The RANT Thread Part Deux: Back with a vengeance

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the same dummy at work that we think is stealing: he's mad cause his hours got cut back next week because we're training a new person. i don't make the schedule and he knows that full well, but he comes in for his shift, looks at the new schedule... for 15 minutes... and i'm trying to finish up my stuff and go home so i'm trying to go over a couple things with him and he's totally ignoring me.. staring at the schedule. i'm like .... "hello?" i get back "yeah yeah i heard you" ok well is it too much to ask that you look at me when i'm talking to you, or at least acknowledge my existence in some way? he then starts putting stock away, which he has all night to do but he acts like he's on a mission to do it all in 10 minutes or something, so i'm stuck serving customers on his cash because he's busy, when he knows i'm trying to go HOME. dude, pay attention and serve YOUR customers so i can get the H outta here! and while he's attempting to look useful i mention to him that he was short cash from the til the other night and he ignores me again. i'm like "ok nevermind i'll just talk to myself" and he's all "i HEARD you!" i'm thinking ok but i just told you that your cash was 10 bucks short you'd think you'd make some effort to explain it or say you don't know how it happened, or.... something... it's like he just doesn't care that his cash was short. which isn't helping the fact that we suspect he pocketed it and tried to make it look like the new girl screwed up.

i really did nothing to deserve the attitude and silent treatment, i've treated him pretty nicely and fairly considering i think he's stealing and should've been fired weeks ago. i've never brought it up, i've never given him reason to believe we suspect him cause i was told to pretend i know nothing until the powers that be can prove him guilty... i really think he's just being a whiney baby about losing hours next week. well WAH WAH WAH!! dude, you're like... 40... you're a father... maybe it's time to stop acting like a child?

where do we find these people?

on the plus side the new girl is great i think she'll work out really well once she gets the hang of things. she's still not comfortable with the computer or cash register but she has common sense and can count so she's lightyears ahead of the other dufus. if she makes a mistake she has the sense to call someone and ask how to fix it, rather than just say "meh" and leave it for me to deal with in the morning which is what usually happens

So, I moved from Australia (country I was raised in) to Malta (the country I was born in). Unlike most countries, we don't have a range of cosmetic stores, like Macy's in the US, MAC stores/Inglot stores and all those kind of things other countries have. Here in Malta, we have only Inglot. Oh, I'm a makeup artist, btw.

Anyway, I moved here 12 months ago. For those 12 months, I've been trying to get a job at Inglot. I FINALLY got my first interview (they have this three interviews thing. First interview is you know... a regular interview, then the second interview is I guess is one to say "you got the job" and then the third is to sign their contract, then you start work). I did my best to look spiffy, professional, and have great eye catching makeup. I even took out my lip piercing, that's so small that you can't even tell it's there, but did anyway.

So, I'm thinking, "I've aced this application. I can speak English and Maltese. Japanese andGerman for added awesome!" He then says, "You haven't got any sales experience, correct?" And I was like, "....No... I'm willing to learn, quick at learning, blah blah blah," trying to sell MYSELF. He nodded and was like, "That's great to hear then" so I'm like, "YUS! I got this!"

Anyway, I never got a call back, just an email saying, "Your skills are amazing, your knowledge is just what we need, but we have no position for you..." -___________-

Now, months later (oh and also being rejected over and over without interviews) I FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, get another interview and did my best to sell myself like no other. Oh, I didn't get it...

HOWEVER! A "Friend" who applied once and within a week GOT the job (she has the worst makeup skills in the world, but know what? She's got years of sales experience behind her). I mean, I guess they only care about how many sales they can get, rather than how good they can make the person they're working on look and feel.

Anyway, now for the past two weeks since getting the job, she's been bragging over facebook and twitter and her stupid blog. Today she wanted me to go with her shopping, her exact words, "I have to buy stuff for work, from Inglot, wanna come? I know you love Inglot." I'm like, "Are you f***ing kidding me?!" I pretended I was sick so I could get out of it. No way am I going to be able to control myself from lashing out, or crying, being in that store and watching her all buddy buddy with the other girls in there while she brags.

*takes deep breath*

That's all for now, folks.
awwww kisa...don't worry..i'm sure something much better is waiting for you..just don't give up hope and keep are only 19 (right?)..
I feel like giving up. Living in this country is BAD. I can't even afford to eat right now and my mother is mega struggling. I need a job and I can't find one anywhere because I get this:

Regular stores: "I see you specialise in makeup, you should stick to it instead."

