Well I'm not so new to MDL...but I haven't done an introduction so I figured I would. I'm a wife/mother/full-time employee/sister/daughter. I have been watching Asian dramas for around 3 years now. I'm into anime which is what brought me to k-dramas (Playful Kiss/ Itazura na Kiss) which led to K-pop which opened up my eyes to a whole new world. I like j-dramas and t-dramas as well and enjoy the remakes and how the different countries make their own spin on things. Dramas and k-pop are my guilty pleasure and I wouldn't change it for the world! I also like learning different languages...sounds boring, but it's a beautiful thing really. I know some Korean and a lot of Spanish (thanks to my wonderful hubby :)) I like meeting new people too. So anything else you want to know feel free to ask, I like to talk (if you can't tell)!
Hey there, welcome to the forums! :D
Hi and welcome to the forums...Have fun! :D
Hola!!! Bienvenida!! Veo que eres bastante fiel a finalizar los dramas xD! That's good.
Thank you for the welcomes!!!
sakuraKhey wrote: Hola!!! Bienvenida!! Veo que eres bastante fiel a finalizar los dramas xD! That's good.

Gracias! Y si, eso es muy cierto! My addiction really shows there. =)