
Intro- I'm 2 years new to watching K-dramas and having been listening to K-pop for a while. My daughters introduced me to both. I've been slowly updating my list.. but lets just say I've watched quite a few dramas. My daughter minored in Korean in College and spent last summer there.. my other daughter is taking Korean studies in College now. Anyway.. look forward to navigating around the forum. Cheers!

Welcome to MDL! I hope you have a great time on here!
I'm jealous of  your daughters. Do you plan on also visiting Korea with them one day?
I'm jealous of them too ;-). And Yes I hope we can one day visit Korea together. I am really fascinated by the Korean culture.. and have enjoyed reading about it. The k-dramas have really been a window  for me. Thanks for the welcome!
wow! your whole family is into korean culture. 
welcome to mdl! :)
Yeah.. there are no slacker's here... this is the benefit of having really fun daughters. 
welcome to MDL! you're so lucky to have family members who share you interests! I've tried to get my sister into Asian dramas but I could never get her to watch more than two episodes...I get the feeling she just got tired of reading the subtitles. anyway, hope you have a fantabulous time here =)
Thanks! Yes I started out watching The Master's Sun while I was cleaning or cooking when my daughter was watching it.. so the 1st 9 episodes were just bits and pieces.. then I made the commitment per my daughters request ti sit down and watch a full episode. However I have long since passed them in drama watching and they realize now they've created a K-drama monster.. ;-)
great drama to start out with! The first drama I ever watched was Stars falling from the sky and I only watched it because I was bored and saw it on Netflix. At first I thought it was really weird but 10 episodes later and I realized I couldn't stop watching it and thus my drama addiction began
Hey there! :D my mum watches drama with me, too xD
HI.. that's cool that you watch with your mum. My daughters are usually pretty busy, so we don't necessarily watch together, however we do watch some dramas at the same time. At least my older  daughter and I. :-)