Makeup places: "I see you don't have much sales experience, you need it before we can hire you." -___- it's lose/lose for me!
Awwww I think your friend should have been more sensitive about it. She had to have known how much you wanted the job. She should have toned down the bragging. I hope a job opens up for you soon. Good luck! Ganbatte ne!
Kisa wrote: I feel like giving up. Living in this country is BAD. I can't even afford to eat right now and my mother is mega struggling. I need a job and I can't find one anywhere because I get this:

Regular stores: "I see you specialise in makeup, you should stick to it instead."

Makeup places: "I see you don't have much sales experience, you need it before we can hire you." -___- it's lose/lose for me!

Omg I totally feel for you. I've been in that position (not make up, but a specialized field). It's so frustrating when you can't get work in your specialty, and you can't get an entry level job doing something else because they all want at least a year of experience.

Your friend is being kinda mean, but she may not be doing it on purpose (or she could be, you can answer that better). Maybe you can say something to her?

Keep reminding yourself that the rejection isn't personal. Even if you don't believe it, just keep telling yourself that. Something will work out for you. ~hugs~
Sleepninja wrote: Awwww I think your friend should have been more sensitive about it. She had to have known how much you wanted the job. She should have toned down the bragging. I hope a job opens up for you soon. Good luck! Ganbatte ne!

I second this! I hope you're able to find a job Kisa! Good luck! Fighting! (:
Sleepninja wrote: Awwww I think your friend should have been more sensitive about it. She had to have known how much you wanted the job. She should have toned down the bragging. I hope a job opens up for you soon. Good luck! Ganbatte ne!

I third it! who asks someone to go shopping at the very place they wanted a job so badly? Grrr! Not very clued in and not very nice.
@Kawaikochan: At first I thought it wasn't on purpose, but everytime she'd see me online on FB she'd pop up telling me that she's going to be starting work, and every conversation we have revolves around her new ~!~amazing~!~ job so I'm taking it quite personal now. Especially when she says things straight to me about it like that.

I mean if I got the job, I'd update about it, but not everyday. I'd update: "got the job" again "starting first day, wish me luck" and little things like that, and not directly (or seemingly) stab at someone who's been TRYING for a year. I mean, I'm happy for her, but it's something I've tried so hard for...

But thanks, everyone, for the support. I really appreciate it! ^_^ I'm gonna keep trying, no matter what... even if I have to work in a factory... yup! lol.

Right now all I really want a job for is to save up some money so that I can get a plane ticket and go back to Australia - a lot more opportunity there for me, I was working non-stop on photoshoots, and music videos ect... WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! -___-

I want to stop being so bitter over it, it's not going to get me anywhere, but I needed to rant. Hopefully something even BETTER comes around for me... :D
And Kisa...You came to the right place. Exactly what the Rant Thread is for!! :)
Agreed with Jeanie - this is the right place for it! (: Haha rant away, it's what it's for. Glad you're going to keep trying, good luck and hope you do find something even better than your friend (:
Thank you :) I don't really know if I wanna consider her as a friend anymore, but I'm not going to keep a grudge; it'll make me look like the worser person :)
Kisa wrote: Thank you :) I don't really know if I wanna consider her as a friend anymore, but I'm not going to keep a grudge; it'll make me look like the worser person :)

Your Welcome (: And I don't blame you, and that's good you're not going to hold a grudge (:
kisa i've been where u are. when u constantly hear from employers after interviews that "your resume is very impressive." or "wow you did so well at university you would be an asset to any agency." but in the same breath they tell you they can't hire you cuz u lack experience and they have no time to do training or some other BS. it's a lose -lose as u said because you can't the the experience unless they hire you and you won't get hired without experience. it sucks. what i did to combat that problem was (this will sound crazy to a few of you) i quit my bank job (which i hated) and volunteered for a almost a yr at an agency in my field. i was broke and unemployed and working for free for almost a yr and it was a struggle. and i was lucky to have the support of my dad morally and financially. but it worked out well for me in the end cuz i was able to gain the experience i needed to finally get a job that pays well in my field.

so maybe u can approach the company and ask them if you could volunteer ur services for them for a few months. if they let you u will gain the experience in sales, they will get to see 1st hand ur skills and the next employment opportunity that arises you should be a shoo in for the position. u said times are really hard for ur family which must really suck and may prevent you from even being able to do what i am suggesting. but never the less it's a suggestion smtng that you could try and the upside to volunteering is it keeps u busy and not focused on the hard times u're struggling with. nevertheless keep ur head up, keep fighting and things a bound to improve.