Smile You - 45 eps? Love it! 
Potato Star with 120 episodes
High kick S3 123 episodes 
completed- Ugly alert 133 episodes
I can't watch more than 20 :/ 
Ojakgyo Brothers & Unexpected You, both 58 episodes.
Empress Ki with 51 amazing eps!
Queen Seon Duk - 62 eps
King's Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang 108 episodes
I think it was Jumong with 82 episodes - but it was worth it!

I also watched King's Daughter Soo Baek Hyang, which has 108 episodes, but they are pretty short, but I think they were long in the beginning (I'm not so sure myself, it has been some years :D)

@Archania and @Hugo I loved King's Daughter Soo Baek Hyang. How did you like it?