RainFlower wrote: Most of the ladyboys are stunning...but there was one yday who looked a bit of a big bertha lol

I hv no idea whether its a boy or girl panda ...at first I thought it was like big brother for animals but no its just this one panda all by him/herself awww

Tuks tuks are like a rollercoaster ride with no safety harness im a game bird so wasnt scared altho my calmness seemed to make the driver go even faster/erratic trying to get a reaction out of me...no chance haha I did take photo of the driver and one of mewhile vlinging on for dear life I will post pics when back ok n KL. I was debating whether to go to csmbodia or not as flights v expensive...so I ...deep breath....hv decided to slum it by going train &

BTW I am getting a bit of a k/j pop education there are several music channels devoted to them...i found a new one I hadnt heard of before (dunno u guys proly yold me but I wasnt paying attention :p ) called Tohoshinki?

Haha That's the Japanese name for the Korean band DBSK. Yoochun <3 The members of JYJ actually were originally in DBSK/Tohoshinki
Lol I knew you guys would make me feel stooopid lols I thought some of them looked familiar haha
RainFlower wrote: Lol I knew you guys would make me feel stooopid lols I thought some of them looked familiar haha

Haha Don't feel stupid! When I first started listening to Kpop i got confused ny the whole TVXQ/Tohoshinki/DBSK talk too. That's a lot of names for one band.
RainFlower wrote: Lol I knew you guys would make me feel stooopid lols I thought some of them looked familiar haha

Haha awww I didn't mean to make you look like that, I just found it funny because I know you like JYJ :p

Tohoshinki = DBSK's Japanese name

Sleepninja wrote: Haha Don't feel stupid! When I first started listening to Kpop i got confused ny the whole TVXQ/Tohoshinki/DBSK talk too. That's a lot of names for one band.

Haha me too! They were the first group I started listening to but I knew them as DBSK so TVXQ confused me and then Tohoshinki confused me...but I get it now haha. It is a lot of names haha
Travelling Update

You guys last heard from me when i was in Bangkok. I think I made it clear I wasn?t a fan of Bangkok (BKK) too sleazy for my liking one Aussie woman I met referred to BKK as the whorehouse of Asia!!

Oh well I was debating whether or not to go to Siem Reap (it has the Angkor Wat Temples as seen in one of the tomb raider films) I had always wanted to go but the flights were really expensive (holiday season etc) so I decided to be brave & travelled by train from BKK to Aranyaprathet (which is nearest train station to Cambodian border) the journey took about 6 hours & cost £1 yes £1!!!

I then got a tuk tuk to the border where the dodgy tuk tuk driver tried to take me to a fake visa selling place but I knew the scam & told him I already had a visa lol he then dropped me off at the border crossing which is this big archway with a sculpture of the Angkor Wat temples on top (I will post pics later) I crossed & bought my Cambodian visa from the legit place then got on a shuttle bus to the bus station where I got a shared taxi to Siem Reap with 2 British guys for $12 each, So the flight was nearly £300 & I did the journey in £10 RESULT!!!

I went to the temple complex & it is huge I stupidly thought I would just walk around its miles apart so the hotel kindly arranged for a tuk tuk driver (not dodgy haha) to drive me from place to place. I bumped into one of the guys I shared a taxi with & made friends with an Aussie woman & we all met up for dinner & drinks that evening. All in all I liked Cambodia EXCEPT the DOGS (the canine variety) there were loads of them just wandering around & as I have a SLIGHT phobia of dogs it wasn?t good lol

Anyway this is the funny moment next day I am coming back to BKK same route shared taxi from Siem Reap to Poipet (Cambodian border town) & then into Thailand for the 6 hour train journey to BKK. I left at 9.30am the car journey is supposed to take less than 2 hours & my train is at 13.55 so I thought that?s plenty of time anyway the taxi I was in kept making random pitstops dropping off & picking people up but nevertheless I got to the border for 12.15 giving me over 1 and a half hours to get across the border, the Cambodian side took less than 5 mins?.HOWEVER the Thai one took forever dunno what the hell they were doing cos we all had to queue outside the building for an hour, now im starting to panic thinking im gonna miss my train?.finally its my turn I clear immigration & its already 13.45 aaaggghhhh?.

