I think I need to update my profile lol. Everyone has amazing ones.
If you need any help with anything...Don't hesitate to ask!! :D
Hello to another newcomer! * waves*
Hello Rabbit and welcome to MDL! I hope you enjoy yourself here woot woot another Jaejoong fan *highfive*
Welcome to MDL :) how do you like the main actor in protect the boss? You should give secret love a try, Ji Sung was amazing in this one :)
@nekoblah I really liked the main actor hehe. And thanks, I'll check it out.
i need to add pics to mine,lol gif's are hard too! i love seeing those on everyone else's pages
hello fellow Jae Joong fan!
go to a person's profile and click on the send request button. i know i had the same question when i started.
@annette69 Thanks, but something is wrong, I think lol. In my notifications it's showing I have friend requests, but when I click on it, it shows I have zero friend requests. It doesn't make sense. Anyone else have this issue?
I have that problem all the time. If I saw their username, I go to their profile and resend the request. I don't know how to fix it.
@fulldex That's what I did when the problem started, but I have no clue if it worked. How does the 'friend system' work on here? Is it like Twitter where you can follow somebody, but they don't have to follow you back kind of thing? Or is it, once you accept friend request, both parties are mutual friends? Sorry for all the questions everyone! Lol.
I think it's when you accept a friend request, both parties are mutual friends. If you go to your own profile page, you can view all the friends that have been added. I honestly don't know too much myself.