complex characters anymore, but rather how much explicit and intimate scenes they can fit into a single episode. I want to be able to discuss and critique a BL drama the same as I would with a mainstream K-drama or J-drama, but that’s impossible if the drama has little to no substance. 

I hate it when fans tell i don't like the straight part and just want to skip it