I then run to the taxi place but they wont take me to train station as its such a short journey & tell me to get a tuk tuk?. Now I hv mentioned previously how fearless & crazy the tuk tuk drivers are well sods law I get this old guy who is driving at a snails pace lol Im asking him to go faster im gonna miss my train he just ignores me?.according to my phone its already 13.55 so I give up pleading with him to hurry up & resign myself that I hv missed the train as we pull up to station I CAN SEE A TRAIN on the platform I jump out of the moving tuk tuk throw 100 baht bill at the driver (he asked for 60 but I didn?t have any change) the bill flies off he goes to chase it as I run to the platform the train starts moving Im shouting STOP THE TRAIN hahah luckily the train is one of those old ones that takes a while to speed up I jump onto the moving train (I SWEAR THIS IS ALL TRUE) by this time they have realised I was trying to catch the train & stopped it I turn to this guy & ask him is this the train to Bangkok he says NO aaaggghhh im getting ready to jump off the train which has now started to move off again lol when this other guy says yes this is the right train ?PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone on the train is looking at me like im crazy lol. I get back to BKK.

OK next instalment will be My excursion to Krabi beach ?.. tbc
LOL RF Sounds like you had quite the ordeal. Can't wait to hear your tale for Krabi beach and see the pics.
RainFlower wrote: I then run to the taxi place but they wont take me to train station as its such a short journey & tell me to get a tuk tuk…. Now I hv mentioned previously how fearless & crazy the tuk tuk drivers are well sods law I get this old guy who is driving at a snails pace lol Im asking him to go faster im gonna miss my train he just ignores me….according to my phone its already 13.55 so I give up pleading with him to hurry up & resign myself that I hv missed the train as we pull up to station I CAN SEE A TRAIN on the platform I jump out of the moving tuk tuk throw 100 baht bill at the driver (he asked for 60 but I didn’t have any change) the bill flies off he goes to chase it as I run to the platform the train starts moving Im shouting STOP THE TRAIN hahah luckily the train is one of those old ones that takes a while to speed up I jump onto the moving train (I SWEAR THIS IS ALL TRUE) by this time they have realised I was trying to catch the train & stopped it I turn to this guy & ask him is this the train to Bangkok he says NO aaaggghhh im getting ready to jump off the train which has now started to move off again lol when this other guy says yes this is the right train …PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone on the train is looking at me like im crazy lol. I get back to BKK.

OK next instalment will be My excursion to Krabi beach ….. tbc

oh Rainflower! That's so funny (In hindsight) and scary. But I envy you every mishap, panicked moment and crazy slow tuk tuk driver! What amazing memories you are making.
PinkDiamond wrote: Haha! That last adventure sounded like a movie RainFlower! I thought I was reading a script!

Hahaha so did I! xD Sounds like you had yourself a bit of an adventure! :D
PinkDiamond wrote: Haha! That last adventure sounded like a movie RainFlower! I thought I was reading a script!

Crazy4You wrote: Hahaha so did I! xD Sounds like you had yourself a bit of an adventure! :D

I know afterwards when i was on the train & grinning like a buffoon cos i had made it by the skin of my teeth I thought this sounds like a movie/book I couldnt believe that it happened like that so close haha

ok about to start uploading pics.....
Whooop! Pictures! ;)
I have hundred of pics but it would take forever to upload them & prolly crash MDL lol so here is a "brief" selection

Islamic Arts Museum in Kuala Lumpur

I have hundred of pics but it would take forever to upload them & prolly crash MDL lol so here is a "brief" selection

Islamic Arts Museum in Kuala Lumpur

Close up of the pillar above ....I dont know if u can see but this is made up of mosaic

one of the many interior domes - i accidentally re-sized this & cant make it bigger now lol

ornate shutters

RainFlower wrote: I know afterwards when i was on the train & grinning like a buffoon cos i had made it by the skin of my teeth I thought this sounds like a movie/book I couldnt believe that it happened like that so close haha

ok about to start uploading pics.....
