Jang Keun Suk is not only in Japan promoting for Team H, but he’s running around the streets in a monkey mask giving free hugs!

Check out the video below of Jang Keun Suk giving out hugs. The lesson of this article? If a guy in a monkey mask holds a sign wanting a hug, DO IT because its really JKS!!


Would you be freaked out, or would you go ahead and hug some random person on the street with a monkey mask on?
I just want to say these might be more appropriate in the respective actors and actresses threads. XD I'm just saying so spam doesn't occur and I'm not saying it to be mean or anything but there are threads dedicated to them so maybe put information there?
I'd be freaked out but this is hilarious :D
OMG I just want a free hug from him! HECK! I WOULD PAY FOR HIM TO HUG ME !
haha, then make sure 2 hug anyone wearin a monkey mask.. u may be lucky ;)