The RANT Thread Part Deux: Back with a vengeance

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Dear Newly Divorced Neighbor man: I'm sorry your wife left you. I'm happy you got to keep the house D and I watched you slave to renovate for 6 years. I'm sorry you seem a little lonely all alone in said house. But if you don't start bringing your dog inside at night and stop him from constantly barking for hours on end I am going to kill you. Because 1) It is annoying to my little fam. It wakes up my kid, it makes my normally, amazingly laid back man cranky and it makes me want to pull my hair out! 2) It's cruel cruel cruel to your dog!
PinkDiamond wrote: Dear In-laws:

I understand that your son had a child earlier than what you had expected, and I also understand that you wanted him to purse his college career and instead he chose a totally different path than what you chose for him. I understand that you also have problems with him being married to someone of a different religious denomination. Yeah, I get it. I also know that it bothers you because I'm black. Okay, I can brush that off my shoulders too. I put up with your excuses about why you couldn't ever visit your grandson, and I even tolerated you writing a letter to your priest to ask if my husband and I should be married because he's Catholic and I'm Baptist, but how much can I take?

I'm tired of your pettiness! When your own son, considers cutting ties with you, that's when you need a reality check because whether you like it or not...we are married and damn it I'm black...and I'm going to be that way until the day I die! And your 2 year old grandson is going to be half black until the day he dies!

I'm always respectful and polite towards you! I'm not out partying, I'm not on drugs, and I'm not unfaithful to your son, no matter what we go through! I try to be the best person, mother and wife that I can be, and yet you still have issues with us being married. What the hell!

I know you only invited me to restaurants and over for dinner at your house because you knew John wouldn't come without me. And when he left for boot camp you never kept in touch even to say hi to Mani. I had to always hunt you down and call you to ask if you wanted to see him. But I'm done. It is what is. At the end of the day we still going to do what we have to do to take care of our family.

pd ur post gutted me. i would hate to be in ur position. it doesn't matter what ur race or religion is but once someone uses that against u it's discrimination. do ur in-laws realise they are discriminating against their grandson too. they are every much a part of him as u are. i'm sure the last thing u would want is ur son having a grudge against his grandparents or u when he is old enough to understand what has happened. my advice don't ever speak badly of them to ur son or in front of him and try as best as you can to be diplomatic with them for his sake. in the end he will see that u tried for him and if things are still bad down the road he will know it's not ur fault. i hope that they too do not speak badly of you to ur son and i hope things get better for u. that's a lot of stress to be living in.
PinkDiamond wrote: Dear In-laws:

I understand that your son had a child earlier than what you had expected, and I also understand that you wanted him to purse his college career and instead he chose a totally different path than what you chose for him. I understand that you also have problems with him being married to someone of a different religious denomination. Yeah, I get it. I also know that it bothers you because I'm black. Okay, I can brush that off my shoulders too. I put up with your excuses about why you couldn't ever visit your grandson, and I even tolerated you writing a letter to your priest to ask if my husband and I should be married because he's Catholic and I'm Baptist, but how much can I take?

I'm tired of your pettiness! When your own son, considers cutting ties with you, that's when you need a reality check because whether you like it or not...we are married and damn it I'm black...and I'm going to be that way until the day I die! And your 2 year old grandson is going to be half black until the day he dies!

I'm always respectful and polite towards you! I'm not out partying, I'm not on drugs, and I'm not unfaithful to your son, no matter what we go through! I try to be the best person, mother and wife that I can be, and yet you still have issues with us being married. What the hell!

I know you only invited me to restaurants and over for dinner at your house because you knew John wouldn't come without me. And when he left for boot camp you never kept in touch even to say hi to Mani. I had to always hunt you down and call you to ask if you wanted to see him. But I'm done. It is what is. At the end of the day we still going to do what we have to do to take care of our family.

PD i am giving you a HUGE hug right now. I feel really bad for you but i am glad you stood up for yourself. Sometimes people can be too cruel. They need to put their hatred for you where the sun don't shine.
Sounds like this isn;t a friendly place? 0.0
Or rather has lots of issues. Sorry I just joined am randomly hoping around threads.
Bladey wrote: Or rather has lots of issues. Sorry I just joined am randomly hoping around threads.

First, welcome! :)

This thread may be a little confusing, hehe. The original got deleted and this one doesn't have a proper explanation in the OP (should I edit to add one?)

We don't have any more issues than the average person :) This thread is a place where you can say what's on your mind without worrying what other people say or think. Sometimes, as social creatures, we have emotions that we want to vent or are struggling to understand what we really want to say. At these times, speaking to anyone who is personally involved in the situation can be detrimental. By coming to this thread, the contributors are able to express themselves in a judgment-free environment.

No issue is too big or too small for the rant thread. You can even say things you don't really mean. It's the forum version of punching a pillow :)
Bladey wrote: Or rather has lots of issues. Sorry I just joined am randomly hoping around threads.

lol. this is where i come to maintain my sanity when my world seems to go nuts. welcome. :D feel free to come here and rant about anything that is affecting you. u never know other ppl might be able to relate, give u advice or just be supportive. and on the upside ur rant can provide some humor to others who may be in desperate need of the giggles.
Bladey don't be intimidated by our rants lol it's just a thread to blow off steam ;)

for instance..

Dear 14 year old sister in law.... your friends and family are lying to you, you are, in fact, NOT a good singer, and I really hate that your room is above my computer room so I get to listen to you "sing" ALL the freaking time. stick a sock in it. i'm sure your friends don't want to listen to you sing to yourself while you're on the phone with them either. if you have nothing to say... HANG UP!


oh PS, how can a dancer be so ungraceful and have such a heavy step? why does it sound like a stampede of elephants when you walk when you are so tiny? quit walking on your heels or stomping your feet or whatever it is you do that rattles everything down here!!
STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Stress stress stress stress stress............
I have to have a pen and ink drawing with 3 types of shading and a pencil drawing with 3 types of shading done by tomorrow. And I've only completed the pen and ink. Then I found out that my effing work has lied to me. 2 YEARS I have worked for them and I am just now finding out that our personal time doesn't roll over to the next year, but every time I try to use my personal time they deny it. They won't let any employees have any time off until NEXT year!!!!! And apparently I have to re-enroll for my health insurance with them every year, or they will automatically put me on the most expensive plan and take all of my effing paycheck. But in order to figure out how to re-enroll, I have to talk to Personnel. But Personnel is never scheduled when I am and I can't talk to them when I am off the clock. @%#@%$$%@#$%#$^%%&^*#%$%#^%#$%#%&^*$%&((*(%&*$%%#%^#$%#$%$#%@@#$$!$%#$$%

OMG STRESS!!!!!!!!!!
^^I know this sounds lame but I hope all that red tape with your job works out soon. It sounds extremely stress inducing. Ugh!^^

Also...My rant is: I HATE megavideo...What is the reasoning behind only so many hours of play before they cut you off. If other sites can manage without that pain in the arse hassle why can't you? Get it together suck. that is all.
I'll have to disagree with you on that one, jeanie. Megavideo is good, at least it;s much faste than any other of the supid sites. I hate all others, I heart megavideo, even with its limits. I just can't stand the ads on all other video players, even youtube has ads, they crash my browser, megavideo doesn't have them.
Megavideo doesn't work for me. Haha. So I don't like it :p
they should change the name of megavideo to waitvideo....its sounds more appropriate