The RANT Thread Part Deux: Back with a vengeance

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I don't wanna explain it but I've been feeling really bad lately and it's sucky. I wanna be really happy again! *rant*
God, you're annoying. Take your damn smelly food to the kitchen and eat there, for heaven's sake! And close your mouth while you're eating!! It's so disgusting to hear you smacking so loudly. Call whoever you're calling when you're done eating. I know it's getting cold, but if you insist on eating your awfully smelly food in our bedroom, you will just have to live with me opening the windows to get the stench out of here! And whatever language it is you speak, it's freaking annoying. And your laugh makes me want to kill something. Seriously, I hate you. So, so much. Why did I have to end up sharing a room with you of all people??? They're so many nice people in this building, but you're obviously not one of them.
Omg! I hate you! I even called and asked you to stay away from my school for just my birthday, cause everytime you pop by everyone surrounds you and gives you all the attention you want, leaving me behind with just one friend. I hate you for that! And even on my birthday, when I gave you damned concert tickets for the RHCP on yours, you can't even let me have a day when I get some attention? You steal away my best friend, and now my frickin birthday?! I HATE YOU! Stay away! You don't even go to school anymore, why do you keep ruining my *you-free - life* ? Just die. *RANT*
"...i want watch something good and interesting, im bored." " ok. there is xxxxx anime or if you want yyyyy drama or zzzzzz movie. All of them has splendid cast and very good story" " ewwwww....thous are from 80 th and 90 th....i hate old stuff!" " speak about food? Art never ages." I have had nearly same conversation now with countless people and i cant say it is age theme... its more like brain paralyzis. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right now if I was living in DramaUniverse, even though I only get odd-jobs with low pay, I'd be carrying a last generation smartphone...not!!!!! How DARE you die on me while I 'm desperatly awaiting this call !!!!!?
Juniko wrote: Right now if I was living in DramaUniverse, even though I only get odd-jobs with low pay, I'd be carrying a last generation smartphone...not!!!!! How DARE you die on me while I 'm desperatly awaiting this call !!!!!?

Awww yes that sucks!!!! Whar kind of phone was it?
One day I am going to shoke those people to make them understand that Asia have many countries and just because they have the same eye form, it doesn't mean that they belong to the same country!! Bloody Hell!! I was about to beat somone up right now! I was looking at Joo Won's pic and a friend of mine said: "Is that a chinese actor?" I said "No, he's Korean, from South Korea" "They look the same anyway: they have the same eyes and facial forms" "No, they don't" Another stupid joined the conversation and said "Oh, that japanese guy looks good" the other one replied "No he's from the country that have nuclear weapons, it's that country that hates the US" I said "He's not from North Korea, he's from South Korea" The second one said "They have the same eyes anyway" I started to lose patience "Nooo, they don't!!" Another stupid jumped in and said "Those are Taiwanese guys pictures? They have the same eyes" *Dropping out of the conversation or I will seriously hurt someone*
I hate that too, my classmates did it all the time when I was watching some drama on high school, or when they saw my wallpaper. People are so ignorant and prejudiced against anything not concerning them! It's not like you should love Asians like me or whatever but if you're going to comment about it at least inform yourself first because you look like an idiot to me. China, Japan and Korea are completely different countries with different cultures and even languages.
Exactly, they have different languages for God's sake!! Well, Spain is much better than England because here at least there are many people who loves dramas (I have many friends to watch dramas with here) but in England: "They are the people from Japan, the Yen country", "They are the people who speak chang dong woo all the time" "their language is so messed up". It not one language, it's three languages for the love of the lord!!!
Rourou wrote: Exactly, they have different languages for God's sake!! Well, Spain is much better than England because here at least there are many people who loves dramas (I have many friends to watch dramas with here) but in England: "They are the people from Japan, the Yen country", "They are the people who speak chang dong woo all the time" "their language is so messed up".
It not one language, it's three languages for the love of the lord!!!

Yes, they even have different languages! :@

Here in Costa Rica the hallyu wave is arriving with all its force so my college classmates now say stuff like "oh, you're watching Korean dramas again" But at least they now know the difference.
Oh btw, you're living in Spain??? That's so cool, I've always wanted to go there! Do you speak Spanish?
I don't understand organic chemistry. I detest organic chemistry.
Probably because I don't understand it. Sigh.
Wish it wasn't mandatory :(

[sorry, studying for a midterm now. blegh]
Becca256 wrote: Yes, they even have different languages! :@

Here in Costa Rica the hallyu wave is arriving with all its force so my college classmates now say stuff like "oh, you're watching Korean dramas again" But at least they now know the difference.
Oh btw, you're living in Spain??? That's so cool, I've always wanted to go there! Do you speak Spanish?

Yes, I do but I wouldn't say that I like living here that much (I prefer my foggy cloudy gloomy London). I speak Spanish but not that great mainly because I don't like it so much as a language (no offence since it's your mother tongue I assume).
So you want to come here, are you a football fan? because most of the people who wants to come here are mostly interested in football.
Rourou wrote: Yes, I do but I wouldn't say that I like living here that much (I prefer my foggy cloudy gloomy London). I speak Spanish but not that great mainly because I don't like it so much as a language (no offence since it's your mother tongue I assume).
So you want to come here, are you a football fan? because most of the people who wants to come here are mostly interested in football.

Oh why don't you like it? Too hot? And none taken, I always say that if it weren't my native language I wouldn't ever learn it because it's too complicated.
And no, I'm not a futbol fan, I'm sick of it because people love it here and I'm like "it's just a sport, stop spamming me with it". I want to go to Spain because of the architecture. I'm a huge fan of Gaudi.
I do the best I can ! If your not satisfied, then just do it yourself! Put youself in my shoes for a change, and stop ordering me around ! It's easy for you : the "HEAD" of the family, not capable or even wiling to begin to understand what I've been throught my entire life because of you mental blindness. What ? I'm putting my family in danger now? My mother isn't well because of ME ? ME ? Who was there when YOU wouldn't listen to her ? Who spent time with her when you couldn't care less ? So now that you Finally get the problem and that you suddenly want to man up and handle it patriarch-style, you think you're so great with the shinning armor of a fighting hero, when actually you're nothing but a coward who is the last to stand in the field in which everybody else started fighting years ago ! But when I started the war where were you ? Right, you wouldn't beleive me. YOU thought I was crazy ! Well now you start the fight, and you tell me that what I do - EVERYTHING I DID - is not enough? That while you are fighting the problem, I'm putting us all in danger ? I'm dragging you down? YOu know what ? Sh*t the F*ck up ! YOu know nothing and I have nothing to learn from you !
wow this feels good !